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Posts posted by Pineap-spider

  1. 1 hour ago, Rallohir said:

    Sure, would you like it put some more input into it, or would you like me to throw some creative curveballs in of my own

    I would love something less symetrical, maybe a single edged sword. Other than that, I'd love to see what you come up with!

  2. 21 hours ago, justice magician said:

    I'll be honest, if they do make a live action movie I won't complain, but I think the chances of it being terrible are much higher. Animation is the way to go, if you're going to do an adaptation at all. (but that's just my extremely biased opinion). Please Brandon I'm begging you watch spiderverse.

    I completely agree. I think animation would convey the complexity of the magic better. For example, I have trouble imagining Syl in live action and looking good. On the other hand, I think it would look a lot more natural in an animated format. I think I'd like Mistborn in a "The  Dragon Prince" animation style, (decent show). that's how I imagine it in my head at least. Nothing to hyper realistic, as that would get freaky, and wander into a anime style I (personally) would dislike, but not too cartoony.

    20 hours ago, justice magician said:


    I was actually thinking when I first read it that it would work really well in a studio ghibli style.

    I would be down for that. I think it fits the tone really well.

    I also think the Rithmatist would make a interesting horror film, so maybe take everything I say with a grain of salt.


  3. Let's say a Rithmatist drew a line of forbiddance on a piece of paper. theoretically, couldn't they pick up that paper and move the line? Does the line still point up, or does it stay perpendicular with the paper? Is this applicable in any way? Are there ideas I'm missing?

  4. 5 hours ago, Hmmm lies said:

    I mean Elantris sequel is coming out soon.

    Yeah, but it's been long overdue 

    1 hour ago, The Stick77 said:

    And Elantris certainly hasn’t been ignored in the meantime. We’ve got short stories and characters who appeared in other Cosmere works. I mean its not the same but it’s more than Rithmatist and Warbreaker have. Poor Warbreaker didn’t even get an essay or short story in Arcanum Unbounded.

    I personally don't think Hope of Elantris did much, it was just a flash back to a scene in the original book from a different perspective.  Plus SA spoilers:


    Vasher, Vivenna, and Nightblood all make appearences in WoR, OB, and RoW

    In summary, I want sequels, little cameos and novellas just don't cut it for me

  5. 6 hours ago, Mason Wheeler said:

    Again, is this Alloy of Law Steris, or later Steris?  They really do seem like two distinct characters, and the latter is far more likeable than the former.

    Just checking with my friends, most of them agree that later Steris is better, but still not their favorite. One did say that he liked her a lot more now though.

  6. People start talking Cosmere names and my mind goes to the supidest thing:

    Vorin: Doug

    Unkalaki: Dou,gg,Oudg,ugDoguu,Dguo

    Shin: Doug-son-Duhg

    Korathi: Daog

    Returned: DougGiver

    Thredonite:  Dug

    Based on this quote from Tress:


    You'd be surprised how common the name is across worlds. Oh, some spell it "Dug" or "Duhg," but it's always around. Regardless of local linguistics, parents eventually start naming their kids Doug.


  7. 2 hours ago, The Stick77 said:

    I don’t think those are particularly unpopular opinions apart from the cytoverse one. WoA is definitely well known to be the weakest of the original trilogy at least just because of its slower pacing. And everyone loves Steris. As for the Cytoverse there’s so much there I loved and some I didn’t. Have you read the Skyward Flight Novellas. I started them recently doing my reread before starting Defiant and its changed my opinion on the series as a whole since it gives a lot of screen time to the overlooked side cast which you’d probably like especially if you disliked Cytonic like I did.

    My main problem with WoA is how Vin and Elend interact, and I know a lot of people like those to characters. I've also heard a lot of people dislike Steris in my circles of human friends, but maybe I just have weird friends.

    Again, I haven't read Defiant but I did read the novellas, And while Jorgen and FM's sections were pretty good, ReDawn was not my favorite. I'll be honest, I have no attachment to Alanik, And I struggle to care about her. The first book is so good and then we abandon all the good things just to add mediocre things, and then it happens again. Also the fact that this book is getting so much attention while Rithmatist is over ten years old and hasn't gotten anything is an injustice.

  8. On 10/22/2023 at 6:36 AM, Treamayne said:

    I took it to mean that Aux could not become two or more disparate pieces, but a Chain is 1 item (Cognitively speaking) and entirely connected. In other words, there is no "and" - Aux could not become a Bow and Arrow, or a Staff and Knife - but we don't think of a chain as "link and link and link" - it's a Chain - one thing (despite being composed of multiple "pieces").

    In fact, most swords would technically be multiple pieces (Blade and crossguard and handle and pommel) or a spear would be "handle and blade."

    So, I would guess the limitation is more about Cognitive Identity (an object viewed as "one thing") than physical reality.

    I believe this is the most correct answer. The chain is considered one object in our minds, and therefore acts as one object. Though it is technically multiple pieces, the chain "thinks" of itself as one thing because that's how humans perceive it. The Emperor's Soul has a really good explanation of this, so if you're looking for a good read... 

  9. I love cartoons, and this idea entertains me to no end. 

    Do you have any ideas for the style of the drawing? I was imagining something made for 8 year olds, The theme song supporting my imagination of something kinda Cartoon Network-y, but I really what to know what you had in mind.

  10. A Mistborn movie has potential, but Hollywood can be pretty hit or miss on book to movie adaptations. While I'm sure Brandon will be heavily involved with the process and try to keep it as true to the book as possible, What are you worried Hollywood will mess up if they make a Mistborn movie?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Fantasy Awash said:

    Thanks! It was such a fun reading year! I am almost sad that I won't be doing it again this year!


    Who said you can't? I reread every series at the same time every year, ex: SA in the fall, Mistborn late spring, etc. I also have to much free time and mixed up priorities, so read at your leisure. Like I said, it's super fun! 

  12. I think the Well of Ascension is the worst Mistborn book. Vin & Elend are the least interesting characters and the whole book all they do is refuse to think their worthy of each other. All the plots and adventures of the first book felt a lot more real.

    Also, I love Steris's character, shes awesome

    On a different note, I dislike the Cytoverse. Not only is it distracting from books I actually want, but I also dislike Spensa. She has this amazing cast of much more interesting side characters in each book that i want to see more of, but the next book gets rid of all of them and we get a new cast! I haven't read Defiant yet, but Spensa frustrates me to no end, And I just want a Rithmatist sequel

  13. My introduction to Sanderson was through Alcatraz Vs The Evil Librarians. My sister gave it to me for Christmas, finished the available books  in a couple weeks, and then I kept going and finished all of his other books in the next year or 2.

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