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Posts posted by RShara

  1. On 4/3/2023 at 10:46 AM, Silverlight_Sage said:

    Not sure if this counts as a typo, but when I finally got my premium hardcover I went through to look at the illustrations and noticed that the Xisis portrait was a few pages too early. It appeared while Crow and Tress were still aboard the ship right after Crow fought them all. I didn’t remember this in effect spoiling the end of the chapter when I read the ebook, so I checked it and found the image appeared at the end of the chapter in the ebook edition. 

    Not a big deal, but just wondering was this a common thing in others’ premium hardcover editions or just mine?

    Yeah it's normal. They print/bind pages in sets of 16 (hmmm) so any full color images have to be put in between those bunches. So full color images are often a little before or after the "perfect" place in the pbook. Not a problem in ebooks, of course.

  2. I think that Kelsier is the one who had the Bands drained. He wants to promote tensions between the N and S in order to force technological advancement, and realized that the North "secretly" draining the Bands would cause major bad feelings between them.

    He was in the South just very recently and was on an airship back North when Marasi and Moonlight tried to contact him.

    And Kelsier is the Survivor in the North, head of a major religion, and the Sovereign in the South. If he wanted to, he could easily get both continents to work together. But having them at odds works better for the future of Scadrial (in Kelsier's opinion).

  3. On 7/20/2022 at 11:03 AM, cometaryorbit said:

    True. But "he left several" implies more than two (Hoid's and Elend's). That suggests either worldhoppers before Hoid in WoA-era or TLR doing something with them during his thousand year reign (experimenting with other uses? Maybe there's a thousand year old kandra somewhere with a Lerasium Blessing, or an old TLR-charged Lerasium mind, or alloyed nuggets...)


    My goodness, it's been over three years since I said that.

  4.   Chapter 4, near the end, the word "instead" is used twice in the same sentence.


    They’ve demanded we turn in our human co-conspirators, but of course we have none, so instead our government wants to turn me and other resistance members over to them instead.


  5. I don't know if this has been fixed, but in my copy of Words of Radiance, chapter 11, it says


    As she touched it, she noticed something sweeping through the air above her. She cringed, looking up to find large, birdlike creatures circling around her in Shadesmar. They were a dark grey and seemed to have no specific shape, their forms blurry.

    This is from Shallan's PoV, and I think she shouldn't know what a bird was, to call something "birdlike"? Perhaps skyeel-like?

  6. Chapter 13 a few paragraphs toward the end


    “Find a reason to visit the honorspren,” Mraize said. “Then we shall talk.” He lifted his arm and threw the bird off toward another hunt.

    The section is from Shallan's PoV, and she calls it a chicken the rest of the chapter, but here she calls it a bird.


    I-5 Lift


     Together she and Wyndle followed, the spren growing increasingly worried—particularly after the bird fluttered down into a corridor, then stared at the ground and chirped in an annoyed way.

    The section is Lift's PoV, and she also calls it a chicken, except for this one time.

  7. I was recently pointed at this thread :D Has anyone mentioned that the Stormfather explicitly says that none of the other Heralds has died and returned to Braize since Aharietiam?

    Oathbringer chapter 38




  8. 4 minutes ago, LewsTherinTelescope said:

    Yeah, you and I definitely have different views on this :lol:

    I would not categorize this as an "emotion", myself, though admittedly the term is rather hard for me to define.

    Agreed, though Brandon's also said it's similar to Subservience, so as I said:


    I mean, that one's explicitly described to be part of Odium when Dalinar sees the power, though I certainly wouldn't be surprised if it's also in Dominion, as that does sound like it'd fit there too, and I can't imagine the Shards having no overlap, with the Intents we know.

    The same one that says "human emotion" and "passion" as well? :P

    I do not by any means disagree with the fact that things like hatred and fury make up the largest portion and majority of the Shard. But I don't agree that the others make up any particularly insignificant portion.

    I'll also add in this section


    Next, she used a diamond infused with Stormlight instead of a candle. It worked the same, splitting into components of light, but with a larger band of blue. Voidlight did the same, though the band of violet was enormous, and the other colors mere blips. That was strange, as her research indicated different colors of light should only make bands brighter or weaker, not increase their size.

    I see the light as a visual representation of the Intent. The violet is the fury/hatred, and everything else is barely present.

  9. On 3/6/2021 at 7:42 AM, Honorless said:

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, eheheh, @RShara, I told you so!



    "Existing" doesn't mean "existed in the exact same state it's in now" though. It could have been a collection of huts or a few dozen buildings in no particular pattern for all we know. I'm willing to wait till the books come out to discover for sure :D

  10. 11 hours ago, Frustration said:

    Looks like @LewsTherinTelescope is taking @RShara's job

    No, it really isn't, it can't be, otherwise Devotion, Valor, Wimsy, and Ambition couldn't be Shards.

    The spren are made of Cultivation and Honor, 

    Spren for the Nightwatcher, Wind for the Stormfather, and Stone for Roshar itself.


    Also, I'm firmly in the "Odium is hatred and fury, with only touches of other emotions" camp, and LewsTherinTelescope seems to be arguing the opposite of that. You can find lots of my obligatory, "Odium is NOT Passion, darn it" posts :D

    7 hours ago, LewsTherinTelescope said:

    I don't know that I'd really categorize Ambition as an "emotion", myself. Whimsy isn't really a "passionate emotion" in the same way either. And Devotion encompasses more than just emotions as well, though it certainly involves them to a large degree. (Valor being its own Shard is actually kinda confusing to me though, as Odium and Honor together would seem to cover it.)

    Ambition can be interpreted as passion for advancement and improvement. Devotion is confirmed to be Love. Dominion could be passion for victory. Lots of the other Shards have a lot of passion associated with them, so Odium being largely passion just doesn't work out. It'd be passion without ambition and love at the very least, which would leave it pretty stale already.

    I'm going to emphasize this outside perspective on the true power of Odium


    In his specific case, the power of emotion, passion, and—most deeply—the power of raw, untamed fury. Of hatred unbound.

    Fury was italicized in the book.

  11. 19 hours ago, Ookla the Mok Turtle Soup said:

    So, based on the seriously unexpected turn of events in RoW, I thought that you, @RShara, would like to know that the "T is Plant" shirt (still a classic line) has been duly updated, here it is:


    I LOVE it! Also, I don't think we know the whole play yet :D And T definitely stabbed Rayse :D :D

  12. Hemalurgy would tend to drive away spren. They can sense the Spiritual damage or something like that. And I think Adolin would have noticed metal sticking out of Shallan, since they're married and all...

    Long WoB. Relevant part


    Djarskublar (paraphrased)

    So say you go to Roshar and you give somebody a Hemalurgic spike for some Allomantic power, don't care what, and you use it to become a savant. Does that qualify them as 'broken' enough to become a Radiant? As long as they are also following the Ideals to attract a spren.

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    So becoming a Radiant is a spectrum of terminologies. It... probably, but you would have to find a Radiant who would, or a spren who would be willing to touch that, okay? It's going to drive them back.


  13. So Stormlight plus Lifelight = Towerlight. Stormlight+Voidlight=Warlight. What would Lifelight+Voidlight create?

    We were throwing this around on Discord, and my thought was that it could be Passionlight. Wouldn't it be beautiful and ironic if Odium's biggest enemy on Roshar was exactly what was needed to finally and truly become Passion?

  14. On 10/9/2020 at 10:48 PM, JoyBlu said:


    I asked Brandon if she was the biological child of her Father. He said yes. Here is the WoB. I should have been more specific and asked about her mother as well. 

    Skyward release party (Nov. 6, 2018)


    Can you confirm that Shallan is the biological child of her dad, Lin Davar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    *evil laugh* Should I confirm that? Yeah, I'll confirm that, she is.


    Hey, Joy! FYI, Brandon has confirmed that Shallan's parents as presented are her biological parents.



    Is Shallan's mother, the one that she kills, is that her birth mother?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is.  Good question. Good question.  You had a theory there that I may have just killed.


    That's okay!

    Words of Radiance Omaha signing (March 13, 2014)


    Is Shallan's father her actual father?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ah! People asked if her mother were her mother. No one's asked yet if her father were her father... Yes, it was her father. Yes, I will give you that, yes. Her mother and father as presented in the stories were actually her mother and father.

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing (March 21, 2014)


  15. 4 hours ago, Govir said:

    This came up in the in the chapter discussion too. I'll summarize some theories / what people want to be true. They basically run the whole gambit of possibility.

    1. It's totally true, and canon.
    2. They're Friends with Benefits 
    3. They're just talking Cosmere stuff, and Jasnah is letting the rumors go in order to dissuade anyone else from trying to court her
    4. They're just talking Cosmere stuff, and they don't care about the rumors

    I'd go with 3 and 4. I don't see Hoid being interested in anyone under 5000.

  16. Brandon's not ready to make it canon, but is leaning toward them snapping back to their full age, similar to atium.



    If a person held enough breath to attain the 5th heightening, lived for a thousand years, and then sold all but their initial breath, would their spiritual age force them to rapidly age as we saw with Rashek, or would they resume natural aging from the point at which they ceased?

    Brandon Sanderson (written)

    I think they would rapidly age.

    But I'm not ready to say 100%.

    General Signed Books 2018 (April 17, 2018)


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