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  1. One of my favorite quotes from Lopen in this book: “Tonight,” Lopen said, finger to the air, “I will be victorious. It is said you should never bet against the one-armed Herdazian in a drinking contest" Just because it reminds me of And because of this from now on I will read Lopen parts in my best Wallace Shawn impersonation.
  2. The favorite saying in our house around Christmas with the kids is: "I'm the Real Santa Claus" that way we can always believe in Santa and have arguments on who is the real Santa Claus
  3. A very informative video on the mullet: Mullet video
  4. Every time I read this quote, it makes me think not about self confidence but about the appearance of self confidence. The illusion! I think the most important lesson pointed to here is not honesty or self confidence but rather quite the opposite. Light weavers create lies, and Jasnah pretty much tells her that power comes not only from within but rather how people perceive. This is a very important lesson whose other surgebinding power is the creation of lies,err I am mean illusions.
  5. What do you think will be Jasnah's most important lesson for Shallan? 1) The voidbringer writings she worked so hard on? 2) Lessons about Shadesmare? 3) Soulcasting? 4) Something else? I think her most important lesson is summed up from this quote in chapter 1: Jasnah even says its the most important lesson, more important than soulcasting. This quote is very foreshadowing, not only because it is important for Shallan to stand up for herself and face her dark past, but also because talks about illusion even before we know she is a light weaver, or what light weaving really is.
  6. Look a special machine has been invented for reading WoR. Not only must you pay for the book but you must also buy the page turner .
  7. If we go with the theory that Szeth surge binds because he has an honor blade, we know that Szeth must also inhale to become infused so this really does not answer that they have a true surge binder or an honor blade wielder. I have to agree with Quantum that if Shen were a spy he would have by the time (minimum of 2 platue runs after Bridge 4 found out about his surege binding) of the interlude reported that Kaladin was a true surge binder. So in my humble opinion Shen is here to teach both Humans and Listeners alike that Listeners can assume new safe forms. Jasnah is right that the listeners can be the voidbringers, but so can humans. But not every Listener is going to be Evil, just those that choose or are tricked into assuming those types of forms, just like humans choose through their free will.
  8. I think he should do this every night and stick him someplace new every time. Think about it, everytime Amaram wakes up he has a totally new and different view of the world, torture...
  9. Based on the quote he never lied about how he got the shards he only tells half the truth. Maybe he will attract a cryptic
  10. From this quote This definitely supports the theory that Szeth carries an honor blade. Does this also mean that Heralds cannot surgebind without their blades?
  11. Maybe not, maybe by his relationship with Bridge 4 he is on the verge of discovering a new form, friendform?
  12. From this quote I am theorizing that Adolin is the Roshar incarnate of Wade Boggs!
  13. I brought lunch today knowing this has been the pattern for the last 2 weeks!
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