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WoR Updated Ars Arcanum(lots of spoilers)


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I'm putting this here instead of in the normal stormlight area due to the spoiler content.
So this is based off of primarily the ars arcanum in the back of the book and information on the wiki page. The only information I am not sure of is 

Dalinar's Bondsmith Ideal. The wiki has it split in to two ideals but the book gives no indication that they are separate vows besides  him using the stormfathers name


I tried to set this up more like a relational database, or at least the beginnings of one. This books level of organization lends itself to that detailed of classifications. I took this approach because I assumed that eventually there is going to be more than just 10 surgebinders, with one of each order. Ideally we would set up a separate people table and use the surgebinders table as a supplement to those who can surebind, but I mainly made this for the clarification and cleanliness of information about the 10 orders.


I'd like to include the faces of the heralds and the glyphs, but I'm using an excel spreadsheet right now and it doesn't like images.


All that being said, this first one is less spoilery


PLEASE NOTE: I am basing this on the wikipedia. So for those of you saying that Dalinar only said the second ideal, while I agree the wiki says that was 2 and 3 so that is what I am using here (http://coppermind.net/wiki/Bondsmiths).


And this one has loads of WoR spoilers, so you've been warned



As always, input/corrections are welcome!

Edited by paperhouse
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i'm not sure the shardblade comes only withthe third ideal for all orders. Shallan has the shard blade before her first or second truth 

infact she uses pattern-blade in the flashback sequence



Also, I have dalinar at 3 because the bondsmith page on the wiki (http://coppermind.net/wiki/Bondsmiths) indicates he said 2 ideals instead of just the one. But I agree that in the book it only seems like one ideal, this caught me off guard.

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Good point.... Also, all of this ideal-level thing really doesn't work when you got the truths. Is every truth equal a oath? Does every order as a different amount of oath? etc. I think its stated somewhere by either Syl or Pattern that its really just depends on how the spren in question (or its type of spren) choose it to be.

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Good point.... Also, all of this ideal-level thing really doesn't work when you got the truths. Is every truth equal a oath? Does every order as a different amount of oath? etc. I think its stated somewhere by either Syl or Pattern that its really just depends on how the spren in question (or its type of spren) choose it to be.

This has been explained in the past. The First Ideal is the same for all ten orders, with four unique Ideals, or in the case of the Lightweavers, truths.

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I believe that "I will bring men together" is the Second Ideal of the Bondsmiths. 


For Shallan, we know the First Ideal is the same as the rest, but the Truths that come after are unique to each individual Lightweaver. That makes sense, since they're supposed to be free-spirited Artistes, and all. But, are there still Four Truths beyond the first? If there are, do they need to be spoken after the First Ideal? Because by my count, Shallan has spoken three so far: one when she Soulcast the goblet into blood, one when she showed Jasnah she could enter Shadesmar, and one when she admitted she killed her mother. That would make her level 4. But do they all count?

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Shallan is definitely at least level 3. And she was even as a child. Pattern makes numerous references to the fact that when she was very young she was progressing as a Lightweaver and we eventually find out that her mother tried to kill her for it. She already had a shardblade and killed her mother with it because she had already progressed that far as a Knight Radiant. Throughout Words of Radiance she keeps thinking that she needs to learn how to use her powers and Pattern keeps saying she used to know how or that she's already done those things.

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For Dalinar 2/3rd ideal: I am basing this iff if the wikipedia, so while I am personally inclined to agree with the arguement that It is only the second ideal, I am designing this in line wit hthe wiki, thus I have it listed as 3.


For the highspren: 

Words of Radiance: Chapter 59 said

She raised her chin high. "I’m no highspren. Laws don’t matter; what’s right matters."

This is a quote from Syl. given the divine attribute of just for order two, the inherit relationship of justice and laws, and this quote, it is logical to assume highspren are asociated with order two, the skybreakers. this is verified by the wiki, which I am trying to simplify and present tabularly.
For shallan: I classified her as Ideal level 3 because she had the first oath and two subsequent truths. I discount the incident with the goblet because all of her other truths were things she was in denial about, things she did not even remeber. In speaking the truth, she aknowledged that aspect of her past and that is what allowed her to progress. Wit hthe goblet she told them she was afraid. I think that the cryptics intervined in order to begin the process of her bonding/rebonding pattern and that is why they only needed a weak truth, they had no nehal bond.
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Just a minor thing -

Jasnah is at least ideal level 3, since she got a shardblade, and as far as I know Dalinar is only 2, not 3.

Otherwise looks fine to me!

Is it possible that the only reason Kal needed the third ideal for his shardblade is because that the stormfather was "grounding" syl? It's been pretty clear that he didn't want her anywhere near Kal, so he might have been preventing it somehow? 

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Is it possible that the only reason Kal needed the third ideal for his shardblade is because that the stormfather was "grounding" syl? It's been pretty clear that he didn't want her anywhere near Kal, so he might have been preventing it somehow? 

Another possibility is that spren don't become shards until they choose to, possibly once they believe their KR has earned it.  Kaladin was still very conflicted at the end of WoK so Syl may have just wanted him to wait, the Stormfather told Dalinar it was never going to happen, and Shallan had hers for a moment of extreme need.

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Szeth isn't a Skybreaker. Syl specifically said that no spen would ever bond him. He just straight up doesn't have a spren, or even a sharblade. We also never see Nalan's 'skybreakers' infusing, leading me to believe that they are all just skybreaker wannabes. Remember the herals aren't radiants, they don't have a spren bond. The got thier powers from the Honorblades, and now you are trying to tell me that Nalan can just hand out spren willy nilly. Why would he be wanting to make more surgebinders where has been going around KILLING the ones he can find just for existing.


I seriously don't get why people keep thinking that szeth is a skybreaker. He isn't a radiant, its quite plainly stated in the book that a spren would never, ever, ever bond him. As in he can't infuse, can't surgebind without the damnation honorblade.

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Well, it is stated by Syl that one wouldn't bond him. That's her opinion. There's a WoB about how Adolin killed Sadeas, and that even though some orders would never take him in now, others would love what he just did, such as the Skybreakers. So Szeth following his Oaths despite how much he hated it would lend to him being chosen for the law-abiding Skybreakers.


Edit:(almost forgot why i started posting) Pattern tells Shallan she has already said all of the Oaths she needs. Either this means she only needs to speak the first ideal and then truths, or that she already spoke several oaths as a child, reaching the level to get a Shardblade, and that the truths are just a way to power different abilities of hers, since her illusions need to be, in a way, truthful lies.

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law-abiding skybreakers. Are you seriously saying it wasn't against the law for szeth to murder hundreds upon hundreds of people. Many of whome were non-combatants. Remember WoK when he kills almost everybody at a feast. Come on how the **** is that law-abiding in anyway. You said it yourself, Adolin killing Sadeas one of the most corrupted characters in the book, a man who literally cause thousands of deaths, ruled Adolin out of being a skybreaker (WoB here). Now you are trying to say Szeth, a man who has done so much worse than Adolin, can be a skybreaker?


I'm sorry you poeple are delusional.

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law-abiding skybreakers. Are you seriously saying it wasn't against the law for szeth to murder hundreds upon hundreds of people. Many of whome were non-combatants. Remember WoK when he kills almost everybody at a feast. Come on how the **** is that law-abiding in anyway. You said it yourself, Adolin killing Sadeas one of the most corrupted characters in the book, a man who literally cause thousands of deaths, ruled Adolin out of being a skybreaker (WoB here). Now you are trying to say Szeth, a man who has done so much worse than Adolin, can be a skybreaker?


You poeple are delusional.



He was obeying Shin laws -- being a Truthless. It is the way he clung to being Truthless in spite of everything that makes him appropriate for a Skybreaker, according to Nalan.

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Paradox, Settle down.  Your posts make it sound like you are personally offended by people suggesting that Szeth is a Skybreaker.  But, in answer to your post I would point out that Szeth was following the laws of and directives given to him by his people to the letter in spite of his personal feelings.  Remember that intent plays a lot into this stuff.  That being said, I see no indication that Szeth has attracted a highspren and has entered into a nahel bond.  Until he does, he should not be listed as a KR Skybreaker.  The Skybreaker organization that Nalan is leading is by all appearances a vigilante group.  The Heralds do not likely have the power to command and direct spren to bond to someone.

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