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Ancient Elantrian

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Everything posted by Ancient Elantrian

  1. "J-j-just a little. Jar m-man is like her. Wh-wh-when she got weird l-like that she hu-hurt people more. Sh-she hit me when she was l-like that."
  2. The Gambler (that had been chasing @LightRinger's character) faded away to dust, looking at the sky. "The Change..." He whispered.
  3. Lukas hands Jar Man some chaouta. "Y-y-you should have some of this, it-t-t will help."
  4. "O-o-okay." Lukas says. "H-h-hi, J-jar-j-jar man."
  5. "Don't yell at m-m-m-momma!" Lukas yells, though he still hides just a bit behind Aventine.
  6. "Wh-wh-what does that w-word mean?" Lukas said. "What is wr-wrong with the weird guy?"
  7. "I-I-I don't know I-I-I never trieded those." Lukas steps back. "Th-th-that man is being weird."
  8. "I d-d-dunno? I l-l-like not g-getting hurt? Is th-th-that something p-people like to d-d-d-do mom?"
  9. Lukas laughs, for the first time since he got in the clinic. "Th-thank you! I'll never e-e-eat gruel ag-gain!" He quickly finishes two more chaoutas. "Phew. Th-that was a l-l-lot of food."
  10. "I-I-I like th-that." Lukas says, wrapping his arms around Aventine.
  11. The Gambler nods. "The Change. Send The Change." Then he looks over at [roy's character]. "Get out. Or I kill you." He said angrily. @RoyalBeeMage
  12. "Not good. Too many of these (darn) luck storers. I got one hunted but he fell in a cave. Others... their stupid luck."
  13. The Elan stepped back. That... that was weird. VERY weird. "Eh. Most of them are pacifists. You only need to be scared of the Main Character Elans, which there are a couple thousand of." "COME ON!" IC Elan shouts.
  14. The Gambler grumbled. This was not his day. He cautiously slid over a three chips embossed with a silver bag of sand. As soon as they reached him, they transformed into real bags of sand. "There ya go." He said. "Wanna play again?"
  15. "I-I-I d-don't, I don't th-th-th-think. I d-d-don't r-remember."
  16. One of the Elan’s next to Kyz leaned over. “Drink some giant platybear milk. It should get rid of the curse. And… don’t let him see you again.”
  17. Oh, this isn’t even a fraction of them. A whole lot are just waiting in line for this place, or in the middle of quests. “We will NEVER be even.” The Elan hisses. “My tea will follow you wherever you go. It will curse you. Plague you. Always.”
  18. The Gambler swears. He hands her the vials, and her breaths absorb back into her body. “No more.” He grumbles, leaning back. “Get ur stuff somewhere else lucky little brat.”
  19. Lukas nods, like he expected this, but he still looks kind of sad. “Oh. O-ok-k-ay.” He takes down the chaota and begins eating it quickly.
  20. “A-a-and then can we go f-find my f-f-friends? You can g-get them right? You’re st-st-st-strong?”
  21. Elan walks to the middle of the arena. The Elan turns around and summons a couple million liters of tea over Kyz. They poured on top of him, disappearing when they hit the floor.
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