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And just to be clear, I find that the Seeker's (or Seekers') job is to scan random villagers, and if they prove to be clean, include them into their ring(s) of trusted villagers. Of course, these could be converted at a later time, but it should still be the safer way to go.

For the most part, I agree with this. My only hesitation is that we don't know what powers the Inquisitor has. What if they have something that messes with Seeking? Making them appear like a regular villager, when they're not? We could, quite unintentionally, end up including the Inquisitor in any "trusted group" if they do have some power like this.

Our best chance right now is to not kill anyone today, because the odds that we'll kill a Misting are incredibly high. And if we do, that gives the Inquisitor a chance to Spike someone. Sure, someone will probably die tonight, and they'll probably be a Misting, and that will give the Inquisitor the chance to Spike someone tomorrow, but at least we won't have an extra enemy quite as soon. And we'll have the night to give us something to work with.

Lastly, Claincy, your hidden messages are, quite frankly, hilarious. Really hope you don't die soon. I like the amusement.

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@Claincy: I would agree with you for all other rounds than the first round. It gives the Seeker an opportuniy to find at least one clean villager, which helps. And if everyone votes to kill no one, even with Emotional Allomancy, he won't be able to garner two votes for anyone, as - thank the Survivor - he has to cancel out his own vote to do so.

Edited by Aether
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Wes almost walked right into the person who entered the bar ahead of him. He was about to give the man a tongue lashing for stopping suddenly but then he saw what the man, along with everyone else in the room, was staring at. The anger quickly melted away to dread. 


The body in itself was disturbing, but what worried Wes the most was how many of the faces he barely knew. He had known Modeft well and worked with a few others on occasion but many of the others in the room were largely unknown.


Who can I trust in this group? How am I supposed to know who is acting out of character?


At the moment, he just didn't have enough information to condemn a fellow soul. He would wait. He would watch.


Swimmingly is a little suspicious with his willy nilly vote changing and fnord does seem a little blood thirsty but I agree for the moment there is not enough information to risk killing off a misting and giving the inquisitor a body to use for turning. We have no ideas what his powers are so there is no reason to think the chances of him having a vote swinging ability is high. I vote kill no one for now 


Edit: grammatical error, nothing that affected the content of the post

Edited by Awesomeness summoned
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I figure I should probably post something in my defence here for all the people who likely think I am an inquisitor by now.


If I am an inquisitor I am either attempting something insanely risky and daring by going forward like I am, or, I am simply terrible at being a spiked. Does me being terrible at being spiked fit with anyone's memory of the last game? ;)


I fully admit that I am not being sensible here from the perspective of someone who wants to live. But while I do want to live, I also really want to win. If i die at least my arguments will hopefully have helped us, as a team, win. Nobody other than me has done anything that could be construed as being particularly suspicious at this point other than me. The inquisitor would be downright crazy to be putting themselves front and centre like this at the start of the game. By far the most sensible option for them is to sit in a happy middleground of posting a bit, but not too much, so as to be as forgettable as Fnord is supposed to be :P



Ok, fine, fine. I will vote for no-one for now. I am just worried at the unlikelihood of every single one of the 28 villages deciding not to vote. If one person votes, but no-one else, that would be the worst case scenario. We lose someone and we don't gain the information that I am arguing for.


I'm glad you are enjoying them, I am having a lot of fun with them too. Hopefully I am not bringing them to a prematu


Edit: sorry if that sounded angry. I'm not :)re end.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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@Claincy: I would agree with you for all other rounds than the first round. It gives the Seeker an opportuniy to find at least one clean villager, which helps. And if everyone votes to kill no one, even with Emotional Allomancy, he won't be able to garner two votes for anyone, as he has to cancel out his own vote to do so.


@Wilson: I've read through the roles. Unless he's actively using his coppercloud ability (if he even has one) on someone, then he cannot mess with the Seeker's ability to seek.


EDIT: Fnord does have a point though. Even with emotional Allomancy, the Inquisitor cannot kill anyone on his own, but if even one villager votes for someone, then the Inquisitor can get a villager killed for free. So as a contingency plan, I suggest that everyone votes for the next person who votes for someone (without an extremely good reason) - as long as they refuse to change their vote to "no one". May the Survivor make it so that no one does.

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Eddy wasn´t in the mood to figure out who the inquisitor was, he just got his mind cloudy enough with booze. Still he didn´t want to die though he might be able to meet his brother if he did. No wussing out, Eddy.


"Sososs.. le me tell ya what we are conna do. Ma trusty boooutle will show me who ta beat up and will be goos."


Eddy lays the bootle of alcohol, he carries around with him constantly since his brothers dead, on the table and spins it. He did it rather clumsily, wich causes the bootle to fall on the ground and point at the table.


"Ya see? Algohol ells us sat wood is ebil so lets smash sa table." Eddy takes the table and throws it across the room strong enough for it to hits a wall. "Thats it, we ain´t killing no one else sis night!"

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Windrunner tried to calm the sound of his breathing, eyes darting from face to face. He could look anywhere, anywhere but at the grisly sight that had greeted him this morning. Unfortunately the smell of blood and viscera was not so easy to ignore.


I knew that this life would be dangerous, but this...? Windrunner thought to himself.


Try not to look guilty or scared. These men and women have been through hell together and will turn on a newcomer like me first.


Perhaps raising the alarm wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had. If I'd been thinking straight, I'd have slipped out quietly and let someone else discover the corpse. Being the new guy was suspicious enough on its own, let alone being the man to "find" the corpse.


This was supposed to be a fresh start, a new life away from the mines and the darkness that had claimed the lives of his father and grandfather before him. On that dreadful day that his father had not returned home, Windrunner had sworn to himself that he would not share his father's fate. Sure, being the fall guy was not the best job in the crew, but a man had to start somewhere.


A month among the crew, taking the fall for small jobs, little thefts, distracting the men of the garrison while pockets were picked and the like. He'd never been punished worse than a smack with a cudgel or a night in prison. That wouldn't last forever though. A man only served as the fall guy for so long. Either he climbed higher in the ranks or eventually took the fall for a crime that ended up with an Inquisitor's axe buried in his skull.


Windrunner hadn't made friends among the crew, he didn't make friends in general. He'd focused on proving himself to Modeft, showing all the ways he could be useful to the crew, and now that man was dead


Well, it was too late to do anything about that now. Best start making friends quick.


Windrunner edged his way around what was left of the crewleader, eyes still averted. His glance fell on a man inspecting the body and speaking that horrible Eastern slang. Windrunner hadn't seen him before.


Windrunner cleared his throat and spoke for the first time since he'd told Shimble what he'd found.


"Let's not be hasty here, folks. I've been watching y'all file in here and everyone seems to be surprised by Modeft's murder. I realize I haven't been among you fine people long, but it seems to me that we can't start snappin' at each other's throats the second Modeft's gone. He had a plan, and I don't know about y'all, but I intend to see it through for him, Survivor willing. We can't get it done if we immediately start slaughterin' on one another. I think we should just sit tight and see if this Inquisitor strikes again. I vote for no one."


Best not make any enemies until I know who I can trust to not stab me in the back the second I'm not paying attention.


Again, his glance fell on the foreigner with the strange accent.


At least there's one person newer than me here. Perhaps there's an opportunity to pin their mistrust on him...


Wow, I totally spaced. Sorry to forget about the character concept, I hadn't realized how RPG-heavy this game was. I play Mafia with my friends all the time, but we don't go quite this in-depth. I'm not much of a writer or a role-player, so forgive me for the awful writing and any of the mistakes I'm going to make right of the bat. Any feedback or ways I could have done better?

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So, to be clear as to where I currently stand. I would encourage everyone to vote for no-one at this point.


I am still concerned about the possibility of us ending up with one villager voting for someone. However it is becoming clear that what I think is the best case situation, where we get some solid info that we can begin theorizing with, is not going to happen. As a result I think we are then better off taking the risk of losing someone to no gain by trying to lose no-one.


I had forgotten earlier that at least 2 votes were needed to kill someone and this helps reduce the risk quite a bit. We still have the problem where the only gain we get is for the seeker to seek a single person while we lose someone during the night which is why I still would have preferred the other path and lots of accusations *shrug*.


Maybe part of me just doesn't want to sit around doing nothing for a cycle or two while we get picked off. Yes the seeker will be doing something, but I will just be sitting there quietly hoping that the inquisitor doesn't come for me next..... There's nothing so scary as knowing there is someone trying to kill you (and others) except for knowing that and doing nothing : P



Feeling that there was little more he could say, Ffnord stepped quietly back into a corner and tried to quell the butterflies in his stomach that speaking in front of so many people had caused.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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       While he disagreed with Fnord's arguments, Aether could identify with his proclaimed sense of uselessness. "Maybe a list could cheer you up? I always make one when I feel down," he had tentatively walked up to the man, who was rather talkative and visible for a self-proclaimed master of stealth. "What kind of list would you like me to compose? Maybe one of Kelsier's deeds and miracles?" 

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"Must not have been your favorite vintage," Gamon said, sliding into the seat next to Eddy. He gave up trying to remember all the new faces around here, too many unfortunate souls with even worse genes, so instead decided to single out the person nearest to him. Much to his dismay it had been the rambling drunk of the group, Eddy. Who, after finishing off a bottle in no time at all, promptly -- and without warning or provocation -- just tossed the empty bottle against the wall, shattering it with a loud crash.

If anybody took any notice, there was no obvious signs and everybody just continued talking and milling about.

"How about a nice cup of brandy?" Gamon asked, perking up Eddy's attention at the word, 'brandy', and holding out a cup for him.

Ah, alcohol, he mused, the grand unifier.

"What do you think of this whole mess? Do you think we can still pull this off? Heck, most of us still don't even know each other, for Lord Ruler's sake!"


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Aw, how cute. You guys think that I gave the Inquisitor the same abilities as established roles. I love it. ;)

Windrunner: It's mostly just for fun and identity building. Besides, why place it within a setting if you didn't get to play with that setting a bit? Play it up only as much as you want. Thanks for being a good sport about it though! 


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Aw, how cute. You guys think that I gave the Inquisitor the same abilities as established roles. I love it. ;)

Um, technically an Inquisitor could only have Allomantic abilities? Feruchemy, yes, but it would be rather inane to give him abilities that no one knows about or knows how work. I interpreted the "X abilities" as him having a given number of Allomantically charged spikes, dependent on how many players there were. I suppose he could have an Atium spike, or something, but then again, why give him an unknown power?

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By inane, I think Aether means diabolical and surprising. Because atium, malatium, electrum, gold, nicrosil, chromium, aluminum, duralumin. Given that atium can store anything, actually, our Inquisitor could be spiked with all atium and be burning one as his exclusive power every time he wants to kill anybody, or have gold metalminds already charged, or things I am scared of..

Edited by Swimmingly
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By inane, I think Aether means diabolical and surprising. Because atium, malatium, electrum, gold, nicrosil, chromium, aluminum, duralumin. Given that atium can store anything, actually, our Inquisitor could be spiked with all atium and be burning one as his exclusive power every time he wants to kill anybody, or have gold metalminds already charged, or things I am scared of..

Or he could just have a more powerful form of an ability, if spiked with an already inherent power. He could soothe two people instead of one for instance. Not a happy thought if we all vote no kill.

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Aw, how cute. You guys think that I gave the Inquisitor the same abilities as established roles. I love it. ;)

You're not that kind. There are most definitely diabolical twists in there that we cannot begin to imagine.

Um, technically an Inquisitor could only have Allomantic abilities? Feruchemy, yes, but it would be rather inane to give him abilities that no one knows about or knows how work. I interpreted the "X abilities" as him having a given number of Allomantically charged spikes, dependent on how many players there were. I suppose he could have an Atium spike, or something, but then again, why give him an unknown power?

The Inquisitor probably only has Allomantic abilities, but I'm betting they are significantly stronger than the ones the villagers have. And the mechanics will be slightly different as well. So while the Inquisitor can only use one Night power per night, it would make a great deal of sense to use a Coppercloud as much as possible (particularly on this first night), especially if their coppercloud hides them more than just "undetectable." Which, I'm betting it does. If they have one.

I think, to be on the safe side, the Seeker can't really trust a Seek that comes back as regular villager. They can only really trust something that comes back with a power. And even that will only last until we lose a Misting.

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Herwynbe walked from his room, next to lady Cessie's, and wrinkled his nose as it caught the scents of unwashed bodies, spilled alcohol, and the distinct scent of blood. Facing his fears, he moved through the crowd towards the center of the commotion, listening to the arguments being tossed about. Breaking through the crowd, he saw the corpse.


"By the forgotten gods," he muttered, tasting bile in the back of his throat. Louder, he said, "Our esteemed leader has been slain, my companions. It would be in our best interest to abstain from voting to lynch anyone, for now, I think. Instead, perhaps we should properly, and respectfully, tend to Master Modeft's body?"


Seeing the ashen face of Lady Cessie nearby, he touched her lightly on the arm, gently turning her away from the grizzly scene.


OOC: Might I make a suggestion that whenever possible we try to keep our posts smaller in size? With 30 people, there is a LOT of reading to catch up on.  :wacko: 

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Shiv blinks, looking forth and back as people talk. Tapping the nearest person on the shoulder, he leans in, whispering, "Am having is have of whating - wasing for going is as showing of hand to the done?"



"I am so confused right now - why are people voting, and what for?"


He sighed, wondering why no one was answering his earlier questions. They seemed like they'd be good avenues of exploration, unless... "Wasing all the doing by one of the one?" He shook his head, frowning. "Not is running red as knowing is. Casting the toss to the far of the empty."



"Wait, you all think someone here did it?"


"I have no bloody clue. I vote no one.

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Eddy perked up when Gamon came to him. "Nah is a nice wintag, but its told meh to smash sa table sooo I threw the table. Simple, ight? Sill mah bootle also needs freends, so Brandy ounds great. About making sis, I tell ya, I gon make it. Eirdo comes to me A hit it harder and good  is. For the long run the world is ending anyway, so the mist are most likely ating ya.

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@Shiver, I like your translations :)


Fnord was silent for a moment, unsure how to respond to this enthusiastic list-writer. Why is he talking to me? How am I supposed to respond? And what is it with the Survivor, I mean, he didn't survive afterall. With no idea how to respond he instead asked, "Why do you think he was killed now?" an unsettling thought occurred to him, Did the inquisitor wait till now so he could get us all?



He would only step forward when he thought it was very important, the death of the crewleader counts as such :)

Most of my arguments there would necessarily be out of character anyway as the whole debate was way too meta to fit in character.

The alternative explanation is that I am just having difficult keeping as silent as Ffnord would ; )

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After taking away Modeft's corpse with the help of Herwynbe, Aspren had took his usual seat by the cellar door. He made sure to take note of those who left, those who arrived and those who had yet to arrive. 


Though he had had yet to speak to anyone openly he believed that he had already narrowed down the suspects to eleven individuals. The possibility that they had another ally already in the crew wasn't entirely unlikely though. Still, knowing this didn't help much at all. He needed help if he was ever going to be able to find out who the murderer was. Every day the murderer, who was most likely an Inquisitor, would take another victim. This was the sort that liked to play with their victims before they killed them, which, if you looked, is why you'd find him hiding in the open.

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