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Everything posted by Slowswift

  1. Yeah, well. My point still stands: I'd rather not date someone that troubled, at least until she got over it. (EDIT: Rewrote the whole thing for clarity. Sorry.)
  2. I'd have to say either Shallan or Melody (I'm a sucker for redheads): Shallan because of her art and wittiness, Melody because she's awesome and you'd never have a boring moment with her around, and both because of their general attitude. WHY ARE ALL THE GOOD GIRLS TAKEN?! Though since Shallan is both betrothed and has... problems, I'd probably just go with Melody. She's awesome.
  3. Who's first, if you're willing to say?
  4. I'm... Devotion. Huh. Didn't see that one coming.
  5. "The greatest IF them all." Was the "IF" intentional, or was it meant to be "OF?"
  6. "Bite others!" would be hilarious. Bonus points if you get the reference.
  7. Traditional hunter accepts modernity (to a point, anyways).
  8. Oh, wow... one of my favorite people on 17th Shard just replied to my comment. Ohmygoodness. Thanks for that insight, I can see where you're coming from. I'm not a Shalladin shipper by any means, I just really love that scene. CSFBF to you too!
  9. I think I'll stick with Slowswift. It sounds cool, and he was one of my favorite characters anyways.

  10. Granted, but you can't control when or how you use them. I wish to be able to reside in any fantasy world (i.e. Middle-earth, Roshar) of my choice.
  11. Congratulations, Twenty@20! It was Goradel.
  12. No and no. They affect the plot in a rather large way.
  13. No and no... Minor character, remember. Only shows up a few times.
  14. I. Cannot decide. On a. Display name. AND IT'S KILLING ME!!!

  15. Nope. Minor part in all three books. First introduced book one, dies and affects plot in book three.
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