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Everything posted by RoyalBeeMage

  1. “Then during all that I have that traumatic experience at the court”
  2. “I am not pretending. I would never lie to you Jenny.”
  3. "I told you my darkest moment, and now you want more? Giving up my ability to use sand is like asking me to cut off my own arm. Why should I trust you with that?" His voice was a mixture of anger and desperation as he stared into corin’s eyes.
  4. Parts of the abyss start to flow towards arranis but only half of it moves. “Do you know how rude that is?”
  5. “I’m Not lying. I am a son of Apollo not Hermes.”
  6. “They say that you have the power to change the world. To either save the world or to destroy it. Your choice. All I can do is guide you towards your choice.”
  7. roy’s eyes flashed with a mix of defiance and pain, their voice tight and controlled. "You think you can just demand my worst moment and I’ll spill my guts? Fine. There was a time when I thought about ending it all. When the world felt so crushing that disappearing seemed like the only option. I’ve never told anyone because admitting it makes it real. But don’t think for a second that sharing this changes anything between us."
  8. "they were written at the dawn of time. they change as the stars move in the sky! needless to say it would take thousands if not millions of years to change a prophace!"
  9. "jenny ignore him! you are not a monster!" jace said as he dragged aaron's body outside.
  10. "im glad it worked. i was a little worried when you got so distracted and kept forgetting who I was."
  11. "i mean it take effort to not pass through me. i am literally a sentiant black cloud."
  12. "i can offer you the secret about why I am here! i can offer you the blood of my enemies! i can offer you... myself? can the gm's control the minds of people with enough hemelurgy? if so then I will give up my free will and become the ultimate survant to you and your masters."
  13. "dont worry. i am not here for that reason. though I know others might be here for that reason. no. there is a phrophacy written in the stars about an ice lion turning into a fire girl. you were an ice lion and is now a female in a fire dress are you not?"
  14. "yes. so i killed them in self defence. i have been haveing bursts of flashes every few years. this time its getting worse. normally it stops after a few weeks but I have been getting these visions for almost 3 months now."
  15. You could have the measurable bit be how many sol's worth of light is created(or destroyed) with most character only able to work with 1 sol but some people able to go up to 10ish sol's(the amount of light in the sun).
  16. "i would prefer a livving blade. preferably one that is skybraker. what would you like?
  17. "since you dont want to sleep. i have a question for you. do you know why I am here?"
  18. well i got distracted with your advice. i am currently looking at about 1.5k words just for an outline for my background mythology. i might need to create a writing thread soon. or at least a worldbuilding one thanks scars for your advice to start with the myths, legends and gods.
  19. "i didnt think like them. i believed in creativity and innovation while they wanted to conform to a strict set of rules and traditions that they had followed for centuries."
  20. "i want suplies. i need food and water to last up until the end of the games. several warm coats and blankets. and weapons. do you have a shardblade? i would be surprised if you have anything like a dawnshard..."
  21. "please come with us. dont make me knock you out!" "you remember? good! it worked!"
  22. roy stood stunned looking at eddie. "i apoligise. please lets sit and talk."
  23. "look how about i promise that if you come with me I will bring you to an even better arcade?"
  24. "they tried to kill me because of what I knew. of what I represented to them."
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