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Lego Mistborn

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Blog Comments posted by Lego Mistborn

  1. 7 hours ago, Trutharchivist said:

    I'll be honest here, it's all nice and well to say that, but just today my thoughts drifted to two occasions where Christians attempted to force Jews to abandon their faith. As a matter of fact, both were public arguments regarding matters of faith, and in at least one of them it's widely believed that the Jew won - and then had to flee the country for fear of prosecution.

    Un-christlike, perhaps. But Christians did show a tendency of working this way.

    And now I may have antagonised you along with 80% of the Shard. So, well, maybe I should accept that this isn't supposed to be inherent in Christianity any more than it is in Judaism. No one here tried to force me to convert, after all.

    So, sorry for the harsh reply, but I'm not sure I was overly surprised to learn of the Lavater incident. I guess Christians at the time were simply convinced that if someone is smart they have to agree with them.

    Oh, I totally agree with you. I get so fed up with people who talk the talk but don't walk the walk, so to say.

    I wasn't saying it was surprising, it probably is not, I know of people who are like that today, people are like that everywhere. 

    Also, you were not harsh at all. (Especially in tone)

  2. 7 hours ago, Trutharchivist said:

    Well, you see, the idea that the Messiah will one day come predates Christianity. It's true that Messianic Jews is the term used for Jews who practice Christianity as well, but believing in the Messiah does not necessarily include believing that it's Jesus. 

    The Messianic Ideal, in this case, is the idea that one day a savior will come, bring us to the Holy Land, save us from our foes and build the 3rd Temple. Said savior is supposed to be descended from David's line of kings, and is called the Messiah.

    Okay, that makes sense, it's in line with what I already knew. I think it's just the name being the same that's so weird to me when we're discussing something that's kind of the opposite (Eventually going back to Israel to wait for the Messiah vs the Messiah has already come) that threw me off.

  3. 10 hours ago, Frustration said:

    Do I believe AI could ever become Sapient? Not even close, nothing we have seen from them has ever even approached contious thought. No computer will ever ask itself the question "Who am I? Why am I here?"

    I finally found someone who agrees with me on this. I think one big difference, as highlighted in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" is empathy, and true emotion in general. I find it very troubling that we as humanity have given citizenship to a cold machine that is completely incapable of feeling sympathy. What happens when said machine gets to make decisions that vastly affect other people?

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