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Everything posted by X-Rae

  1. Absolutely! I am working on a wood hair piece now, and making a new belt that won't feature any metal. I also purchased a licensed earring so after that I should be set! Very excited. Wow what an amazing compliment! I love that Brandon recently came out on livestream and mentioned how all fan made cloaks are canon, and I agree with him completely!
  2. Thank you all <333 Reading all of these books and meeting fellow cosmere people has been so much fun! And now bringing my favorite character to life makes me so happy. The kind words are appreciated
  3. Hellooo! I finished my handmade mistcloak the other week and just threw together some stuff I have collected for Ren faire over the years. My Vin cosplay is about 80% complete, I plan to change out everything that has metal to just leather so I have to craft that myself, and I will be adding some bandages to kind of represent Vin more so in book 2. But overall I am super happy so far with how it looks! In action: https://imgur.com/gallery/ZS2n2cI
  4. Wow this is beautiful and so creative!
  5. I don’t doubt you! My friend mains one and they come in clutch often. I just enjoy hunter sooo much on the PC, sucker for my throwing knives
  6. Not surprised to hear that! That’s where I was going to start but then I was recommended following the universe and beginning with Mist Born era 1. I thoroughly enjoyed this trilogy and I am starting Warbreaker. My excitement for Stormlight Archive is through the roof though. Only hear positive things! I’ll keep that in mind when I start that series! Little bits away still, just beginning Warbreaker now. I really love the magic system in era 1! The way he wrote it was so good and friendly to learn. Big fan of the concept
  7. I will have to check theirs out! I would imagine that’s a great book to follow up with a podcast. Thank you very much! What’s your favorite book from Sanderson? Or even over all!
  8. Yay! I also main hunter, Titan 2nd. Never played much Warlock though!
  9. Hey again Why! You wrote on my post How are you liking The Frugal Wizard's Handbook? I recently bought that in a bundle off the shop because the covers were so beautiful! Excited for that one and Tress of the Emerald Sea. Great choice in videogames! What class do you prefer in Destiny?
  10. We can be newcomers together! And yes I really enjoy my job, it is definitely interesting at times. Hopefully you are a morning person, creative writing first thing in the morning sounds like brain power is needed haha. Hope the rest of your classes go well!
  11. Thank you Robin! I am so happy to have found a space to discuss these books, like an online bookclub! And I will have to let him know I love the Silmarillion!!! I felt like I was taking a college course when I read that book, was taking a lot of notes on the characters and events haha. As an entire series I have to agree with LOTR, it is timeless. Some standalones I have liked as of late though are The Priory of the Orange Tree, and The Sword of Kaigen. I highly recommend the latter!
  12. Hellooo~! Has reading any of his stories inspired any paintings for yourself!? I always love seeing what people get inspired to do after things they read. I am also a newer fan as well, so we have that in common!
  13. X-Rae


    Hellooo!! I am with you currently on this rabbit hole journey haha. I am going to Warbreaker after Mistborn Era 1 before The Way Of Kings but I am so eager to get there. I hear it is such a wonderful series, and I am glad you are enjoying it so much.
  14. Hello everyone! My name is Rae and I recently began my Cosmere journey just last week, and I will be finishing Mistborn Era 1 tomorrow. Huge fan of this specific series so far, and I am told that his works only get better! Brandon recently just posted a video with his reading order and that's basically the one I am going to follow. Mainly joining this forum space so I can have people to talk to about these books! I do not have people around me that read longer series like I prefer to do.... soooooooooooooo being able to come on here and discuss my thoughts will be great. My poor dog Arthas already has to deal with my theories and occasional book screaming, but he is not the best conversationalist. A little bit about me: I love to read (probably stating the obvious here) and specifically high fantasy. If I am not reading then I tend to be working on cosplays or themed outfits (totally working on a Vin mistcloak now) for the renaissance faire, outside with my dog, or napping. I work as a CT and X-ray Tech in an emergency room, so reading is often a good way for me to decompress after work. I recently found my love of reading again just last year and have already finished 16 books since the new year. I'll definitely be adding to that list with the Cosmere universe! Looking forward to hopefully making some friends who want to talk about these books or similar interests! Here are some pictures of partner in crime
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