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A Joe in the Bush

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Status Replies posted by A Joe in the Bush

  1. I just bought 100 Brony Songs for a Pound. Next item of buisness. Figure out how much a pound is worth.

  2. As far as I know only two people switched profiles for April Fool's. It's still really disgruntling me.

  3. As far as I know only two people switched profiles for April Fool's. It's still really disgruntling me.

  4. As far as I know only two people switched profiles for April Fool's. It's still really disgruntling me.

  5. As far as I know only two people switched profiles for April Fool's. It's still really disgruntling me.

  6. As far as I know only two people switched profiles for April Fool's. It's still really disgruntling me.

  7. One Year on 17th Shard. What am I doing with my life.

  8. A Person appears before you and says they're you from the Future. How do you respond?

  9. Yay! My first real theory (and I'm sure it's terrible) is up.

  10. Hmm. I have the house all to myself for the day. What to do? Lets Binge Watch MLP Season 3!

  11. Apologies for vanishing for three days without a warning. I was at a Festival.

  12. I've finally reached one hundred PM threads in my inbox! Hooray for secrecy!

  13. I've finally reached one hundred PM threads in my inbox! Hooray for secrecy!

  14. Apologies for vanishing for three days without a warning. I was at a Festival.

  15. I've finally reached one hundred PM threads in my inbox! Hooray for secrecy!

  16. New Hobby: Adding "So it has come to this" after somebody says any statement whatsoever

  17. Where will YOU be when the elephant terrorists strike?

  18. Where will YOU be when the elephant terrorists strike?

  19. That moment when you realize you're a brony. #BlamingQuiver

  20. Besides Brandon, I'm the only one in the Top Fifty with less than four dots. I had better cherish these next seven posts.

  21. I'm going to be taking an indefinite hiatus from the 17th Shard. I'm trying to keep up with PMs, though... Feel free to continue upvoting my old posts.

  22. Just so you all know, this happens because of my anxiety. It's not like I just decide I don't care anymore. I get overwhelmed, so I drop things, and then I worry that people will be mad so I put off picking them back up, and it kind of becomes a cycle.

  23. Can I get away with calling a secret paranormal organization "The Vista," or would certain credit cards and operating systems come too vividly to mind?

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