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Peng the Just

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Everything posted by Peng the Just

  1. Granted. The force you get to use is the force of gravity. Congratulations, you don't float off in to space. I wish for my lightsaber to work.
  2. I'm trying to decide how bad this is...Granted. A stranger on the other side of the world has control of your left arm and you have control of his. Anything you try to do with your left arm moves his instead and vice versa. (Including trying to stroke your beard) I wish for a lightsaber.
  3. I believe I said that it was mostly a provoke vote for Joe. I'm trying to force him into the open to explain himself. That, and something about him just feels off. I feel like he's trying too hard to blend in. Clancy, how is my PM behavior suspicions? You added me too a PM with six other people, and all I said is that I won't participate because i don't trust PMs that large. Correction:the PM had five participants. But, still.
  4. Back on topic, I'll grant that, and the curse is that it's conditional on You spending one week every year volunteering at an orphanage in somewhere remote for the rest of your life. (You have to pay travel costs) I'll wish to go back three years, but to remember my experiences so I can make better decisions.
  5. I'd just like to echo this. I'm gonna provoke vote for winter cloud I missed her death. My bad. Let's try joe
  6. Voting manipation isn't entirely bad. It gives us information. Also, the spokesmen spiked arent the only ones manipulating the votes. We should have our own rioters Nnd soothersEdit: autocorrect
  7. Ah. I was wrong about how the kill orders are sent. Ok, inactives scare me a little less now. macen. panda why did you hop on the ash bandwagon once his death was pretty much locked in? Edit:fixed the playername to what I meant it to be. Man, I'm bad at posting what I meant on the first try
  8. My understanding was that spiked kill happen in the doc and uses of other actionshappen in PM. That's how its been before. Edir: stupid autocorrect Edit 2: This is exactly what I'm worried about inactives doing.
  9. Wyrm, killing an inactive is not a waste. One doesn't need to post in the thread to be spiked. It's entirely possibly to just give your kill orders and interact in the spiked doc without posting to the thread. Also, does no one notice this is a bandwagon except me? just realized: Wyrm the king. That's amusing
  10. @hrywynbe: if you have any specific worries about my reasoning, ask (you can PM me if you don't want it to be in the thread) for the most part I posted everything I had to say for myself in my last post other than my reason for my vote retraction, which is that I feel if ash was spiked, we would see more of a resistance for his lynching.
  11. I'm going to hop off this bandwagon. ash. Edit:putting my vote on macen as he is the only other person with a vote and inactive. Edit 2:color is hard
  12. It would shock me very much if a spiked tin eye intentionally admitted to being one in a message, particularly one that has a list of suspects attached. However, Even though I don't think the tineye is admitting to being spiked, we should keep the possibility in mind. Edit: I feel this last tineye is most likely good. What's most interesting here is that the shot on ostrich was called out by the tineye, meaning, in theory, ostrich's killer and this tineye are in league with each other. There isn't a spiked coin shot, or else there probably would have been more deaths, as I don't see any reason a spiked coinshot would have held off two cycles, and if a good coinshot had revealed himself to the spiked, he'd probably be dead by now. I feel we can trust this tineye, which means we can lend some credence to his suspect list. As for my vote, I might move it! but now I really have to go to work
  13. Why I haven't posted much information or analysis: firstly, I haven't been on very much. There was only one day so far where I've really had time to analyze everything. Secondly, when I've been on, I've mostly been on a tablet. My typing speed on a tablet is like thirty minutes per word instead of thirty words per minute (alright, that's an exaggeration. But still) I have about twenty minutes right now to look at things, but if I don't find anything better in that time I'm going to leave my vote on ash. I'm not voting for him arbitrarily, I think you presented some decent reasoning for it.
  14. I'm going to bend to Wilson's manipulation and cast my vote toward ash. If he ends up being innocent, I'm Turning on you Wilson.
  15. All your friends make up a new language, but don't tell you about it. It's the only way they talk now. Now, all your friends are cryptic. I wish for too awake feeling great, no matter how little I sleep.
  16. Going to cast my vote in the direction of clancy for now. Starting lots of little PM groups seems like a good way for a spiked to try to get information.
  17. You are now afraid of everything due to your paralyzing fear of birds. I wish to be a star athlete
  18. NOOO! my precious armies! Granted. They are living and carnivorous. I wish for support for my rebellion against our pony overlords and their stolen armies.
  19. granted. You can only eat ice cream from now on. Your teeth rot away and you get scurvy and die. I wish for a pony.
  20. Granted. You can only right in cursive from now on (get it, guys? Curse ive? *gets beaten with sticks*) I wish that the squirrel lich obeyed my command.
  21. Granted. You can't stop moving at super speed. I wish for a lifeless squirrel army.
  22. What I'm curious about, Wilson, is why you seem to be so determined to defend one of the most suspicious players?
  23. The nightwatcher got confused. Instead, it snows 80 inches and is 12 degrees. The snow still doesn't melt though I wish for this wish to be denied. dang it, that's already been done. I wish to be smarter.
  24. How is the issue over? Is he any less suspicious today than he was yesterday? Just because he was able to post some logic for it doesn't make him innocent. If there's one thing I've learned playing this game, it's that people can be more deceptive than you would think. It's best to just focus on what people do instead of what they claim, and the fact of the matter is eolhandras tried to run a phishing scam to draw out roles. EDIT: slight realization. After his day one actions, eolhandras was probably seeked. The fact that we haven't seen more of an action against him is a slight indicator towards his innocence. I'm still maintaining my vote for now though.
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