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El's Metallic inplants


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So, El the Fused has unknown metal sheets in the place of his carapace correct? He is also a known high ranking Fused. I wonder if His metallic carapice are made of aluminium to resist radiants. We know Aluminium behaves in a similar way to Shardplate, resisting shardblades, lashings, and to an extent Anit-Light (Nightblood). Has El been replicating shardplate? Is he going to become a more high steaks villain than the current Fused (Frankly underwhelming (See Steel Inquisitors better bad guys than Fused?)).

Is he really going to be the Nine Shadowed Champion?

Frankly, I hope not.

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8 hours ago, FictionSpren said:

Anit-Light (Nightblood).

First of, because I have to get that out: as far as I know and I'm pretty sure of that, Nightblood is not (the same thing as) Anti-Light. Nightblood destroys Investiture, Anti-Light is Anti-Investiture, negative Investiture. I wouldn't be surprised if Nightblood could eat Anti-Light too tbh.

That said, yeah, I definitely think El is going to be a Fused+ kind of villain. We're kind of used to the Fused already by now. Unsure if he'll be done with by Part 5, I wouldn't be surprised, and he functions as an opponent for Adolin or Szeth or someone, or maybe he goes to try and assassinate Jasnah or Dalinar, OR if He's being set up for the Back 5 books. Maybe as some kind of Commander for TOdium's Forces.

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1 hour ago, Benkinsky said:

First of, because I have to get that out: as far as I know and I'm pretty sure of that, Nightblood is not (the same thing as) Anti-Light. Nightblood destroys Investiture, Anti-Light is Anti-Investiture, negative Investiture. I wouldn't be surprised if Nightblood could eat Anti-Light too tbh.

I think this is the thing - We don't have any idea where the Investiture "consumed" by Nightblood actually goes.

Aluminium acts like a short circuit to the spiritual realm, but I highly doubt of a sword of Aluminium would behave the way NB does. I don't believe it is destroyed though, I think it's going somewhere.

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1 minute ago, BinarySecond said:

You have provided no evidence to support this. I am 100% on board this hype train.:lol:

Oh, there is no evidence, other than how conspicuous the act is viewed in world, and the fact that Fabrial mechanics were shown to mirror some elements of the metallic Arts to make me extra suspicious. B)

I strongly suspect it's functional in some way, and Hemalurgy's a pretty similar mechanic to some of the realmics being explored.  And now that we've seen Awakening, Aviar, Aons, and even some Feruchemy/Metalminds on stage in SA, I expect the trend of cameo magics to continue.  

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32 minutes ago, Ookla the Ingeniator said:

Fabrial mechanics were shown to mirror some elements of the metallic Arts

I loved this part of RoW. When Navani said they don't know how to enhance (or diminish I'm afraid I don't remember) I felt very smug because I DID!


3 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated said:

It's the smoke he leaks when drawn, and it goes back to the SR eventually

Oh wow really? That's very interesting. I will have to delve into the Nightblood wiki page as I'm up to date with SA and Warbreaker.

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52 minutes ago, Ookla the Ingeniator said:

Oh, there is no evidence, other than how conspicuous the act is viewed in world, and the fact that Fabrial mechanics were shown to mirror some elements of the metallic Arts to make me extra suspicious.

I'll make my own Tinfoil hat theory out of yours (with Blackjack, and Hookers)

The Fabrial Stuff isn't a hint that it's hemalurgy, it's very direct: The metal in El's skin act as the cage, making him a kind of Fabrial-Cyborg. I mean, he has a Gemheart, and I'm unsure if there's a Spren in it (that's what Regals are, but Idk if Fused and Regal are exclusive things), if that's where "El" is (as in, the cognitive Shadow) or if he otherwise inhabits this body (more akin to how Nale stapled Szeth back to his body... somehow.)

Either way, we have the two pieces for a Fabrial:

1. a Gem(heart) for a Spren (a piece of investiture) to inhibit

2. A metal "cage" around it to influence what happens.

I would not be surprised if we learned that that's what the metal is there for. We know El has appreciation for Humans and their arts. He would be eager to see if the impressive technology of Fabrials can be used for gain. Now the only question is what metals those are, and what they do with the Spren or CS inside El's Gemheart.

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32 minutes ago, Benkinsky said:

I'll make my own Tinfoil hat theory out of yours (with Blackjack, and Hookers)

The Fabrial Stuff isn't a hint that it's hemalurgy, it's very direct: The metal in El's skin act as the cage, making him a kind of Fabrial-Cyborg. I mean, he has a Gemheart, and I'm unsure if there's a Spren in it (that's what Regals are, but Idk if Fused and Regal are exclusive things), if that's where "El" is (as in, the cognitive Shadow) or if he otherwise inhabits this body (more akin to how Nale stapled Szeth back to his body... somehow.)

Either way, we have the two pieces for a Fabrial:

1. a Gem(heart) for a Spren (a piece of investiture) to inhibit

2. A metal "cage" around it to influence what happens.

I would not be surprised if we learned that that's what the metal is there for. We know El has appreciation for Humans and their arts. He would be eager to see if the impressive technology of Fabrials can be used for gain. Now the only question is what metals those are, and what they do with the Spren or CS inside El's Gemheart.

"On Second Thought, Forget the Theories and Blackjack" :D


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Well, that's the thing- The cage has to have contact with the gem for the effects to work, and El specifically replaces his carapace with it. And with the metal, if he were to return during the everstorm does the metal come with him? Does he inhabit a body then replace the metal or is he like the heralds, having a body made for him. Would a hemalurgically charged or fabrial tch come through with him? Or is El gonna rock up in an M-Bot level spaceship, cause I doubt he can re-spawn with all his buffs.

What do we think his powers are? because we know they affect how he replaces his Carapace. Regrowth perhaps?

I'm honestly really hoping he's got something different going on. Maybe the surge of adhesion allows him to mould his carapace?? There's also the fact that we haven't seen any Fused with the surge of Division, could Brandon be saving it for El?

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5 hours ago, BinarySecond said:

Lezian's internal monologue states he (el) removes his carapace each rebirth and replaces it with the metal. As for it's function or purpose I have no idea.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had a kind of ritualistic way he does that. Spoke with a friend yesterday and came up with the idea that we might see the Notes or the structure of that ritual as one the pre-chapter snippets, where El or whoever made those metals for him the first time if it wasn't him goes through the different plates one by one, what metal they are, maybe what purpose they serve.

14 hours ago, FictionSpren said:

Would a hemalurgically charged or fabrial tch come through with him

from how I understand it, Fabrial tech wouldn't have that problem, since the metal isn't actually charged in any way. So El can just recover his old plates.

You do raise a good point with that the metal has to touch the Gem. I doubt he has a spike deep enough into his flesh that it touches his gemheart, but then again, who knows. If his Cognitive Shadow isn't exactly in the Gemheart but just present in the whole body somehow, maybe that's enough contact.

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On 12/2/2021 at 8:47 AM, Ookla the Ingeniator said:

Oh, there is no evidence, other than how conspicuous the act is viewed in world, and the fact that Fabrial mechanics were shown to mirror some elements of the metallic Arts to make me extra suspicious. B)

Although personally I am pretty sure that El's plates are aluminum, I still like this theory. The interesting and unique thing about Hemalurgy is it's one of the few magic systems that requires no initiation and is not physically tied to any region or planet. Anyone with the knowledge of Hemalurgy can practice it, and steal anything. The key of course is the knowledge but... who knows. Very interesting to consider. 

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10 hours ago, Benkinsky said:

th that the metal has to touch the Gem. I doubt he has a spike deep enough into his flesh that it touches his gemheart, but then again, who knows. If his Cognitive Shadow isn't exactly in the Gemheart but just present in the whole body somehow, maybe that's enough contact.

I wonder if there are gems attached to the metal beneath the skin (carapace?). I doubt you could use a Gemheart as a fabrial anyway, or if you did it would have very varied effects with each different form, due to the spren having different effects on the gemheart/fabrial.

Do Fused change forms? Also, Do Voidspren work in fabrials? Do any Higher spren?

2 hours ago, honorblades said:

Although personally I am pretty sure that El's plates are aluminum, I still like this theory. The interesting and unique thing about Hemalurgy is it's one of the few magic systems that requires no initiation and is not physically tied to any region or planet. Anyone with the knowledge of Hemalurgy can practice it, and steal anything. The key of course is the knowledge but... who knows. Very interesting to consider. 

I would like to see a Fused practising Hemalurgy, But does Roshar have access to all the metals from the metallic arts? Navini's notes mention they domt know some things still (I think this was mentioned earlier), is this because they just don't have the metals at all? I would think they do, being Rabionel has access to White Sand and Mraze has a Yolish stick so... 

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On 12/2/2021 at 8:22 PM, FictionSpren said:

What do we think his powers are? because we know they affect how he replaces his Carapace. Regrowth perhaps?

The surge of Tension allows the user to shift the rigidity of objects. We haven't seen any Tension Fused, so he could have that surge and use it to shape the metal to form a proper carapace.

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6 minutes ago, LuckyJim said:

The surge of Tension allows the user to shift the rigidity of objects. We haven't seen any Tension Fused, so he could have that surge and use it to shape the metal to form a proper carapace.

Yeah I was thinking that. But would tension work on aluminium? Besides I wanna see a surge of division fused :(

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46 minutes ago, LuckyJim said:

We don't know for certain he's using aluminum.

True but what would be the pourpose otherwise. Aluminium works like cheap shardplate. If the Fabrial theory is sound then he would need to stab himself almost to the gemheart. 
Also does he feel pain when replacing his carapace?


The surge of Tension allows the user to shift the rigidity of objects. We haven't seen any Tension Fused, so he could have that surge and use it to shape the metal to form a proper carapace.

Also it’s specifically said that El’s carapace is removed not like, moulded to the metal.

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The El knowing Hemalurgy thing has been my favorite theory since the moment I heard him talking about the metal. Brandon has mentioned there are people off Scadrial that have used Hemalurgy. The Ghostbloods are an obvious guess. El using metal is a possible sign. It would be pretty awesome if he just had limited knowledge but knew enough to get a power up every time he could catch a radiant and put a spike through them. As much as I want it though the carapace seems to be molded into armor more than spikes since he's replacing carapace. There has to be something interesting going on with the metal though. 

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14 hours ago, FictionSpren said:

But does Roshar have access to all the metals from the metallic arts?

I assume Roshar the planet does, since Preservation just took up a set of metals that seem to have been a thing pre-shattering, and none of the metals (except for Atium, which might be retconned as being part of the 16) are godmetals or creations of preservation or ruin.

However, Scadrial has a much much much higher incentive to actually dig for and try to alloy new metals than any other planet. And even so, in Era 1 due to TLR they didn't have all of them discovered. Taln's mantra tells us that up until recently, each desolation threw humanity back so far they had to rediscover bronze casting, so yeah, I think while the metals are technically on the planet, Humans haven't found or cleaned them yet. Maybe some Fused know more, and that's why they're interested in certain areas, where they know they can mine for those metals.

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2 hours ago, Psykopathic said:

enough to get a power up every time he could catch a radiant and put a spike through them.

from what we know, this wouldn't really work, since he would need to spike the Spren too, otherwise he'd just get the Radiants part of the Nahel Bond, which the Spren could cancel, so all El did was stab himself with some metal. Personally, I think a Fabrial is more likely.

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On 12/3/2021 at 8:12 PM, FictionSpren said:

does Roshar have access to all the metals from the metallic arts? Navini's notes mention they domt know some things still (I think this was mentioned earlier), is this because they just don't have the metals at all? 

I think the key here is Roshar has theoretical access to all the metals, but they have very little technological incentive to research how to create, say, bendalloy. That either needs to change or they need someone from Scadrial to come and be like "hey this is useful, and here's why" 

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