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Exotic Almond

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Everything posted by Exotic Almond

  1. I know I've already siad this but Mog plus dragoon boots and dragon horn is amazing equipped with a spear dragoon boots makes jump deal double damage and with dragon horn he gets off 2-4 of these attacks all at full attack power while not taking any damage while in the air.
  2. I've pretty much always hated the healing rod. I always ended up healing the enemy.
  3. I realize this was said a while ago but Gogo can be controlled you have to set his abilities and he can use literally any ability that others can plus if you equip magic on him he know the spell if 1 character knows it. his only real downside is not being able to equip espers and fairly average stats.
  4. Yeah. I will say that I don't like the instant-death weapons a whole lot because they make undead (or similar) enemies revive when killed by them even if it wasn't an instant death hit. I put dragoon boots and a dragon horn on Mog and he is amazing now.
  5. Yeah no i wasn't optimizing them too much. Except for when Terra and Mog learned every available spell then I optimized them a bit. I mostly wanted them to know a majority of spells and get to a high level. I will say that it was worth it because later on the guide told me that his characters were just approaching level 40 for one of the extra esper missions and I was like "I already did that in world of balance"
  6. I didn't need to grind I just wanted to feel absolute superiority
  7. Sorry for the double post but I thought I would share. I grinded for LITERALLY an entire day in the esper cavern before challenging the ultima beast so my main party members were like level 40 and terra and mog (because yes I use him) knew every spell available at that stage in the game with relm and locke knowing most of them.
  8. that happened to me too so I don't know. (I never used him anyway)
  9. Basically strago has to either see or get hit by (can't remember which) a lore get used and then he learns it and can cast it like a spell with MP. If Relm uses control (sketch also works but is less reliable) then she can make the enemy use the attack and he will still learn it so it is just a really easy way to get the really OP ones (although most of mine were also by accident)
  10. I mostly use control for strago's lores. Plus her magic stat is the highest out of every single character and she is just one of the ones I leveled up for the big bad. (haven't beat the game yet am too busy doing all the little side missions to get new espers and such)
  11. I just remembered to post this so it is a little belated but...


    I had an archery tournament on Saturday (I don't think I've ever mentioned it but I do archery for my school) and beat my personal best by getting a 276 (in archery this is out of 300). I do NASP which means we aren't allowed any sort of modifications or add-ons to our bows or arrows.

    All in all I was very ecstatic when I mathed up my final score.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      That's a good goal.

      I remember when I was first getting into archery (not NASP that came later) I made a resolution to "get a bullseye 75% of the time"

      It lasted about 5 minutes before I realized how difficult it would be.

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It is very difficult :P

      I was doing very, very well on Saturday, but the last two 15 meter flights, I didn't do very good and so my score was lower than I wanted. I know what I did wrong and so I seek to improve, little by little. I know I have the ability to make it there, I just have to focus and take my time. Even more than I do. 

      Do you own your own bow?

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Yes. I have a recreational bow that has stuff on it but when I got into NASP my dad got me a NASP approved bow.

  12. I just remembered this one time my dad had to deal with a (drumroll please) A KAREN!!!!!!!:o

    We were picking up groceries from the pre-order counter with our step-mom and he was outside on the side of the road parked legally with his hazards on to make sure everybody knew to go around him. Some lady just started honking at him so he rolled down his window and started shouting "Go around!". She drove up to the other side of the road and started screaming at him and he just kept saying "keep going". Eventually another car got mad at the lady and she had to leave. Dad was driving around to keep my baby sister asleep and saw the lady filming him so he drives up and waves. She apparently (I was still inside) made a :o face and tried to hide her phone (to no avail) and he just kept driving. We eventually left and he told us the funny/irritating story.

  13. What is the policy on non-Brandon magic systems?
  14. Hello to all the Final Fantasy Fans. I love final fantasy 6 (that's what this post is about) and would love to hear about your favorite parties as a starter topic but this can evolve from there. I'll start. Mog: because Wind Rhapsody is overpowered (I mean wind damage all enemies, thunder or petrification damage one enemy, or free party wide healing is amazing). Terra: because she has decent attack and high magic stats. Relm: because she has the highest magic stat in the game and her ability sketch can be upgraded to control. Shadow: because I needed a melee character and his throw is OP.
  15. I'm also pretty amateurish I really just meant someone who likes shrooms.
  16. "Hello Leonard, Nice to meet you." "Phosh I think it is time you revealed yourself to our friends here." *A vine wrapped in the shape of a face with crystals growing out of it starts growing toward you* "Hello I am Phosh, a cultivationspren bonded to Ghest"
  17. "I see. Well my friend is demanding I apologize and I don't feel like fighting anyway so how about we let bygone be bygones."
  18. "Because if I see you so much as try to hurt me I will slice you in half. I really hope it doesn't come to that for it would be terribly messy and ruin these books."
  19. "I am Ghest. The book is not called Phosh it is just a book. I was talking to ... someone else. Now pray tell why am I talking to a snake?"
  20. on a scale from 34.542 to 9342.374 how would you rate your physical, cognitive, and spiritual pain.
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