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A Joe in the Bush

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A Joe in the Bush last won the day on May 26 2020

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    Save a Horse, Ride a Mailman
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    Despondos Dimension

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  1. The situation is never Hopeless until it's in the Past. And even then, I believe in Time Travel.

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    2. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      I believe that Traveling to the past is possible, but you cannot return, because the act of past traveling split the timeline in two, one where events happened that made you travel back in time, and one where you arrived to change events. So by time traveling, you screw over two other timelines to make a good one for you to be in.

    3. Haelbarde


      Ah. So there's basically a universe for every single possible combination of any thing happening. Your choices, and which one you start in, sort of determine what path you take through them. So time travel to the past is just hopping sideways and backwards to a different path. That original time line is still there, and continues on without you. All you did was direct your consciousness to one in which you went back in time and things were different.

    4. A Joe in the Bush
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