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WoK cover explanation?


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Hi!   So ... can someone please explain the cover of WoK to me?  Its been bothering me to no end.  I remembered reading something about it recently, where Brandon commented on it, but I couldn't for the life of me find the reference again.


So, the cover of WoK.  Is it Eshonai on the cover in the foreground saluting with a Shardblade?  If so, who is in the background?   It can't be Dalinar, because the figure in the background appears to be holding a spear.


Is it Kaladin in the background?  If so, who is in the foreground?  Dalinar?  I don't remember Dalinar saluting Kaladin when he was holding a spear.


If anyone can shed some light on it, I'd appreciate it.   Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, while I'm trying to waste away my time waiting on WoR to come out....



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It's Dalinar in the foreground, Eshonai in the back.  It depicts the scene after the Battle of the Tower, where they salute each other.


Keep in mind that the cover art is cover art, it doesn't exactly depict things accurately.  Namely, Dalinar's cloak being red instead of blue.

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It's Dalinar in the foreground, Eshonai in the back.  It depicts the scene after the Battle of the Tower, where they salute each other.


Keep in mind that the cover art is cover art, it doesn't exactly depict things accurately.  Namely, Dalinar's cloak being red instead of blue.


Thanks; or, if thats the case, that Eshonai, or any Parshendi for that matter, use a spear in the battle.   Eshonai's cape is described as red, and her helm is intact after the battle of the Tower, unlike Dalinar's, but Dalinar doesn't use a spear either....


So ... I guess I'm just going to stop thinking too much about it :)


Does anyone have the link to where Brandon talks about the cover, by any chance?

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Does anyone have the link to where Brandon talks about the cover, by any chance?

We first learned about it from a signing reading. (I'm not sure it was a signing actually. I sort of remember a video, with Brandon reading in front of a classroom or auditorium?) I wrote a FAQ about this question once, but I can't find the FAQ, only the old post where I submitted it. Anyway this has the info and a link to the signing report:


Q: Who's that on the cover of Way of Kings?

A: It's Dalinar and Eshonai. Eshonai is the female Parshendi Shardbearer who fights Dalinar and Kaladin in Chapter 68. She also appears in an earlier chapter, where Dalinar sees her across a chasm. That scene is the one on the cover.

Source: Second Eshonai Reading. The reading is from Stormlight-2, so it's a spoiler for that book. Brandon explains the cover in the introduction, before he starts reading.

Edited by Morsk
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We first learned about it from a signing. I wrote a FAQ about this question once, but I can't find the FAQ, only the old post where I submitted it. Anyway this has the info and a link to the signing report:



Thanks, thats exactly where I had originally found it

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Is there a reason Dalinar's cape has a chull/chasmfiend/greatshell creature on it?


Probably because it looks cool.  I doubt it is actually on the cloak in-book, after-all the cover really isn't "canon", such as the cloak being completely the wrong color.

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Probably because it looks cool.  I doubt it is actually on the cloak in-book, after-all the cover really isn't "canon", such as the cloak being completely the wrong color.


You know...


I hate to sound ungrateful, because I'm not. Brandon publishes more books in a year than most authors do in two or (in the case of GRRM) a lot more than that (it's mandatory for ASoIaF fans to diss Martin's writing speed, right?). It also isn't really that big a deal for me, since I had the paperback copy of Way of Kings, with the strange, sort of misty art to it (I'll try and find it).


Anyway, as I'm trying to say without using more brackets... am I the only one who is slightly bothered by the errors in WoK? The cover isn't a deal breaker, but, considering how important people are speculating Natan's attributes are, the fact they got swapped around is rather annoying. I also believe I read something about some of the surges being in the wrong place on the endpapers?


Are there corrected editions of these available? 

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The Endpaper charts are correct, those were done done by Isaac who now works for Brandon.  The interior art is all canonical, in-world stuff and is commissioned by Brandon (as in he pays for it) so he has control over the end result.  I don't remember reading anything about surges being in the wrong place, and I'd doubt that it is the case.  The covers, he has some influence, but not much. No author does.  So the fact that it is not a canon-matching depiction is something I've just had to accept.


As for the divine attributes being mixed up in the back of the book.  I doesn't really bother me?  People make mistakes, especially when proofing a book that size.  Brandon caught it eventually and told us at a signing and it will hopefully be fixed in future books.  So no harm, no foul?

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Hm. It sounds like I may have made up more complaints than actually existed. Wierd.


Thanks for setting me straight on that though. As I said, I didn't want to come across as ungrateful, because I do appreciate the work Brandon puts in; the amount of work he puts in is why I was so surprised by the amount that seemed "wrong", which... seems to have been misinformation I made up. Which is wierd.


Thanks again Weiry.

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Quiver I think what you are remembering about the surges on the endpaper, is that the chart being filled out by the 17th shard was wrong. Some surges had been placed incorrectly and Brandon corrected them at one of the signings. I think it was due to a miscommunication at a previous signing. I've never been to one of those question and answer sessions, but I imagine they can be hectic and hard to hear properly. I'm just glad that people can go to ask questions, and that Brandon is nice enough to answer them.

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