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Idaho Falls Signing Q&A


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This topic is to post any questions you asked Brandon at the signing. 


I asked;  We know that investiture physically affects and changes people's bodies, so aside from the cance of being born as a misting, feruchemist, ect. Can investiture physically or biologically affect the magic user's descendants, and if so then in what way?


Answer: You are on to something there, but I can't give details without spoilers.  He then elaborated that it plays a major part on Sel.  In response I asked if the Alethi were descendants of the original Knights Radiant and if their descendants had light eyes due to their ancestor's use of stormlight/Natal Bond.  He said I was on to something but to RAFO. 

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Okay this is for everyone who has been waiting a long time to see Brandon's books become movies.


My question was "When will your books ever become movies/ tv series?"


Answer: "I keep asking Hollywood but they keep turning me down."


Secondary question: "Have you thought about being interviewed by Moviepilot.com? (It could increase your reputation for Hollywood?) (Was added by me here but the non () questions were asked by me tonight.) 


Answer: "No I haven't but feel free to contact me via email or via my website."


By the way I met him a few years ago at a signing at the same Barnes and Noble as tonight and he remembered me. :)

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My questions came out of the Big List of Questions thread:


1)  Q:Did Hoid have anything to do with Bavadin showing up on Sel?


     A: RAFO. (Though interestingly, he asked me why I asked this question. I said I got it off a question list here and he stated that people had been trying to get him to say something on the subject for a while. Trying to pry information from him. Hence the RAFO.)


2) Q: How much of Harmony's manipulation of Wax was Hoid aware of?


    A: He knew what was going on. That's all I'm going to say.


3) Q: Is an Snapped Allomancer more likely to pass on the Allomantic ability than an UnSnapped one?

     A: Not necessarily. (I asked if it was pure genetics, then, and he initially said yes, then appended that with 'not just genetics. there's a spiritual aspect to it as well.')


4) Q: Is the flute that Vin saw in the Lord Ruler's secret room in WoA the same flute that Hoid gives to Kaladin in tWoK?
    A: RAFO. The origins of that flute will be revealed at some point.



I hope that helps some people out!



EDIT: To the poster above me here: What con were you at when you got that photo with Jason David Frank? I've always wanted to meet that man. A childhood hero there!

Edited by PrncRny
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My questions came out of the Big List of Questions thread:


1)  Q:Did Hoid have anything to do with Bavadin showing up on Sel?


     A: RAFO. (Though interestingly, he asked me why I asked this question. I said I got it off a question list here and he stated that people had been trying to get him to say something on the subject for a while. Trying to pry information from him. Hence the RAFO.)


2) Q: How much of Harmony's manipulation of Wax was Hoid aware of?


    A: He knew what was going on. That's all I'm going to say.


3) Q: Is an Snapped Allomancer more likely to pass on the Allomantic ability than an UnSnapped one?


     A: Not necessarily. (I asked if it was pure genetics, then, and he initially said yes, then appended that with 'not just genetics. there's a spiritual aspect to it as well.')


4) Q: Is the flute that Vin saw in the Lord Ruler's secret room in WoA the same flute that Hoid gives to Kaladin in tWoK?

    A: RAFO. The origins of that flute will be revealed at some point.



I hope that helps some people out!



EDIT: To the poster above me here: What con were you at when you got that photo with Jason David Frank? I've always wanted to meet that man. A childhood hero there!


Thanks! It was taken by a fellow fan and attendee at Salt Lake Comic Con 2014 because my device at the time refused to cooperate. The panel in question was Jason David Frank and Johnny Yong Bosch. 

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How do we know that Bavadin was ever on Sel in the first place?  


Like I said. I pulled this from the Big List.

Though we know another Godlike entity was headed there from the end of Shadows of Self. I don't recall if we got a name, since I don't have my book handy.

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That would make autonomy either stupid or suicidal, he has to know that Odium won't leave him alive at the end, right?

Yeah quite true. And them are the Shard that unlikely would cooperate. One of them is Autonomy therefore cooperate would be difficoult to him. The other is push by an Godly hatred aganist the other Shards.

It's quite unlikely that this two "kindy guys" put together a team-up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I got my brother a Sanderson book for Christmas with an answer to a Cosmere question written in it at this signing, and I thought it might be interesting to all you folks here.


The question was - "If Cultivation and Honor were romantically involved, why did Cultivation not help Honor against Odium?"


The answer - "She did."


Typical Brandon, leaving more questions than answers, but still, I hope it's a valuable point of data.

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So I got my brother a Sanderson book for Christmas with an answer to a Cosmere question written in it at this signing, and I thought it might be interesting to all you folks here.


The question was - "If Cultivation and Honor were romantically involved, why did Cultivation not help Honor against Odium?"


The answer - "She did."


Typical Brandon, leaving more questions than answers, but still, I hope it's a valuable point of data.


That's actually very interesting.


When you get a chance though, would you mind taking a picture of it and posting it?  Thank you.

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So I got my brother a Sanderson book for Christmas with an answer to a Cosmere question written in it at this signing, and I thought it might be interesting to all you folks here.


The question was - "If Cultivation and Honor were romantically involved, why did Cultivation not help Honor against Odium?"


The answer - "She did."


Typical Brandon, leaving more questions than answers, but still, I hope it's a valuable point of data.


It is a good thing to know. Combined with the fact that we know Cultivation is actively opposing Odium currently, it paints a rather terrifying picture of Odium's power. Two Shards can't stop him!


I'm curious as to how Cultivation is still alive, though...

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That's actually very interesting.


When you get a chance though, would you mind taking a picture of it and posting it?  Thank you.

Weiry, do we have a combined thread anywhere that we can post all of our pictures from "personalized" books? As sort of an Archive for them all? 

Edited by Titan Arum
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  • 8 months later...

Sorry for the necromantic activity I'm engaging in here, but a user posted a WoB in another that I believe was from this signing. This WoB is not in this thread or on Theoryland, but was instead posted on Facebook, and I had never seen it before, so I wanted to make sure it was recorded in a more central location (so it could possibly be added to Theoryland and such). Here's the full Facebook post:


So I just got back from the book signing Brandon held today, I asked him about the time between each of the original 99 desolations. It turns out that the number 99 in the stories was made up, and that there were much fewer of them. He also then stated that the cosmere runs along a 10,000 year gap and that Roshar falls right into the middle of the timeline. He ended with "That should give you a perspective of the timeline and events of the desolations". I figured that if anyone wanted to know a bit more of Roshar's history they might find this interesting.

Here's the link to the WoB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/270545169744383/permalink/731811053617790/

Edited by BeskarKomrk
I put the quote in a quote box.
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It makes me wonder what's going on in the second half of the Cosmere story... if Modern Mistborn happens ~100yrs after Wax and Wayne, and Future Mistborn is the finale, then that leaves about 5000 years between the two. Unless Future Mistborn will take place over a long period of time. (A possibility, depending on how the space travel winds up working.) 

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2 hours ago, BeskarKomrk said:

Sorry for the necromantic activity I'm engaging in here, but a user posted a WoB in another that I believe was from this signing. This WoB is not in this thread or on Theoryland, but was instead posted on Facebook, and I had never seen it before, so I wanted to make sure it was recorded in a more central location (so it could possibly be added to Theoryland and such). Here's the full Facebook post:

Here's the link to the WoB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/270545169744383/permalink/731811053617790/

Thanks for the link! Added to Theoryland database.

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On 8/24/2016 at 2:04 PM, Argent said:

I just realized - we get to tell uninitiated readers that Brandon is writing a series that spans 10k years. That's next level intimidation.

Or: only tell them once they are knee deep in the abyss though, then be like, oh, btw, this story takes place over 10k years and NOW YOU'RE TOO INVESTED TO LEAVE.

Evil laughter, activated.

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