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Favorite Metals?


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Welcome to the Shard, @QueenOfInk ! Have an upvote.

53 minutes ago, QueenOfInk said:

What are your favorite metals shown in the series so far? 

Probably Electrum. It has a useful Allomantic power, an epically awesome Feruchemical power, plus it has a cool sounding name.

Copper, Nicrosil, Bronze, and Tin are very cool as well.


Edited by Mudkipspren
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If I had to choose a metal for myself it would be cadmium or brass. The first one would allow me to read without anybody getting angry at how much time I spend reading, the other one is really usefull (if you know what you do).

Which one I like most in general is hard. They all have something to them. Maybe electrum or gold. They are both awesome for feruchemy and for allomany offer a great chance for role play (Mistborn Adventure Game). You need to be a bit creative, but they can be really funny.

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My favorite hands down are steel, gold, and chromium. I like them because of the crazy stuff you could do if you were a twinborn compounder in era 2 for any of those 3. I've also been trying to think of a way to hijack the metallic arts into a Dungeon world campaign. I'll probably steal ideas from the Mistborn Adventure Game lol 

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My favorite metal is brass since I would love to have a personal Soother to relieve my stress and anxiety from time to time, doesn't matter if it's only numbing the feelings temporarily. I would've been happy to hang out with Breeze and be his little helper in exchange of some Soothing instead of telling him to stop pushing my feelings:'D

The metal I would like to be able to burn myself would probably be bendalloy to give me more time to think before I speak so I wouldn't be so awkward. Though I guess it would become twice as akward if I caught the opponent in my speedbubble too... Hmm. Maybe feruchemical zinc would be more suitable for that. Though I do like steel too, would be cool to "dance" in the air by pushing on various metal anchors:D 

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