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Everything posted by TheGreatSnail

  1. Btw this all used to be on a google doc, all color coded and organized, but it only copied the words, so sorry if it looks strange.
  2. I really just want to ramble about my story I have no motivation to write.
  3. Lol I'm sitting with them rn and they have no idea why im laughing so much. Nice bro!
  4. yes When I was making my account I was showing my friend how to sign snail in sign language, I wish. No, but what's it like?
  5. My friends convinced me to start reading Skyward and to get on the shard, after about a month of them asking.
  6. Omniromatic (preference for nonmen) and acesexual, pronouns are she/her
  7. I was just looking through the shard to see what would interest me (I havent read most of his books), and I saw that there were queers sooooooo.... now im here
  8. I've discovered a magic trick!

  9. any blade, preferably a sword, because its a sword and I want to go on a quest
  10. Please ask me things, I get REALLLLLLLY bored, and I need stuff to answer.
  11. @The last Fae in the Woods: I'm an oxymoron, and probably a moron. @TheGreatSnail: No you're just oxygen.
  12. @The last Fae in the Woods: By what seven gods do you bloody want me to say something funny to you?!?!
  14. Almost all highschool boys, there are a rare few who have gained my trust but it's a difficult task.
  15. GASP *drops down to the floor* "baby" *pets plant* @TheGreatSnail
  16. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs into wall*
  17. @The Bookwyrm: "theres a bunch of ancient people, and one of them's named Frustration."
  18. @TheGreatSnail: *turns bottle* "bottle" @InfiniteInsanity: *dies laughing*
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