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Windborne Sword

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Everything posted by Windborne Sword

  1. I'll admit I thought of Kelsier immediately when Brandon said that the SWAT team of mistings was going after a Mistborn serial killer. I'd rather he not be a villain though, or not the Big Bad at least.
  2. True, but I'd imagine Kelsier would respect Hoid more for that. His quote about there always being another secret and everything.
  3. Like Phantom quoted in the post above, they hate each other. I wish I had a copy of the Mistborn Books in any other form other than my Audiobooks files. I'd find the part where Hoid and Kelsier interact and quote it, because right after Kelsier leaves Hoid he uses one of Hoid's tricks to improve his disguise when meeting Straff Venture and mentally thanks him afterwards. IIRC it goes something like this. "My eyes lord they aren't what they used to be, I can barely see my fingers anymore." Kelsier to Straff Venture "Thanks for the tip Hoid!"Kelsier thinking to himself Kelsier obviously respected Hoid at that point in time, but sometime afterward it changed.
  4. I don't think the Tranquiline Halls is the Spiritual Realm either, I think it's another planet probably Yolen. That's another topic all together though. What we are talking about is where Vin and Elend are, and IIRC Sazed mentions in the letter that Spook reads at the end of HoA that they have moved on to the afterlife or something like it. I still think that there is a quote on where they are exactly from Brandon as well, but I'm having trouble finding it. Edit: If all else fails send Brandon an @ question on twitter on the subject.
  5. I swear seeing a quote on this, or it might have been from the signing I was at in February in the Powell's at Cedar Crossing in Beaverton, OR. I'm pretty sure there is a quote, and it's not from the signing however. I do know for a fact that Kelsier is in the Cognitive Realm I've seen several sources on this as that is how he is able to take up the reigns of Preservation for the short time in between Leras and Vin. Also to clarify the part with Hoid and Kelsier hating each other, I think we can assume to mean that while travelling through Shadesmar, Kelsier and Hoid have met and they aren't very happy with what the other is doing.
  6. I thought of another one using Allomancy. Using Bendalloy to get in a few more minutes of sleep in the morning.
  7. Oooh I forgot about that part.... Darn it.
  8. So in the aftermath of the Final Ascension we know that Kelsier is sticking around in the Cognitive Realm with Sazed, while Vin and Elend are happily enjoying themselves in the Spiritual Realm (Somewhere) and they aren't coming back. However Sazed is working on a way to bring people back to life. We also know from an interview with Brandon, I don't want to find the exact quote, that Kelsier's bones survived the Final Ascension and are somewhere. I think that Kelsier is going to be coming back sometime in the second or third trilogies. Evidence to support it: Brandon has said that Vin and Elend are not coming back, specifically those two. However he makes no mention of Kelsier. We know that Kelsier loves to meddle around and is probably causing Harmony no end of annoyance doing so in the Cognitive Realm Like I said above his bones are still there and Harmony can repair damage to a body as we see when he reattached Elend's head in the field of Mare's flowers at the end of HoA. Harmony has somehow made it so that the area around Elendel will never ever be over farmed and will always be perfect for growing food. Marsh is still around and is doing Harmonies work, or so we think. He also is very conspicuous and would make a terrible agent to do thing quietly without people being suspicious. The spikes in his head and the tattoos are really out of place in Alloy of Law. The Kandra are also going around spiking people, like Wax, so that they can communicate with Harmony and Harmony can communicate with them. However they seem to take very little action other than that. Kelsier hates Hoid. As far as we know he's only met Hoid once, in the first book and he wasn't trying to kill Hoid at the time, in fact he sounded like he respected Hoid. With the above evidence showing that while Harmony doesn't exactly meddle in the day to day affairs of the world; he does go around making sure that things aren't going to hell and that the descendants of his friends are at least alright. Bringing back Kelsier as a personal hitman when Marsh would be too conspicuous would make a lot of sense and he might even make Kelsier a full keeper as well in order to keep himself alive afterwards. Evidence Somewhat Contradictory: However this doesn't mean he can't bring back Kelsier! He said it's going to happen, albeit very rarely. Edit: Found a quote from Brandon on bringing people back. Sorry for the blue outline around Elend's name it's how I am searching for this quote regarding Elend and Vin's current location Quotes I'm referencing above in case you want to read them. Regarding Kelsier's Bones: Regarding Sazed/Harmony being able to bring people back:
  9. So at the end of The Way of Kings, Dalinar's last vision during the Highstorm was him meeting with Honor and Honor telling him that he must find the Dawnshards and that the order of the Knights Radiant must be reformed. Can we safely assume that this is the last part of the messages from Honor? If so will Dalinar continue to be affected by the Highstorms and keep getting visions? I think he will stop receiving the visions personally. I haven't read the readings of Words of Radiance that have been released only because it'd make me even less patient for the whole book to come out.
  10. That would explain a lot of things, especially why Odium can't leave without losing a lot of power and therefore wont do it. It also might explain why Honor left a message, in the forms of the visions in the High Storms.
  11. I was under the assumption that if someone not from Nalthis was given Breath, they only had that Breath with which to use for Awakening and that they couldn't use their own color, thereby becoming a drab like Viviana did in Warbreaker. So Hoid could only use the Breath he was given to awaken with, and after using it, he wouldn't be able to use his own color as a breath. The reason being that he was not from Nalthis and he had no Investiture from Endowment.
  12. These are my bookshelves. However that's only a small amount of my books a lot of them are in boxes in the attic.
  13. Wow, now I'm really excited to listen to it, because I loved TWoK's.
  14. Windborne Sword... It's sort of a play on words. I was born in Chicago, the Windy City. Thus I am Windborn, and I've got a fascination with weapons, swords in particular so the name became Windborne Sword. I've used other names like Swiftelf, my Druid's name in WoW and Backwards2, because my best friend was Backwards.
  15. I thought of a really useless application of Allomancy. Burning Atium to juggle.
  16. What if the Shardblades and Plate were created by Honor and Cultivation? That could explain why they are so artistic and would also link Cultivation to Shallan's abilities with her perfect memory snapshots that she uses up whenever she draws a picture. Odium splintering Honor could have affected the Blades and Plate in some way that prevented them from glowing afterwards.
  17. Hello, I've been browsing this site for a few months and finally got around to making an account for myself. I've really enjoyed the work that everyone does in compiling their ideas and theories of whats going to happen in the next books that Brandon is writing. A few things about myself: I love to read (obviously) and I consume books so fast that I've actually had to stop reading them in print just so I can enjoy them longer as Audiobooks. I started reading the Wheel of Time back when I was 10 years old and when I found out that Brandon was going to be finishing the series I was really excited. I started listening to his work after The Gathering Storm came out, and I've now listened to everything that was written by him that's in the Cosmere, except The Emperors Soul; which is on my to do list after I finish my back log of Japanese Light Novels and The Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks. I've studied Japanese for 7 years(4 years in High School and 3 in College) and still haven't gotten my bachelors in it. "Shakes his fist angrily towards the heavens and curses Portland State University's Japanese Program" I love to partake in all stories of any medium and kind and from all over the world, except Twilight that story can rot and burn.
  18. I think that the previous guess of Oaths being the spiritual focus of power on Roshar is probably correct and here is why. If someone swears to themselves an oath and follows it, it seems to attract attention of a spren like Syl. I also think that further oaths that specify your actions even more like the 2nd to 5th ideals of the KR give better efficiency to one's use of magic. I don't think Kaladin was just able to do more things with his lashings after saying the 2nd Ideal of the Windrunners: "I shall protect those who cannot protect themselves." I think he was able to use it more efficiently as well, because from what little we've seen of Kaladin and Szeth's abilities while similar, it seems that Kaladins are more powerful and longer lasting. An example from Mistborn that I think backs up the efficiency theory is that Kelsier when teaching Vin Allomancy for the first time tells her to be very precise with the quality and mixture of metals that she ingests. If the metal is only slightly off it will still work, but it won't work as well. It's less efficient than using the correct mixture of metal. So every time that Kaladin says the correct Oath or Ideal of a Windrunner the more efficient he will become at using his powers and he will be able to do more things with it because it takes less power to use than it did before. A gaming analogy from say World of Warcraft would be that your friend gives you an Epic item that you can't use because you aren't level 60, you are only level 45 and thus you aren't ready to wield it yet. Until Kaladin correctly says the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Ideals of the Windrunners he cannot equip that Epic item. He will be ready as soon as he says those Ideals. This could explain why Jasnah can use her powers at a distance, but Shallan has to be touching something for it to work. Shallan isn't using her power efficiently enough to be able to use them at range. This also could explain why Szeth has similar powers to Kaladin, but because he isn't honorable he isn't getting the power from Honor and is getting it from somewhere else, like Hemalurgy is similar to Allomancy in that it looks like you are doing the same thing when you really aren't. Hell in the first book of Mistborn they thought that all Steel Inquisitors were Mistborn prior to becoming an Inquisitor and that only got disproved when Marsh became one at the end of the book. Last and not least, but it would also explain why Dalinar started getting visions from Honor after following the Codes. Because he was the one who was keeping to his oaths more than anyone else was he able to pick up Honor's S.O.S. visions, and yes I think that they are like an S.O.S. It may also have to do with the fact that Honor may have died in the Shattered Plains and that Dalinar being the most honorable person closest to Honor's grave was able to pick them up. I don't think that's true however as I think that wherever the Highstorms come from is the place where Honor died. I hope that makes sense and if not please tell me where and I'll try to explain more or in a better way.
  19. I could see Hoid stealing Nightblood from Vasher, but I don't think he'd do it without a very good reason. He already has something from Nalthis, the breath, and as far as we know there is only one Shard on Nalthis. Unless Nightblood was a mixture between two shards powers like Feruchemy is between Ruin and Preservation I don't see why theres a particular need for him to have Nightblood. I do think it may be another sentient sword though. Especially if he has never drawn it.
  20. Store Weight to make yourself feel better about yourself.
  21. Brandon has said that Kelsier is a sociopath. He takes way too much delight in killing noblemen (I don't know if this extends to noblewomen) and that he isn't exactly all there. That being said I don't think he was influenced by ruin anymore than anyone else was.
  22. What I meant was that we've only seen 8 of the metals so far counting iron, copper, zinc, aluminum, tin, cadmium, gold, and chromium. The other 8 that we know are the alloys of these metals and therefore don't count towards the number 16.
  23. I was thinking about this last night and knowing that 16 is a big arc number when it comes to the Cosmere and BS, I got to thinking about whether the alloys count towards that number. My reasoning is that it does not; because Shards influence the world and that because alloys are man made things, we have only seen 8 of 16 metals used on Scadrial for the Metallic Arts. Of course if BS has said otherwise I'm totally willing to give up this notion of mine
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