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[OB] Oathbringer Chapter 1-3


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5 minutes ago, Calderis said:

Also, having the squires be subject to proximity to the Radiant definitely makes me think that Bridge Four will be weaker surgebinders, and not just able to infuse. 

The Windrunner Resonance would be pretty useless if their stronger and more numerous squires can't follow them to battle. 

Maybe 'strength of squires' as a resonance means that they do get access to the surges, to a lesser extent, while regular squires of other orders only get healing (or maybe just one of the surges).

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2 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Sounds very likely. Jasnah has to know where to find it and how to work it first though, so it might end up being Kaladin. 

Jasnah already seems to know where the Kholinar Oathgate is.  This info is buried in Words of Radiance in one of Shallan's later chapters, however I don't have the exact quote on hand at the moment.


Also, nine shadows to destroy them all, and in the Void bind them. Because I'm totally wanting to make Tolkien references. :P

Edited by dvoraen
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1 minute ago, Ciridae said:

Maybe 'strength of squires' as a resonance means that they do get access to the surges, to a lesser extent, while regular squires of other orders only get healing (or maybe just one of the surges).

And now I picture a cousin of Lopen who's a squire for another order talking to their Radiant. 

"it's not fair, gon. The Lopen, he flies. I can only glow. The Lopen will get all the women now." 

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21 minutes ago, hypatia said:

Without the context the obvious answer for something " brilliant, golden, but terrible, bathing everything in heat" would be the sun. This connect also with the Unmade seen as shadows.

Aren't the Shin worshiping the sun?


This is worth thinking about. The Shin secretly worshipping Odium. 

48 minutes ago, FollowYourMuse said:

Something I noticed. In the Adolin pov he mentions 

We know that Sebarial's, Dalinars camps evacuated. We know that Sadeas arrived, so did Sadeas just bring his army and lighteyes and leave the camp people behind? Or did Roions or Aladars camps not evacuate?

later Dalinar mentions specifically that Thanadal and Vamah stayed. 

Dalinar, Sebarial, Aladar, Sadeas and Hatham are confirmed to be in Urithiru I think. Roions warcamp probably went there too. It could be that Adolin isn't counting Kholin, Sebarial, Aladar and Roion because they csme there first. If so, there are eight Highprinces in Urithiru right now. 

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13 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

This is worth thinking about. The Shin secretly worshipping Odium.

I love this.  Adds a little more color to the Shin holding most of the Honorblades, and naming Szeth Truthless as they did.  The question is whether most of them realize it.

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So, I'm sure this is impossible and crazy and ridiculous, but my initial thought on the identity of the champion was... Gavilar.

I don't know, something about how the prologue read, how much Gavilar knew that we didn't know he knew, something about the way he died, something about all those events made me connect those ideas in my head even though everything we know says it's impossible.

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Kind of a consolidation, but perhaps there is a numeric link that incorporates 8-9-10.  Unrepentent spitballing follows.

10 - Honor's number.  Rosharan system.  Number of Heralds and Orders.

9 - Odium's Number.  Braize.  The Unmade.

8 - Perhaps Cultivation's number?  Number of Orders in the Outer ring of the Double-Eye of the Almighty.  When combined with 10 (Honor), the number of levels in Uritheru.

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4 minutes ago, the_archduke said:

If Brandon finished ASOIAF, it would be over in half a book.  Take out the gratuitous nudity and violence (which Brandon's wouldn't write) and there isn't much left to that story.

Really? Brandon wouldn't write about gratuitous violence? Did we just read the same three chapters?

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Just now, vividox said:

Really? Brandon wouldn't write about gratuitous violence? Did we just read the same three chapters?

That wasn't gratuitous.  Writing about war and fighting requires discussing violence.  ASOIAF revels in torture and graphic description.  This is a threadjack though, so I won't discuss this further here.



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It's a moot point anyway regarding Sanderson finishing ASOIAF. If anything happens it will be Daniel Abraham for the following reasons:

1. He is part of Santa Fe writing club of which Martin is a member.

2. He is good friends with Martin

3. He wrote the ASOIAF comic book adaption

4. He is a tremendous talent. Better than Martin in my opinion

5. I'm almost positive that Martin has said Abraham would finish it, but can't rememver where I have read that

6. They have already collaborated on a novel together (Hunter's Run)


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1 minute ago, Ammanas said:

It's a moot point anyway regarding Sanderson finishing ASOIAF. If anything happens it will be Daniel Abraham for the following reasons:

1. He is part of Santa Fe writing club of which Martin is a member.

2. He is good friends with Martin

3. He wrote the ASOIAF comic book adaption

4. He is a tremendous talent. Better than Martin in my opinion

5. I'm almost positive that Martin has said Abraham would finish it, but can't rememver where I have read that

6. They have already collaborated on a novel together (Hunter's Run)


Not to mention Brandon hasn't even read ASOIAF, doesn't want to, and their writing styles are totally different. 

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To tie the gold light/Odium discussion into one of my favorite theories, what if that scene is made to represent Odium blocking the Radiants Path to the Spirit Realm?

The theory goes that the secret that broke the Knights Radiant is the discovery that when KR's die they are forced to go to Braize, just like the Heralds.

The scene in Chp 1 COULD be symbolic of that.  Odium and the Unmade standing guard to block the KR's path to peace after death.

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1 hour ago, Calderis said:

Also, having the squires be subject to proximity to the Radiant definitely makes me think that Bridge Four will be weaker surgebinders, and not just able to infuse. 

This seemed pretty natural, and feels like a manifestation of Identity.  We saw in Bands of Mourning that location is tied in with Identity (EDIT: Or Connection!), and also that certain manifestations of Investiture (I am specifically thinking of Speed Bubbles) are based on the position of the practitioner.  As the squires seem to gain power from their KR, that is likely due to proximity.  Given Brandon's self-admission of being an armchair scientist, I would expect that we may later find that this effect follows some sort of inverse-square (or cube, so all three realms are accounted for) fall-off in potency.

I'd also suspect we'll find that the proximity factor is common amongst the orders.

Edited by redbishop
Missed an obvious Realmatic property.
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8 minutes ago, redbishop said:

I would expect that we may later find that this effect follows some sort of inverse-square (or cube, so all three realms are accounted for) fall-off in potency.

We know this isn't true. The spiritual realm is not location or time dependent.

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5 minutes ago, Calderis said:

We know this isn't true. The spiritual realm is not location or time dependent.

Granted.  I meant that what would be an inverse-square relationship (Optical flux, for example) in our universe may have realmatic analogues that operate on inverse cubes or some other, using the existence of the other realms to justify the change.  I apologize for getting too cute with my phrasing without adequate clarity.

We do see another example of location-based decrement of power in Elantris, although we don't really have enough data to model when the dropoff begins and how abrupt the cessation is, either here or in Elantris.

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The thing about the Squire's capabilities and the Knight Radiant they are tied to, or rather "attracted" to, reminded me of the law of gravitation (one of the surge of Windrunners, coincidence ?). I wonder if all Squire's have a limitation tied to a physical law or limitation linked to a Surge of the corresponding order.

On a side note, is it confirmed if there are Squireless Orders ?

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Does anyone else like the idea of Aladar (EDIT: and/or Sebarial!) becoming a squire for Dalinar? He seems to be 100% devoted to the cause now, and it may be interesting politically with regard to the other Highprinces. 

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Re: Squires only having powers in proximity to their Radiant

Okay, so this seems off to me.  We see at the end of WoR that the Lopen is able to grow back a limb while Kaladin is likely half way on the other side of Roshar in Urithuru (this is assuming that Kaladin’s conversation with Dalinar at Urithur is happening simultaneous to when the Lopen is growing back his arm in little Herdazia back at the Shattered Plains).

Alethkar is closer to Urithuru than the Shattered Plains are.  Why should the squires’ powers stop working at a lesser distance?

I have to believe (barring a continuity error, which I am going to assume it is not) that there is something else going on.  Maybe it’s not distance, but Kaladin completely running out of Stormlight (like we were shown in the preview Kaladin Chapter that Brandon did in some of his readings)?  Or something else.

(Or The Lopen just breaks all conventional rules of squiredom...)

Edited by KiManiak
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2 minutes ago, KiManiak said:

I have to believe (barring a continuity error, which I am going to assume it is not) that there is something else going on.  Maybe it’s not distance, but Kaladin completely running out of Stormlight (like we were shown in the preview Kaladin Chapter that Brandon did in some of his readings)?  Or something else going on

By the sound of things, there was a lot of back and forth through the oath gate, which means a lot of time on the shattered plains side for Kaladin and/or Shallan. With this information that scene has to have happened at a point that Kaladin was on the Stormseat side. 

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