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Status Updates posted by DoomslugLuna

  1. Hobbit hole embroidery update!

    I finished it y'all. I attached it to a pair of overalls that have lots of my other projects on 'em. 

    This is what I will ride for Rohan in. 

    Screenshot 2023-07-25 153943.png

    Screenshot 2023-07-25 154014.png

    1. Morningtide


      That's so good looking!!

    2. Glashard
  2. I have now seen the Barbie movie twice....

    I do not regret this decision, it is full of funny moments that deserve more laughs. 

    I can and will watch it again if anyone asks. I highly recommend seeing it. 

  3. For all of my Tolkien Fans, I've been embroidering this for the last few weeks. It's not quite finished yet, but in the end it will be a patch for my Senior overalls. I'll try to update when its complete.

    Screenshot 2023-07-08 095412.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DoomslugLuna


      Yep! I am Calano's partner!

    3. That1Cellist


      That’s beautiful. As a Tolkien fan and art enjoyer, I’m really glad you shared your talents.

    4. Morningtide


      That's so cool!

  4. Yay! It's been a year since I joined the Shard!

    (look @CalanoCorvus I remembered to do the thing!)  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Medium


      yes babe you did remember!!

      very proud!

      happy shardiversary!!!! here’s to more glorious years on this chaotic site.

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Happy shardiversity Luna!! ^_^

    4. Cash67


      You made it!! Here’s to many more years of the both of you being on the Shard

  5. Okay, in my English class rn we are analyzing celebrities' and their  online presence; ex. Official websites, Official fan websites, Official wiki's. 

    And guess who I picked.

    Mr. Sanderson!

    So everyone else in my class is doing like Rappers, Singers, Artists and Actors. Then there's me; a little nerd in the corner doing Brandon Sanderson.  

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