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Qs and As from the London signing

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Ooh very nice.  Confirmation on Nazh's birth-world is good and I'm looking forward to that Jasnah reading (guess I know what i'll be doing later on... Transcribing!)


I can't wait to see what other questions people asked!

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Ooh!  I just had a question that I want asked (is there a place for this?).  Can spanreeds work between different worlds?


Considering that they don't work on the same world if one party is moving, I am going to guess that different Shardwords won't work. It looks like the distance between each pair of spanreeds has to remain constant since the moment of their linking.


Jasnah reading, much excited!


Nazh's birthplace confirmation - slightly less excite, his cursing was a solid clue already.

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I asked the following (paraphrased. If Paperclip doesn't forget his phone, he'll have the proper text. I don't remember quite how I phrased the first question. I intended to draw a connection to Awakening, not sure if it I did immediately or not.)

Q: Can you could Hemalurgically Spike a dead thing, similar to how Breath goes into dead things? Could you spike a Lifeless?

A: Yes, if there was enough of the soul left for the Spike to take. (I regret not asking if Allomantic Lifeless could be a thing)

Q: What would happen if you made a cup of tea from the Flowers of Edgli?

A: You would have a very interesting cup of tea.

I got a RAFO card for one of these, but he didn't mention which, sadly.

Was a shame that there were only five Sharders (who said they would be there on the forum), really, but there were a lot more people than he expected it seems. Just meant that we got less questions than we would like answered.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Ok! There was a stormlight 3 (Jasnah) reading which will get uploaded. I asked 2 qs:

1) Where is Nazh from? A: Threnody!

2) Could an awakened sentient object (e.g Nightblood ) bond a spren? A: technically but the specific circumstances you would need Would need are so bizarre, in practice no.


audio posted above :)

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First, let me say thank you for the work of recording and transcribing the reading. Take an upvote from me, both of you.



Jasnah is at the same spot in Shadesmar, when the crew is being executed as Shallan (she sees the lights winking out, and so does Shallan), yet they don't see each other? Something strange going on in Shadesmar. Could it have to do with Jasnah being fully in?



why are only blows to the head, killing blows when one holds stormlight? And is this only a Roshar type phenomenon with Investiture?


I wonder if he will read out any other texts in the other signings.

Edited by Kelek's Breath
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Presumably the stormlight would heal most other mortal wounds given enough of it. It's likely a bit of hyperbole, but the head is probably the easiest thing to go for if you want to permanently incapacitate or kill a surgebinder.

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Okay so the transcription is done, for the most part.  It isn't the best I've ever done, hopefully another version of the recording pops up where I can better parse out some of the bits.


Transcription included for ease of use:


Jasnah Kholin open her eyes and gasped, her fingers reaching, clawing at the obsidian ground, a knife in her chest. She could feel it grinding on her bones as it slipped between ribs, glancing off the sternum. She thrashed, rolling, then fought to her knees. She raked her fingers across the ground trembling, heaving breaths in and out. Moving, even breathing was perversely difficult, not because of pain or capacity[?] but because of an overwhelming sense of tension[?]. It made her shake, made her want to fight, run, to do anything she could to not die. She shouted, stumbling to her feet, and spun about, hand on her chest. Wet blood, her blood. A direct cut with a single knife hole.


“Jasnah,” a figure all in black in a landscape of obsidian ground reflecting a bizarre sky and a sun that did not change location. She darted her head from side to side, taking in everything but registering very little of it.

Storms she could feel that knife again, sliding into her flesh. She felt that same helplessness, that same panic, that accompanied the knife like a parasite. She remembered the darkness consuming, her hearing fading, the end approaching. She closed her eyes, shivering, trying to banish the memory. Yet the effort of trying to do so only seemed to solidify them. Dying. She would remember dying for as long as it took for the darkness to claim her again.

“You did well,” Ivory said, “well Jasnah.”

“The knife,” she whispered, angry at how her voice trembled, “the knife was unexpected.” She breathed in and out, trying to calm herself. That puffed out the last of her Stormlight, drawn in at the last possible moment, used like a lash to draw herself into this place. It had kept her alive, healed her. Ivory said that while a person held enough Stormlight only a blow to the head was enough to kill. She’d believed him but storms that didn’t make it any easier to lay there. And the knife. Who would have expected them to stab her after the blow to the head, that should have been enough to…

“Wait, Shallan. We have to go back, Ivory where is the junction?” She was able to locate the ship with ease for out on the ocean there were few living things above the water. So while many lights darted beneath the ground, faintly visible through the obsidian-like rock, only a handful hovered above in the air. They resembled candle flames and Jasnah thought of them as representations of a person’s soul, even though Ivory told her that was extreme oversimplification. Nerves still taut, Jasnah searched about for the junction, a faint warping in the air that would mark the place of her passage into Shadesmar. [When you’re in she can return the ship to…?]

One of the lights nearby winked out, Jasnah froze. “They’re being executed, Ivory the junction!”

“The junction is not,” Ivory said quietly, he stood with his hands clasped behind his back, wearing a sharp, yet somehow alien, suit all black. Here in Shadesmar it would be easier to distinguish the mother-of-pearl sheen to his skin, colors made by oil on water.

“Not?” Jasnah said, trying to parse his meaning. Despite their years together his language still baffled her, on occasion. “But there’s always a junction.”

“Only when a piece of you is there and not here,” Ivory said, “Today that is not. You are here Jasnah. I am… Sorry.”

“You brought me all of the way into Shadesmar? Now?” He bowed his head. For years she had been trying to get him to bring her into his world. Though she could peek into Shadesmar on her own, even slip one foot in, entering fully required Ivory’s help. “How did it happen?” The academic wanted to record the answers, to tease out the process so that she could replicate it. She had used Stormlight, hadn’t she? An outpouring of it, thrust into Shadesmar? She’d felt something pulling her, after that like gravitation to a distant place. Memories of what happened mixed with the terror of those last minutes. She had to ignore both at the moment, those on the ship were in danger. Jasnah stepped out to the lights, [hand covering the board] lifting a hand to cup one. The soul’s natural power repelled [held?] her hand, as if she was trying to put two pieces of magnetized stone against one another. Who was this? The light winked out.


@Kelek's Breath


I think Shallan hasn't entered Shadesmar at this point in the narrative and that Brandon stopped where he did to leave that question unanswered for now. Jasnah will most likely see Shallan when she appears, though why she doesn't speak with her I don't know. As for Shallan not seeing Jasnah, to be fair she was kind of distracted and not expecting for there to be anyone else around in Shadesmar.

As for the head wounds, I think it is as simple as with a head wound you die before Stormlight has the chance to heal you (it isn't instantaneous after all).

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Thank you so much for the time and effort to post (Sabrina, Wyrmhero) and transcribe (WieryWriter)!  Great stuff! I hope you guys were able to make it to the Pub afterwards and had a great time!


@ Kelek's Breath, WieryWriter


In WoR, Ch. 88., Nin explains that Szeth's revival is possible if "it is done before the brain dies." Would this imply that the brain is the final "connection" so to speak between the physical, cognitive and spiritual realms? And that Stormlight can heal basically anything as long as the brain is still alive. It sure seems that Brandon is slowly peeling away the layers and we are getting closer to understanding the way these interact. Also, even though I love Szeth and am glad that he is still around and has the possibility of redemption, these bits do make me feel a little bit better that the magic can explain his coming back.

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Stormlight Archive #3

I think it's odd that we get see what amounts to a Jasnah flashback chapter. I suppose it could be an interlude, but I find it unlikely - it has the ring of a flashback. Which suggests that Brandon may have reshuffled books around and we'll be getting the Elsecallers' one in a year and a half or so.


Let's see, what else. Shallan and Jasnah not meeting could, to me, be easily explained by restating that time flows differently in Shadesmar, and the Jasnah - being fully in the Cognitive Realm - could've moved away, perhaps to one of the spren cities, before Shallan could get a chance to jump over. Or maybe meeting people in Shadesmar is not as straight-forward as it is in the physical realm. I'd bet on the former though.

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Stormlight Archive #3

I think it's odd that we get see what amounts to a Jasnah flashback chapter. I suppose it could be an interlude, but I find it unlikely - it has the ring of a flashback. Which suggests that Brandon may have reshuffled books around and we'll be getting the Elsecallers' one in a year and a half or so.


He did mention in the pub that this scene might not necessarily be included in the final book... and also that if it isn't included then he might post it on his website.

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He did mention in the pub that this scene might not necessarily be included in the final book... and also that if it isn't included then he might post it on his website.


What time did he turn up there, in the end?

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What time did he turn up there, in the end?


I think it was somewhere around 9.30. Yes, he really did sign books for 3 hours! And was still just as friendly and energetic for the rest of the evening. Amazing. They started playing Magic around 10.30-11pm and left to continue at Brandon's hotel at around midnight, when the pub closed.

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Ah, actually kind of glad then that I didn't get in to play Magic - I would've had to have left before they even started to get my train back, which would've ruined things a bit for them.

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Very interesting.


SA3 spoilers:

Jasnah stepped out to the lights, [hand covering the board] lifting a hand to cup one. The soul’s natural power repelled [held?] her hand, as if she was trying to put two pieces of magnetized stone against one another. Who was this? The light winked out.


My "identity repels identity" theory breathes new life! I actually predicted that the flames would repel someone who tried to get close at some point, though I don't have the time to find the post for it.


Also, Ivory being required to get Jasnah fully into Shadesmar is interesting. Is it a sort of reverse effect, where Jasnah pulls him into the Physical, but he can pull her into the Cognitive? Theories! I need theories!

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Let's see if I can remember the stuff that came out in the pub chat... (this is my rough recollection, not word for word).


Start with the big one - Brandon threw us a bone on what the big world-hopping hint in Elantis could be (since nobody's gotten it yet): Raoden has misinterpreted one of the Aons.


Intended to be a small (ie indirect hint). Make of that what you will.


On being asked if an Elantrian could wield Nightblood, he said yes it's possible but would be very dangerous - you'd have to figure out a way to connect Nightblood with a local source of Investiture.


On Shallan's origins as a character: mostly derived from a character in Dragonsteel (I'm guessing the woman who turns up at the end of the "Liar of Partinel" book fragment that's been posted on his website) and Mat Cauthon. Specifically mentioned that she has issues with authority figures.


On origins of Dalinar: from story he wrote as teenager - his brother is the king who gets assassinated and he has to decide whether to take over from his nephew or not. Hoid is the court magician :D


There was lots of other questions but many were repeats. Hmm, wonder if I forgot something significant... hope not

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I hate spoiler policy in this forum...



How is that an in-your-face hint!? Were we supposed to catch Raoden misinterpreting the Aon? Because I am so starting a reread with a notepad at my side ASAP if there is a mystery to be unravelled. Tia ("travel") was pretty straight-forward, I think, and Rao was the other big Aon covered in the book.


Unless Raoden misinterpreted Tia in a more... weird way, deluding himself into thinking that he needs to specify distance to his destination, when it is, in fact, possible to just provide destination. That would so prove one of my theories spot-on. You guys won't hear the end of it.

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Because we are outside both the Elantris and the Cosmere Theories subforums. If I were in the Warbreaker subforum, I would still tag Elantris information as a spoiler, I think. But it's possible that I am being overly cautious.

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Because we are outside both the Elantris and the Cosmere Theories subforums. If I were in the Warbreaker subforum, I would still tag Elantris information as a spoiler, I think. But it's possible that I am being overly cautious.


mmm true, but nothing you said is actually spoilery, in my opinion. But its better to be overly cautious than the reverse I would say.

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