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Posts posted by shortcake

  1. 1 hour ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "HT-2118! Calm down or else!" A different voice comes from the roof where there is a loudspeaker.

    The termination room is a large sterile room with one large light up top. "Now MT-36 please terminate AT-99. Then grab your soldier uniform."

    Lundyn pulls at the fabric on her back, ripping a large enough hole for her wings to fit through. Finally...

    1 hour ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "What are you waiting for MT-36? Do it." He seems almost confused as to why you won't "You shouldn't have feelings."



    I wouldn't say Lundyn is harmless.... she set fire to her parents by breathing fire...

    she also can make lights flicker, and she glitches when she's nervous or has strong feelings

    also, she can completely disappear from existence and then blip back in...

    she can also speak through thoughts


  2. Just now, Spark of Hope said:

    "None of us did."

    "Lundyn, please calm down," she said. She sounded scared, and she was - more so than she let on.


    "this stupid zipper won't work, my wings are cramped..."


    I probably should've asked if there was slots for her wings... we could figure out a way to cut them, or we could make it where they did this to her on purpose to make her uncomforatable

    @Exotic Almond

  3. 1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

    Not looking away from the scientist and guards, she held an arm out for Lundyn to crawl under.

    Lundyn scoots next to Aventine trying not to look at the scary guards.

    "why are they doing this? I didn't do anything-"

    2 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "Subject HT-2118 please calm down or we will use force. Now will subject MT-36 and Subject AT-99 please come with me." Looking down at their suits Aventine sees that she is MT-36 while Almond is AT-99

    @Spark of Hope (do edits still notify people?)

    "I need to move my wings, I can'tmove themm with this STUPID jumpsuit!! I need it off!!"

  4. 1 hour ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "I'm Almond. That's not my given name but... I don't like that one? What happened to your wings it looks painful."

    "I fell from a tree and then set it on fire," Lundyn smiles, like she's proud of it, "It was scary"

    1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

    Aventine walked over to Lundyn and Almond, hands in her jacket pockets.

    @Exotic Almond


    1 hour ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "Child." He points to Lundyn. "Also Trevor was paralyzed but is gone now."


    52 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

    Almond turns as he hears something. While he's distracted a dart shoots out from behind and hits him in the shoulders. "Oh, that's... not goo..." And he falls unconscious.


    50 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

    "So he was Shattered..." Xin muttered.

    She shook her head. "I see. That would be Rahil, then."

    No Trevor?

    Xin smiled. "I mean, if you want to be called Trevor, I guess. But I know you as Rahil."


    Aventine's eyes widened, and she picked up him and Lundyn before going into the magic proof cell.



    43 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "Anything magical isn't a person. Now hand over the subject and get on your knees."

    @shortcake (I forgot, not online oops)


    40 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "I don't have to explain myself to you." She shoots Lundyn with a dart.

    Lundyn yelps in pain and almost immediately passes out.

    37 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

    AAaaaaand she messed with a kid. That's it.

    Aventine put Almond gently on the ground, not breaking eye contact with the lady. She stayed knelt over him and pulled Lundyn to her.

    Lavender wings spread over them, and she turned into Akarui. One purple feather zipped faster than the woman could stop it, sharpened, and stopped while touching her neck. It poked it, and a drop of blood was drawn.


    21 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

    Pic watched her, but has a large hesitancy about going into yet another rift. 


    Pic ruffles her hair. 

    “Lets wait here for Ave,” Pic hummed. 


    He finds a fight breaking out in the basement. 


    Pic heard the shot, and brought up his shield by instinct, humming loudly. The shield did break the shots momentum, but tue shot broke the shield. By extension, Pics song cut off. He quickly tried to bring up the shield again, but this time he was a tad slower. 


    16 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

    Everyone wakes up in a pristine white cell. Wearing white jumpsuits with subject numbers on them and a logo that says MCS. Almond sits in a corner despondent.

    Lundyn abruptly sits up and tries to spread her wings, failing, since they're being constricted by the jumpsuit. "my wings! I can't move them, I can't move my wings..." She claws at the zipper on the jumpsuit, trying to open it.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "I dunno. I just do. Anyway Trevor was paralyzed in Elan's room and now he's gone. Paralyzed birds don't normally do that. Right? I mean I don't have much experience with the outside but, that sounds weird."

    "Maybe he went poof? Pic can I go with-" she looks at the otter, "what's your name?"



    also I forgot to add a thing about her wings in the last post so it would be so swag if you could check that again


  6. 51 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "Who are you? Ooh, I like your wings! So pretty!"


    "I'm Lundyn," she grinned. "Thank you!" she unfold her wing, slightly exposing where she got hurt (which happened like a million pages ago) to show them better. "How are you talking? Otters don't normally talk-"

  7. On 5/17/2024 at 2:09 PM, Exotic Almond said:



    Lundn is a 10 year old who's uncle basically brainwashed her into becoming "evil" (sort of) and forced her to kill her parents with fire. so basically what spark said lol

    On 5/17/2024 at 2:28 PM, Spark of Hope said:

    She looked down at her and wrapped one arm around her, leaving the other around Pic.


    On 5/17/2024 at 2:56 PM, Cash67 said:

    “I know,” he replied. 


    Pic smiled sadly at Lundyn. 

    Lundyn bonks her head against Pic's arm.

    On 5/18/2024 at 12:28 PM, Exotic Almond said:

    Almond reaches Elan's room and sees that Trevor is gone. He rushes back yelling "Guys, guys, guys!" over and over. Tired from his constant back and forth he trips over his own tail and falls flat on his face in front of Pic.

    "There's an... otter?" Lundyn squats down and pokes Almond.

    27 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

    @Edema Rue


    Insanity Clinic: Basement

    "Pic... There's a way to save him."

    She summoned the dagger and went to another wall. She cut a rift open to Luthadel, to a place she hoped never to return.

    Her hair turned green, her eyes brown. Black armor covered her body, matching the black gloves on her hands. She looked behind her, and a gust of wind picked up Elan's body and carried it through the rift. She followed it through.

    Luthadel: Lord Whatshisname's Bedroom

    Elan's body was suspended a few feet above the ground. Tena strode over to Lord Whatshisname, and the corpse followed her.

    "Who do you think you are?" Whatshisname asked, his voice high pitched.

    "For you, I'm the Grim Reaper."

    She stuck one hand out towards Elan, and a black ball of energy came out of his chest to float above her hand. Elan's body turned gray. The other hand thrusted towards Whatshisname. He gasped, and a yellow ball flew from his chest to that hand as he also turned gray. Tena moved so that the yellow was near Elan, the black near Whatshisname.

    "Lady Erikell sends her regards."

    The yellow light streaked towards Elan, settling in his chest and giving him new breath. The black took root in Whatshisname, who gasped as he crumbled to dust.

    @Ancient Elantrian @Cash67



  8. 17 hours ago, Cash67 said:


    Pic gripped onto her as if she was the only real thing remaining. 

    Pic grabs her and pulls her back in. "You can breathe," he says, still not speaking with a melody. 


    sorry I don't know why I thought she couldn't lol


    15 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

    The essence spread and corrupted, gaining speed the more planets, solar systems, and galaxies it consumed. Massive civilizations fell without even having time to react, the essence consuming themselves and their defenses. Nowhere seemed to be safe.

    Except a small cube 

    In the center of the mass of essence

    With four people in it.

    Elan grabbed Pic by the shoulders, ripping him away from Aventine. His eyes were manic, and he was shaking. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! GET ME OUT!!!" He shouted, shaking Pic violently.

    "Get off of him!" she screams at him, trying to shove him away.


    yes, I know this moment already passed, but I wanted to say it so I did

    deal with it lol

    15 hours ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "So guys, what are we gonna do?" Almond turns to the group. "The blackness is everywhere, I was on a completely different planet and it almost got me."

    @Edema Rue @Cash67 @shortcake


    Almond idk if you knew it was me but i'm the one who said I like your otter idea when we were in the hallway lol

    14 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    Pic keeps humming, and with Tal's help, Tal's fire is replicated in his hands. His whole being resonates with warmth, with security, with the apettite to destroy. Pic's face twists into a wry smile, and he stares at The Being. 

    @Edema Rue @shortcake




  9. On 5/15/2024 at 2:31 PM, Exotic Almond said:

    "Oh... that's sad. But you're happy now? Right? You're safe?" There seems to almost be a hopeful look in his eye, as if he's not just asking for Aventine.



    she's 10, and she's pretty short for her age

    she also has wings!

    23 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    He nods and doesn’t press the subject. 

    Pic helps her up, and soon she is hanging onto his back. 


    Pics attention narrows to the Being once more. His humming increases in volume. 


    23 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    Pic carries Lundyn on his shoulders and follows her to Elan's room. "I'll join as well," he hummed. 



    19 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    Pic still protests, though it was in vain. It was just him and Lundyn. 

    “Kid, I’m not gonna make you hide, but I’m going to strongly suggest that you do.” He hesitated. “Though if you do want to help singin the background I’m not going to turn you away.”


    "I wanna stay. I don't wanna leave you again..."

    14 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    Pic saw this, and ran downstairs to the Being. 


    Pic bursts into the room, seeing The Being attemting to pull Tal through the bars. Pic intensifies the sound of his song, and the staves on his sword flare. He slices down on the Being's grip just as the melody descends. 



    5 hours ago, Exotic Almond said:

    Almond didn't let up, almost not even seeing the results of the boulder. "I will send your "Essence" to the deepest darkest reaches of the multiverse where evil beings beyond description will rend you limb from limb forever!" Almond sends a barrage of boulders, beds, pianos and even a fridge.

    @Cash67 @shortcake


    23 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

    Pic calmed down slightly at the sight of the fire, and focused on attempting to sing. Sparks flitted around his fingers, but the resonance he usually felt was muted. Not gone, but muted. 

    @Ancient Elantrian

    Lundyn leaps into the box-room-thingy with Pic and Tal and immediately is stripped of air, then sticks her head back out, coughing


    sorry guys, tons of stuff happened, but I'm back

    school gets out in 20 minutes so i'll try and get online when I get home as well


  10. 1 hour ago, Cash67 said:



    “We needed Tal’s help,” Pic hummed. He pulled her into their group. “I am so happy you’re safe,” he said to Lundyn, smiling at her. 

    Lundyn hugs him and climbs onto his shoulder.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Cash67 said:


    Pic caught her, still reeling from is own fear. 

    “Yeah, it has,” Pic replied. 

    Pic heard this, and quickly turned around. Seeing Lundyn, he hummed, “Come here, quick.”

    Lundyn speedwalks over to Pic. "What's happening??"

  12. 1 hour ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "Oh hi Trevor! What do you have there?"



    Lundyn isn't with your group quite yet. but she will be in a sec!


    2 hours ago, Cash67 said:


    Lundyn continued to slide whenever she sang. It was almost as if the music was trying to lead her somewhere. 

    “Hold on,” Pic hummed to the Being. “Tal will soon send instructions. We will move then.”

    @Ancient Elantrian

    Lundyn ends up reaching the stairs to the basement, then falls down. Caught off-guard, she lets out a quiet-ish scream/yelp.


    Pic could most likely hear this


  13. 20 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    Pic nodded, and let that statement hang in the air. He looked Aventine in the eyes, trying to hear what was going on in her head. 

    Lundyn instantly felt a PULL that led downstairs. She began slowly drifting across the floor of her room. 


    im alive againnnnnn

    I rise!

    Lundyn yelped as she was pulled by seemingly nothing, but continues to hum. I have to find Pic and Aventine, she thought.

    @Cash67 @Spark of Hope

  14. 1 hour ago, Cash67 said:

    “Well then, I’m going to go to the front of the clinic and sit in the comfy chairs. Want to join?” He holds out his hand towards Aventine. 




    Lundyn remembers what Pic had told her, and starts to hum softly as she rocks back and forth.

  15. 17 hours ago, Cash67 said:


    Pic moves to set Aventine down on his bed, and realizes that the room is full of glitter. His face contorts, but quickly recovers. 

    Not now, he thinks, but whoever did this needs to answer. 

    After considering for a moment, he sets Aventine down in the glitter anyway, and ushers the rest of the people into his room and out into the hallway. 




    10 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:


    10 hours ago, Cash67 said:


    Pic sighs. "It happens to everyone here eventually," he hums. He begins to hum his song of strength (the marching beat one) and carry Elan to his room. After dropping him off, he closes the door to allow him to rest, and turns to Aventine. "Now to your room or the medbay?" he asks. @Spark of Hope





    yep! also who's in charge of Ayla? who's character are they?


    Lundyn sits in the closet of her room at the insanity clinic, not really doing anything. She missed Pic. Was Pic dead? Was it her fault? She started to cry quietly and lays her head on her arms, crossed above her knees which were pulled close to her chest.


    I think you're at the clinic now, but Lundyn doesn't' know that


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