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Status Updates posted by Mistrunner

  1. 17th Shard, my beloved old website!

    1. Anguished_One




      HI HI HI!



    2. Slowswift
  2. I want it to be known that I am being 100% honest when I say Brian David Gilbert's Dances Moving series is what is getting me through life at the moment

  3. You haven't known adrenaline until you've run across four lanes of busy traffic with a gallon of milk in hand at 8:30pm so you can get back to your apartment and make pancakes for dinner

    1. Tesh


      It's New York all over again...

  4. Unstoppable force (my desire for brownies) vs immovable object (the knowledge that my roommates would inevitably eat them all as soon as they exited the oven)

    1. Slowswift


      Put pecans in. I don't know your feelings toward nuts in desserts, but I don't usually mind 'em and it keeps them safe from 98% of the population. :P 

    2. Mistrunner


      Now THAT is a life hack! But first I have to get some pecans...

    3. Kaymyth


      Pecans would definitely repel the likes of me.

  5. Anybody know any good vaguely androgynous names for a character? I've been using Robin but I'm not sure how much I like it.

    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Madison and Mackenzie would be my picks, but I also found a list that might be useful. 

    2. Mistrunner


      @TwiLyghtSansSparkles Ooh, thanks! I'll try some of those out. I'm in the awkward "vague personality traits and nothing else" phase of character creation, and I'm hoping getting the right name will help add some kind of shape to this nebulous blob of a character.

  6. I didn't remember having such strong feelings about Star Trek, but two episodes into a rewatch and I just want everyone to know that I would die for Data and Geordi La Forge

    1. Mistrunner


      honorable mention goes to Picard's enunciation

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Data and La Forge fall into the "best friends who are both smart and competent on their own, but when they team up, they're idiots" camp and I love it. 

  7. me: now's the time to buckle down and finish this online course that is necessary for me to graduate

    me, moments later: just a dash of cinnamon and the butterbeer will be complete

    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      It's fuel for studying! 

  8. I'm trying to learn to crochet because I have a lot of yarn and a crochet hook but what I really want is to get into heavy metal so I can listen to heavy metal while crocheting a hat for my nephew

    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Five Finger Death Punch is a good band to start with. 

    2. Mistrunner


      I've always loved that name. No doubts about the genre.

      I'll give it a listen. :ph34r:

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      "The Pride" is the song that got me listening to them in the first place. "When the Seasons Change" is more ballad-like than most of their other stuff, so if you wanted to start with something a little slower and ease your way in, that would probably be the way to go. 

  9. man it sure is exhausting having to do things

  10. Just got accepted to my first choice college with a pretty rad scholarship!! Can I get a yeehaw?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mistrunner


      Thank you! I'm reeling a little bit, to be honest. I wasn't even expecting to get in.

      I'm hoping college will be good for me. I do respond a lot better when I'm not talked down to, as I think most people do. :P I'll just have to see how it goes.

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      There's always the odd prof who thinks they're still teaching high school freshmen. My sophomore year in college, I had a prof who always threw a small tantrum if she saw us packing up our stuff early (because it was not a small campus and some of us had classes all the way across and….you know…walking takes time) and would make us stay an extra five minutes to punish us for daring to disrespect her. (She was a terrible teacher in many, many other ways too.) 

      But she sticks out in my memory because she was the exception. Some of my profs were more formal, others were more laid-back, but they were all good at presenting their material in a way that was informative and not condescending. Toward the laid-back end of the spectrum, I had a logic professor who illustrated logical fallacies by showing us the witch trial scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and who said "If you don't feel like showing up on Halloween, don't worry about it; but if you do come, we're going to watch Doctor Who." Toward the formal end of the spectrum, I had a prof who taught a course called War In Society, and he was a tough but fair grader who complained before our first midterm that "In my class, it is possible to get a GPA greater than 4.0, but the Grinches in the main office won't let me reflect it in your final grade." He also shared some jokes that could've gotten you arrested in Nazi Germany, which are still pretty funny. 

      What I mean by this ramble is, college is definitely academically rigorous, but it's also fun. And I think you'll do just fine. 

    4. Mistrunner


      Sounds fun. :D I've been stressing out all year about the prospect of college, but hearing about stuff like this makes me feel better about it all. I'm trying to focus more on the opportunities and adventure and less on the scariness of the unknown. I'll have to buy and make all my own food, but also, I'll get to buy and make all my own food, you know? Exciting! ^_^

  11. Writing college application essays. Please give advice on how to make myself sound interesting I'm desperate

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      1. This should be the easiest one, so far as making it sound interesting. Just choose something you're passionate about (preferably something you can tie to your educational goals—for instance, if you're interested in writing fiction and pursuing a journalism degree because you'd be telling stories about things that happened in real life) and talk about what it is and why you love it. Your passion will help make it interesting to read about. 

      2. Let emotion shine through on this one. And the leading emotion doesn't have to be some sort of sorrow or regret; if you choose a failure you now find humorous, play up the comedy. But if it is something that saddens you, or something you now regret, be honest. Don't be afraid to go into the difficulties you faced and how it made you feel. Don't overdo it, but don't go for a completely emotionless retelling, either. 

      3. Community service projects. What are some community service projects you've done, or that you're currently doing? Do you volunteer at your church? Every community service project or volunteering project meets some community need; and each need met can serve as a broader example of how you strive to meet needs in general. For instance, if you volunteer your time by acting as a Big with Big Brothers Big Sisters, then you're meeting that child's need for positive role models and constructive activities, and meeting the community's need for mentors in general. It's also an example of how you care for the next generation and want to ensure they have as many opportunities to succeed as possible. Stuff like that. 

      4. What do you feel you bring to your friendships? Your church? Your classes? You'll bring all of that to your university community. 

      And finally, some general advice: Don't strive for an academic tone. Strive for a more conversational one. Don't be too chatty, but don't be uptight, either. Imagine you're answering a question for a friend of your parents' that you want to impress. But this isn't a stranger; it's someone who's known your parents for a while, has just gotten back in touch, and is super excited to see what you've accomplished in the years they've been gone. Be clear and concise, but don't be clinical. Have as much fun with it as you can. 

    3. Mistrunner


      Twi, you're a lifesaver.

    4. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      I've just done this a couple times, and I'm happy to help. ^_^ 

  12. Why do homework when you can eat bread?

    1. Mistrunner


      haha I have an exam in less than 9 hours

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Why stop eating bread to do homework when you can eat more bread? 

    3. Mistrunner


      You're darn right and you should say it

  13. Thoughts on chicken nuggets?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunbird


      I second Tesh's "yum," but you get a higher ratio of meat to breading if you eat the chicken in patty form instead of nuggets.

    3. Mistrunner


      You're darn right! I've never thought about that before

    4. soyperson


      Often, and plentiful.

  14. My dad just bought 15 cans of Pringles because they were just a dollar each.

    I'm not sure how to feel about this.

    1. Tesh


      That's amazing...

    2. Kaymyth


      Feel like you now have an embarrassment of riches in the form of potato chips.

    3. Mistrunner


      Seems a legitimate response.

  15. You know what's great? Grapes. Grapes are great.

    1. Tesh


      Yes. Yes they are.

      So are apples.

    2. Mistrunner


      Couldn't agree more. 

  16. There's a marching competition tomorrow and I'm sick. I better be well within 12 or so hours, or I will be having words.

    1. Sunbird


      Aw, that's rotten! I hope you feel better ASAP.

    2. Tesh


      Oh, that stinks!

  17. My dad's applying for jobs in the Middle East. I'm not super psyched about moving anywhere that's hotter than where I am now. :huh: Exciting, though, I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunbird


      I'd be more worried about the political unrest... But I definitely agree with your unenthusiasm for hot weather.

    3. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Middle East doesn't necessarily indicate somewhere that is affected by political unrest. UAE is pretty good this time of year (should be ...autumn there I think?)

      But yes, I HATE hot weather so much, humid or dry I don't care (tho humid is worse). The cold is my home.

    4. Mistrunner


      I'm also not that hot on moving to anywhere with any proximity to Syria, but y'know. Weather is more pressing. :P

  18. I have a summer assignment on Great Gatsby due on Monday and I may or may not be procrastinating horribly. There's more important matters at hand, such as philosophy. What truly is an essay? Are books simply figments of our imaginations? What are page limits but limits on arbitrary portions of infinite space?

  19. "Too much fat? In my diet? Impossible!" I say, eating half a jar of peanut butter in one sitting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mistrunner


      Peanut butter is just so good, you know?

    3. Sunbird


      YES. There's no such thing as too much peanut butter!

    4. Mistrunner


      That's actually something I say all the time. :D You can never have too much peanut butter, no matter what anybody thinks!

  20. I've got an audition today. *insert internal screaming*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunbird


      What was the audition? Something band-related, I assume. :)

    3. Mistrunner


      Yep. :D It was an audition for band placement at a camp I'm going to. There's three at the high school level, and I made the top one! It was a bit of a surprise, to be honest.

    4. Sunbird


      That's great; congratulations!!

  21. The hot new trend for teens: the Fidget Dabber!

  22. covfefe

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaymyth


      This is never going to be not funny.

    3. Mistrunner


      I'm not sure if I want to take twitter away from our dear president or encourage him to use it more.

    4. soyperson


      covfefe was only actively a meme for about eight hours early this morning, but I was awake for all of those hours and watched the whole thing go down. 

  23. I got my ACT score, and it's much better than I thought it would be! Colleges, please give me all the scholarships.

  24. The ACT wasn't as bad as expected. I did not, in fact, die. Victory has been won.

    1. soyperson


      Hell yeah! Take its disembodied test head and mount it upon your wall. Clean it, stuff it, and mount it. Don't take it to a taxidermist, though. They're pretty bad with tests. Always rip the skin or overstuff it. 

    2. Mistrunner


      Once I get it back in a few weeks, I'll be sure to, Bleeder. I'm sure it'll look great on my wall. :lol:

  25. I'm taking the ACT tomorrow.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mistrunner


      Thanks, Bleeder. :D I may get only 3 questions right on the math portion, but I will destroy the other sections. *insert inspirational quote here*

    3. Darkness Ascendant
    4. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      As someone who has taken the ACT, it's not as bad as it sounds. You'll do great. ^_^

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