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Tea Leaf

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Everything posted by Tea Leaf

  1. I can confirm that you are a SE Player. Having started knowing your alignment.
  2. I can on some nights (even) receive a fact about a player, if trolled it is misinformation. I can on some nights (odd) create a PM, if trolled I can't start another PM for the next cycle.
  3. Me and Wiz are innocent, I don't trust Bookwyrm but I might as well hope he is good and I won't die.
  4. Wiz is totally innocent just an innocent. Actually no he is an eliminator, kidding I hope.
  5. I have a feeling that Wiz is innocent, trust me. He seems innocent, I don't trust Stick though. Wasn't this redacted?
  6. Yup scapegoat the new guy, we should organise and uprise. If you trust me, trust him or vice versa (even if he or I seem to be suspicious). Maybe there is no one and we are all turning against each other!
  7. Sorry what is going on! Have we turned against each other already! How uncivilised, organisation and elimination of those who would eliminate us!
  8. How did you know! stress is the best way to ruin one's appetite. TPBM has a very eccentric hat.
  9. Ah yes, reminds me of the days at the theatre, before [No context].
  10. First of all WOW! Second of all, hmm... oh yeah, WOW!
  11. "I drunk too much blood two days ago, I felt very sick." @That1Cellist
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