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Posts posted by ccstat

  1. To add another example, look at the scene where Zane dies (coppermind says it is in ch 47 but I don't have my book to find the exact quote). Zane thinks something like "She's the only person God never told me to kill." To which Ruin responds, "Of course you're not supposed to kill her." Unless I forgot something and he speaks out loud, it really makes it seem like Ruin understands his thoughts. 

  2. Welcome to the Shard! My approach it's actually the opposite of what @Oversleep suggested.

    Because Aether is non-canon, and because so many pieces of it have appeared in other stories (not just plot points or cosmere elements but also various creature, character, and world designs), I don't think there is any reason not to read it as long as you are current with the published cosmere works. So much will have to change if it does become the basis for a new story that you are unlikely to be spoiled for anything when that book eventually arrives. At the very least, though, you must read the original Mistborn trilogy first.

    In contrast, I don't want to be spoiled for the graphic novels, so I am avoiding the prose version of White Sand until the canon version is complete. HOWEVER, I can totally understand the complaints of those who are dissatisfied with the published version of White Sand. If I had not started reading graphic novels a couple years ago, I definitely would not have liked it. There is a very real learning curve to reading and enjoying that medium, which is something I didn't expect when I first started exploring. Beyond that, White Sand (volume 1, at least) has some deficiencies that make it both confusing and bland. If you don't see yourself appreciating the graphic novels, then go ahead and jump into the prose instead. I hear good things about it, though for myself I wasn't super impressed with the selection in Arcanum Unbounded.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Leiasqz said:

    Guess what, you spoiled me! There's a book in your "want to read" section that I didn't know existed yet :D

    Oh, that one. Oops! I hope it wasn't a big spoiler for you.  Have you read the ones that are published? (That one isn't yet). Edit: I see you answered that one in your intro post. I apologize if this hurts your reading experience of the one you have left.

  4. I have trouble tagging people with the at sign when I'm typing sometimes, so that part's not too surprising. If you type @ with someone's name, a dropdown menu appears at your cursor with user names matching what you've put, and you have to click the matching name for it to tag them. 

    The links at the top appear to be graphic+text, but I gather they are actually done with a custom font rather than an image, so it makes sense that the screen reader wouldn't know what to do with it. 

    Feel free to PM me anything you find, but I would probably just end up passing it on to @Chaos, who is the admin primarily responsible for site maintenance. If there are simple fixes for those sorts of issues, such as providing alt text for an image, I'm sure he would be happy to help and could accommodate those easily. I don't know enough about screen readers or site design to know how involved it would be to make the links more self-explanatory. 

    If there is anything that really hampers the site's accessibility, the best way to let us know about it is to make a post in the 17th Shard Discussion subforum. Chaos monitors that closely for things that are broken on the site, and is very responsive when there is something he can do about an issue (or to explain when it's out of his control).

  5. Welcome! What genre do you write in? Is having 5 WIP at once a good thing or an inevitable-mistake-I-really-need-to-focus thing? We have a good community over in the Creator's Corner subforum where people share story snippets or worldbuilding ideas, etc. and a good writing group in the Reading Excuses subforum, if either of those interest you.

  6. Agreed that reading Warbreaker in preparation for Oathbringer will probably be a good move. (Have you read the Edgedancer novella yet? It is a story of what Lift does before Oathbringer starts. It's inside the Arcanum Unbounded collection, but also available as a stand-alone ebook.)

    If you have more time than that, I recommend starting in on era 2 of Mistborn, which takes place 300 years after Hero of Ages.

  7. I am all about the library! I think Sanderson's books are among the few that I don't usually wait for library availability. And now that I've moved to an area with amazing library curation (Seriously, Boston's public libraries are incredible) I rarely find myself waiting long. If I weren't so interested in rereads for discussing theories on this site, I probably wouldn't have gotten in the habit of pre-ordering all of Brandon's books.

  8. 12 hours ago, Napoli said:

    I think his books are uniquely designed to be reread. It's like the Sixth Sense movie from ages ago: when the big reveal takes place, you just want to cancel everything and watch it again from the beginning.

    I agree with this. I think the only other books that i find myself rereading over and over are Brent Weeks' Lightbringer series. (Honestly, I'm pretty sure I've read each of those more times than any except Stormlight)

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