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The Isochronism

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Status Updates posted by The Isochronism

  1. For all you faithful followers who read the things I write, I'd love for you to check out my long random thing on The Way of Kings. 

    How many of you are rereading SA before #5 comes out this december?


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I…probably will.

      I should.

      I shall.

  2. Something needs to change.

    Why are so many teenage boys absolute idiots? It frustrates me so much, because I feel like I've spent years advocating for men, saying the idiots are in the minority, and society should give men a little more benefit of the doubt. I still think there's not a lot that's more hurtful to anyone than walking up to them and telling them their life is easy. I've had those words said to me over and over again. 

    You're a guy, you have no idea what it even means to have a hard life.

    That's not true. I know that. But people who don't know me still insist I have no pain tolerance, and no understanding. 

    But then... Then I see a bunch of teenage idiots hurt the girl I love, and I start to think about how many of my friends would have done something to stop it, if in that group of teenagers who were too arrogant to even realize how possessive and awful they were being. Maybe one or two of my friends would have stopped it. But guys are really good at working as a group. It's really hard to be the odd one out. And so because of how the world works, there are so many girls that suffer because of guys, and that makes me so angry. Something needs to change.

    I think groups of people need to hold themselves accountable, because there's so much loss of trust between groups. And so I feel like I need to hold other guys accountable, and say again: Something needs to change. I don't know what that looks like, I'm sure when I'm less tired and have more time I'll write something more cohesive, but for now I just want to rant a little. And for you guys, my advice is simple. There's a lot I could say, like always assume a girl doesn't want to touch you unless she says otherwise instead of assuming a girl does want to touch you until she says otherwise, and other rules like that, but I think the deep-rooted problem comes from arrogance, and failure to see who we all really are. That goes for a lot of women too, but I don't know that it's my place to get into that right now. Somehow, you have to change your mindset so that women are people with stories, emotions, and agency. They are not achievements to collect. Your responsibility to be careful is directly tied to your ability to cause harm. That gives all of us a great deal of responsibility, which is why I felt like I needed to write this. I've made mistakes too, and right now I'm holding myself accountable. Let's change together.

  3. Numberless...

    Like stars in the sky

    The lights of the city shine

    A thousand stories I'll never know

    There are too many for human minds to ever see

    I'm alone.


    Lights flash red

    Like scars on my arm

    Like panic inside my chest

    It's distinct against white city lights

    A story I don't know, I cry anyway.



    True stories

    Forever we hide

    Smiles we fake, tears we smother

    When will we see each other clearly?

    Instead of lights we see a twink'ling city

    and never think about the ones whose stories are lost.

    My story. 

  4. Dear... Hypothetical.

    I wish I still cared, about... well anything. I used to love this forum, although maybe it was just my need for validation from people who don't know me well enough to reject me. 

    I used to love writing, books, speeches, essays... letters. And now I can barely even type. 

    I broke 5 in my last mile race, which just a year ago would have made me so happy, and now I barely care. 

    Now there's only one thing I care about, but eventually I know I'll lose her too. 

    If I was sad, or stressed, I'd be okay, because I would care. I know how that feels. But this apathy is terrifying.


    I've wanted to ask the few followers who still read these, what's the point? What's the point of these status updates, of these conversations, of these games and five-paragraph theories. What's the point of having friends here? We all spend our nights telling ourselves stories about each other, who the others might be in relation to us. But the truth is, we all live in our own universe. Completely isolated. All this beauty might as well be fake, right? Even this status update looks show-offy on a page, because these words are meant to be spoken. And not to just anyone, but to someone who loves me, cares about me, or even just knows me. So why am I writing to you? Dear, Hypothetical reader? Because it's easy. It's easy to complain to one or two people I'll never meet. It's easier to make you feel my burden, because nobody 'real' deserves to carry it. Neither do you, really. But you won't. Because I'm one name, one profile, and one status update among thousands.

    I've been gone for weeks, and I come back to see I got four reputation points. And... that made me way happier than it should have. The happiness immediately turned into guilt when I realized how much weight I put in that online number, that should be meaningless. I'm addicted to the feeling that someone cares. And so I become more preformative, I start saying things to get reputation instead of saying them to make this space happier. It's all so fake. You're all so hypothetical. 

    Even this. I want those replies, those points, that feeling that someone is watching. But it'll never be enough. So please, just this once, don't love this update. I need this to be for something more than reputation, and that's the only way to prove this letter is different. 

    What's the point? I don't deserve to be remembered, but I just want to stop feeling alone. I turn here to this fictional, preformative profile, because reality isn't enough for me. What's the point of staying in either reality? We're all alone. And I don't deserve to be here. You don't want to know... me. 

    Thank you for making me feel real.

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Before I type up my second essay of this week, can I ask what it means to be “real” to you?

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I think…being addicted to being cared about is like being addicted to eating. Or sleeping. Too much of it will certainly hurt, but you need it to survive. Maybe in a different way, but it is human to need to be loved. 

      And…I can’t promise answers, or explain away the loneliness, but I think we turn here because it’s easier. It’s easier to see a like and tell ourselves it means we matter. It’s easier to interact without obligation. It’s easier than in the real world. 

      And while I don’t know much else, I do know that no matter what else happens with ‘real’ people or ‘hypothetical’ people or anything at all, there is a God who loves you. Who won’t forget you. Who cares for you and can help you care, if you turn to Him. I know religion is laughable to a lot of people, but…I believe it. And it helps.

    3. Slowswift


      Well, that's terrifyingly relatable. 

  5. In the rain, I don't walk alone

    It matters not if I'm far from home

    Because I can't see

    and do not know

    In the greyness of the storm.


    In the mist

    or in the fog

    the whole world fades

    and I just jog.


    When rain clouds smother

    what I can see

    then I'm not alone, 

    because next to me

    Are a hundred spirits,

    a hundred eyes

    Guiding me

    watching me

    through the pines.


    When the sun shines bright I cannot hide

    I can be seen by passers by


    I can be seen

    but not quite seen...

    but they can tell I walk alone.


    But it's not just them, it's me who sees

    The vacant path, through empty trees.

    know the path, and can't get lost

    and I know I can't continue this walk.


    Because when the fog fades,

    and the illusion is gone

    it's just me who walks

    -so lonely- along.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Well…I felt it a lot, and it was very well written. You’ve got talent, dude <333

    3. Silver Phantom
    4. Anguished_One



      I absolutely love this!!

      Thank you for sharing!!

  6. There are good places and bad places to go for help when you need emotional support. 

    You're not wrong for feeling hurt, or broken, or useless, or lonely, or like a burden, but don't take my word for it. The internet is not where you should go for support because you won't leave feeling fulfilled like you would after talking to real people. 

    Go talk to someone, like I did. It's worth it so you can feel the way I do right now. Lifted, light, meaningful, and confident.

    It's worth it.

  7. I finally finished another essay, if you have a minute please read it and let me know what you think. 

    In case any of you didn't know, I occasionally write essays about great stories that I feel like have changed my life for the better, and Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse is one such story. I would love to hear if you have thoughts! And if you haven't, you're also welcome to check out my other two essays, link in the "About Me" or in my signature.

    Love you guys.


  8. So you could say I missed a few status updates... I'm sure it looked like I just gave up. But nah, my work just... stalled. I've still gotten a lot done, just nowhere near as much as I would have liked to get done. Alas. I'll survive though. I stopped posting constant status updates for other reasons, which I'll maybe get into at the conclusion of NaNoWriMo.

    Anyway, you may have noticed the late name change. Do I have any idea what the whole "Ookla" thing is about? No.

    Am I going to let that stop me from conforming to online trends that are popular and perceived as cool by my peers, based on no evidence and without reason, despite name changing being a limited privilege? Heck no.

    There's a life lesson in here somewhere, but I refuse to learn it.

    Total W count: 27,462

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ookla season is fun!! I think you made the right choice :)))

  9. I did it. Day 16 was split up a lot because I've been traveling, but at least I got it done. Hopefully I'll be able to do the same tomorrow. Only a quick update today, because I need sleep, but thank you guys for reading these.

    Tomorrow I'll also have to do lots of revision to these words, because I don't love lots of it. But hey, you gotta just keep moving forward.

    Today's W Count: 2157

    Total W Count: 24,358

  10. Day 15 done! Today officially marks the halfway point through november. I'm not halfway through my word count goal, but we'll ignore that for now.

    Things are going great basically, not that much needs to be said. I'll be back tomorrow with another update, we'll just hope and pray I can get the word count in, even though I'll be traveling for a cross country meet.

    Thanks for everything guys!

    Today's W Count: 2226

    Total W Count 22,201

  11. Day 14 complete. 

    Let's talk about my book. (Yeah, I know, It's probably unhealthy how much I love talking about myself.) So... these chapters are also pretty weak. I wish I could share the end of my book with you, but the beginnings are rough for me. I think I did a fair job of establishing plot, character, and setting, but overall I think I could have executed this a lot better. 

    The idea though, was mostly that I'm tired of the orphan who hates his life being recruited by secret organizations of wizards, and wondered what it'd be like if one of those generic secret organizations kidnapped a spoiled rich kid instead. They're showing him all these amazing things with magic and he's like "yeah, but I also kinda just wanna go home. Warm baths were nice."

    That's how I get my ideas. I see an overdone trope that annoys me, and I'm like, "That could be interesting if they just did the exact opposite...

    Anyway, I don't actually have lots to say, only that sometime next year after doing some revisions I will want proofreaders. (I was hoping to get this by dragonsteel, but like, I'm doing NaNoWriMo and not failing school instead.) Basically if you'd be interested in reading more of my story let me know and I'll put you on the list. I'll mail as many of you that want it a free hardcover copy of my book (signed for the memes) or digital files that can be sent to kindle or read as PDF documents (like Brandon Sanderson's secret projects.) The physical copies are fire though, and I know it's weird to give me your shipping address but to be fair it's not like you all haven't given your shipping address to other websites that your order stuff from, so I can't be that much less trustworthy then them. And if you want to meet me, I'll be at dragonsteel. Still, I need proofreaders, so I'll say this again at the end of the year, but if you're interested I want your help. I'll even credit you in the acknowledgments. Think how cool that will be once I'm rich and famous.

    Oh yeah, speaking of which, I'm going to dragonsteel. I will be wearing a blue suit (for the style) and you never know if a lemon shirt may also be present. Come say hi and be like "Hold up, you're a child!" It'll be funny I promise. I'm really excited. 

    Alrighty bye guys.

    Today's W Count: 2183

    Total W Count: 19,975

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I can write short stories, and I have longer projects planned, but I can never stick with it long enough...someday. I'll get there :D 

    3. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Yeah, you will. Short stories give you lots of practice too though on actually finishing stuff which is super helpful. I do recommend finishing something long one day though, because it gives you a huge confidence boost writing-wise.

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yeah, and I’d definitely love to. I think I will get there, it’ll just take time and work.

  12. I actually didn't want to stop writing today, I was having such a fun time. Things are looking good for this story, although it's obviously far from a final draft. But it's a draft, and that's what matters.

    I had a few people ask me about my book's total word count, and I'm proud to say that I just crossed 71,000, which is really good. And if I'm counting all my projects, I've written somewhere over 205,000 words which is just crazy to think about. I started this book May 5th technically, and I hoped to finish it over the summer, but I'm glad it's looking like it'll be done by the end of the year. I'm really excited for this one. But then again, I always am. 

    Thanks so much for following my progress, you guys are amazing. You keep me motivated, and I love seeing your comments even if I don't reply to them (which I do try to do, but often fail.) 

    Tomorrow maybe I'll talk about the first few chapters I posted here a few days ago, but as always I love to hear your thoughts before I give mine. At this point I realize my book is very clearly an early draft, so don't worry about offending me. :D 

    I'm looking forward to the time I have to sleep tonight.

    Today's W Count: 2333

    Total W Count: 17,792

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ooh yay!! I'm looking forward to sleeping tonight too :) 

  13. NaNoWriMo day 12 Status: I'm still here. I haven't given up yet.

    I love how my story is coming along. Yes I'm a little slower than I hoped to be, but that's never been a problem in the past. If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute. I have a feeling I'll be able to catch up when I need to.

    Also I meant to say this when I was talking about tragic love songs, but I have a few recommendations if any of you need music recommendations. First of all the new beatles song "Now and Then" is amazing.  I know it technically was released with AI software fixing corrupted files or something (not a story I did much research on, so please correct me if you know how it worked, because it sounds really interesting) but I love that freaking song. Also, the love theme from St. Elmo's Fire is amazing, please go listen. And my favorite song of all time is of course "Ghosts (how can I move on)" by muse. Then "Open Arms" by journey is also amazing if you like less tragic love songs. But that's just what I've been listening to lately while I write. (and a bunch of other songs that I wish I had time to mention)  

    Also I ran another half marathon yesterday so that was fun. I know it's a pretty regular occurrence for me, but I'm still impressed with myself. 

    That's all I've got for today's SU, see you guys tomorrow.

    Today's W Count: 2328

    Total W Count: 15,456

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Nice job on all of that, especially the half marathon!! I don't understand how people can run, I would take biking 100 miles over running 3 any day. Running 13 sounds...wow.

    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Full steam ahead! The book is coming along great!

    3. The Isochronism
  14. So first of all, I know I haven't hit you with a status update in a few days, and that's partly because I was super busy, partly because I needed a break, and partly because I remembered why I love writing. 

    Sometimes, under the weight of self-imposed deadlines, unrealistic goals, and forced momentum, it's easy to forget that I'm not writing to hit a deadline. I'm not writing so I get 65,000 words in november, or so that I can say I wrote more than Brandon Sanderson. I'm writing because I genuinely, unironically love it. I don't love every second of it, but I love the satisfaction of completion, and I love thinking and sitting here at my desk, decorated with postcards from all around the cosmere, creating something new.

    I took a breather, because I felt like I wasn't writing for the reasons that I want to be writing. I create because it's what I love to do. If you aspiring authors want some advice from an idiot, I'd just say this: Writing is amazing, but you shouldn't be writing so that you have a book, you should be writing so you can become a writer. That is your final goal, the book is just how you get there. If you burn out, get hyper focused on the perfection of one book, or get discouraged when you can't write the book you imagined, you'll just be hindering your progress as an author.

    As a reward for those of you who've followed me for this long, you'll find the first three chapters of my book below. I'll give you guys a few days to read them before posting my thoughts, because your lives are busy, but I'd love to hear what you think. (Formating note: pasting text removes all formatting like italics, so I went through and italicized a bunch of stuff, but I probably missed a bunch of stuff too so I apologize.)


    Chapter One

    Laeho sat in his luxurious bed, still dressed in his white bedclothes, and turned the letter over in his hands. It was plain, and unornamented. On the back, in neat handwriting, it said:

    To: Areon Ebar. From: Shale.

    They were the only words written on the white envelope. He’d already tried holding it up to the light but he couldn’t see the note inside. The only thing he was sure of was that the note was addressed to his younger brother, Areon. He couldn’t remember who Shale was, but he assumed she was one of his brother’s friends. Laeho was itching to break its seal before his brother returned. 

    Areon was gone from the mansion, and Laeho could guess where he was. He was probably on the streets again, dressed as a beggar and experiencing life from the perspective of “regular” people. Laeho still didn’t understand why Areon loved to do that so much.

    “Laeho?” someone called. 

    Laeho jumped and shoved the letter under his pillow. He couldn’t let Areon couldn’t see that he’d taken it; Areon wouldn’t understand. I’m going to give it back, Laeho thought. I’m just looking at it. There’s no harm done.

    The heavy wooden door creaked open, and Areon poked his head in. He looked terrible, his face caked in mud, and his beggar clothes torn and rumpled.

    “Who are you?” Laeho asked. “And what are you doing in my house? You realize this mansion belongs to the Ebar family, right? We control more than a quarter of the king’s armada, so you clearly chose the wrong house to rob.”

    Areon glanced down at himself and rolled his eyes. He pushed open the door wider then walked in and sat on Laeho’s rug. The mud on his clothes would probably make the rug dirty, but Laeho tried not to worry about it. He was sure someone would clean it, as they always did. 

    “I need to talk to you, Laeho,” Areon said. 

    Laeho smiled a fake smile, trying not to think about the letter under his pillow. “Oh, Areon? That’s you? I didn’t recognize you beneath your beggar costume. What do you need?”

    “I need you to listen,” Areon said, sounding a bit exasperated. “I’ve told you before about the disappearances, but I think it’s getting worse.”

    Laeho looked away, blushing. “I… I don’t remember.” 

    Areon put out his hand. “That’s fine. I just need you to listen. As far as I can tell, orphans and beggars have been going missing for at least months, but it could be much longer. This could have been happening for years, but we never noticed because it was always people without families, too unimportant for anyone like our family to notice. I’m getting close. But I think this is bigger than a gang I didn’t know about, or a kidnapper.”

    Laeho pursed his lips. “Have you taken this to Father?”

    “Of course I took it to Father,” Areon snapped. “He said it wasn’t our problem.”

    “That’s because it’s not our problem. We’re not kings! We just decide when to go to war! We’re a powerful family, but we aren’t responsible for protecting this peninsula from anything other than the eastern islands.”

    Areon threw his hands up. “Well, how in the name of Tare are we supposed to do that? If any of the eastern islands attack us, we won’t stand a chance, let alone all of them!” Areon was yelling now.

    “Please lower your voice,” Laeho said. “We’re not arguing about the armada right now. Areon, you’re not responsible for single-handedly saving this kingdom. You’re just a kid—”

    “I’m one year younger than you,” Areon snapped.

    “Fine,” Laeho said. “You’re not a kid, but this still isn’t your responsibility. Let it go.”

    Areon stood suddenly. “That’s pretty easy for you, but not all of us have the luxury of being able to forget.”

    Laeho’s face turned red. The comment cut deep, and Areon immediately looked ashamed.

    Areon turned away. “My friend vanished yesterday. Her brother was an Obsidian Sentinel, and he came for me, because he thought I would know where she was. He said she sent me a letter, telling me where she was, which isn’t even true.”

    Laeho felt his face break out in a cold sweat, and he was glad Areon was turned away, and couldn’t see his face. Laeho was terrible at lying, even by omission. 

    “This is about a girl?” he teased, trying to keep his tone light.

    “I never said it was a girl,” Areon grumbled. 

    Laeho smiled slightly. “That’s exactly how I knew,” he said.

    Areon sighed, and walked out of the room. Laeho closed the door behind him, and let out a sigh of relief. Then with a shaking hand he withdrew the letter from beneath his pillow. It wasn’t too late. He could leave it on the dining room table, and Areon would never be the wiser. But… Areon was becoming obsessed with the “disappearances,” and he’d been spending more time than ever dressed as a peasant, walking the streets of the peninsula. 

    Laeho didn’t want to lose his brother. Not like he’d lost his mother. Areon was all he had. He was Laeho’s only friend. Laeho loved his life, he loved the Ebar mansion, and he didn’t want that all to be shattered. Not again. That’s why he’d taken the letter in the first place. He thought it was a love-letter. He wanted to know how serious things were, and how long it’d be before Areon would abandon him. But it might be so much more than that.

    Laeho broke the seal. He regretted it the instant he did it, but there was no going back now. Carefully, he removed the letter from the envelope.

    Dear Areon, he read.

    If you’re reading this, I’m already gone. 

    Laeho stopped reading, dropping the letter. He stood back, his eyes wide. He knew he’d read it correctly, but his mind was slow to comprehend what it could mean. At that moment, he decided that Areon could never see the letter. He would shove it in the back of his giant dresser, and forget about it, like he did everything else. If Areon didn’t see the note, he would think that the girl who’d written it had just left, without saying goodbye. If he knew there was more to her disappearance, he’d never stop searching until he found her. Laeho might lose his brother forever. 

    He picked up the letter, and shoved it into its envelope, which he tucked away where he’d never see it. He couldn’t afford to be reminded.









    Chapter Two

    A middle-aged woman who Laeho didn’t recognize sat down across from him. His Father was off doing something important, and Areon never joined them for breakfast. Father made him come to dinner, but otherwise he didn’t force Areon to do anything he didn’t want to do. 

    “Good morning, Laeho. I’m Hyla,” the woman said, smiling prettily. 

    Laeho grunted in response, staring at his soup.

    “Are you excited about your sword fight tomorrow?”

    “Why would I be?” Laeho asked, reaching for his spoon. Maybe if she could see he was eating, she wouldn’t keep trying to talk to him.

    “I assume you’ve been practicing with that nice Gerrion boy, right?” she asked.

    “Why do you care?” He glanced up to see if her smile would waver, but it stayed firm.

    “I care because I care about you,” she said with a smile.

    Laeho wondered briefly if she was always happy, or if the smile was just as fake as her makeup. 

    “I don’t know you,” he said. 

    She laughed, her soft tinkling laugh. “Of course you know me,” she said. “I’m your father’s wife.” 

    “No, you’re not.” 

    The woman shook her head. “Do we have to do this every day?” she asked, still smiling. Her eyes, however, just looked tired.

    “I’ve never seen you before in my life,” Laeho insisted.

    “So you’ve said. Every day now for the past year. Maybe we could stick to small talk for now?” 

    “You’re not my mother,” he said. “That will always be true. I remember my mother. She had blonde hair, like mine. She was kind, and beautiful. She was nothing like you.” 

    The woman’s smile wavered, and Laeho felt an unexplainable surge of satisfaction. Maybe he had met this woman before. He couldn’t remember it, but the familiarity was there. 

    “Have you talked to the physicians lately?” the woman asked brightly, as if she was just making more small talk. 

    “No,” Laeho said, turning back to his soup. 

    “Maybe you should—”

    “Stop,” Laeho commanded. 

    The woman seemed surprised by his harsh tone. 

    “I’m not going to talk to them again. They’ll tell me the same thing they tell me every time. They’ll put on their pitying looks and pained expressions and tell me, ‘You’re not sick. There’s nothing to cure. You just think differently than everyone else and what’s wrong with that?’ as if this is the same as someone not being able to tell the difference between red and green.”

    “I know this is hard for you, but—”

    “You could never know what it’s like to be unable to make more memories. Everyone who talks to me pities me, introducing themselves regardless of how often we’ve talked, because they know I won’t remember a word they say. And at the end of every conversation, they say ‘don’t forget,’ as if this is all my choice.” 

    Laeho stood, and walked out of the room, slamming the onyx lined door behind him. Then he took a deep breath, relaxing on the other side. A second later he glanced at the door, wondering if he was supposed to be eating breakfast right now, but he didn’t feel hungry so he just turned and walked away.


    *  *  *


    Areon was waiting in front of Laeho’s room, and Laeho could tell instantly that something was wrong. In his hand, Areon held a small letter. 

    Laeho’s heart dropped. “Areon…”

    “Did you know about this letter?” Areon asked, not waiting for Laeho to finish. His voice wasn’t loud, but it wasn’t calm either. It didn’t sound angry, it sounded hurt. 

    “How’d you find it?” Laeho asked in a small voice. 

    Areon rolled his eyes. “I asked one of the servants if there’d been any letters for me. He told me you’d taken a letter for me. And look what I find tucked away in your room.” 

    Laeho felt close to tears. “I was going to tell you, but—”

    “But you’d rather run from your problems than confront them,” Areon finished bitterly. 

    “It’s not my problem,” Laeho said without thinking. “It’s not yours either. You can’t let this consume you.”

    Areon looked up from the floor. “How could you care so little about the things that are happening around you?” he asked. “Why am I the only one in this world that gives a crap about any of this? You think anything that doesn’t affect you directly is someone else’s problem. I’m done with you.” 

    He turned and walked toward his own room. “Wait!” Laeho called. Areon pretended not to hear him. 

    “Where are you going?” Laeho asked desperately. 

    “I’m going to find my friend,” he said without turning around. All Laeho could do was watch. Unless… Maybe he could still save his brother, before he did something stupid. Laeho watched Areon go into his room, and Laeho waited in the hall. He stepped into his room when Areon’s door opened again. 

    Laeho had only seen Areon like this once before, when he’d fallen in love with a sailor girl, and tried to sneak away from the peninsula stowed away on her ship. He’d wanted an adventure, but he’d been discovered before the boat even launched. She’d left, and he’d stayed, and it had broken his heart. 

    Areon was in love again, or at least he thought he was. Laeho could tell. 

    Laeho walked to Areon’s room and opened his door, before he even knew what he was doing. There were multiple sets of raged beggar clothing in Areon’s dresser, so Laeho grabbed one of them. He changed quickly, knowing he would regret this. But at least he wouldn’t be alone. 

    Laeho was able to slip out of the house without any servants noticing, and he was fast enough that he caught sight of Areon walking away from the house. He scooped up some dirt which he scrubbed into his clean curly blonde hair, making him look less clean. Laeho followed Areon at a distance, and was careful to keep his eyes fixed on him. The main square was crowded, but Laeho still felt unsettled. He felt exposed. He really hoped this would be worth it. 

    Areon walked quickly through the streets, looking back every few seconds but not seeming to notice Laeho. Soon the crowds started thinning out, and Laeho had to follow at a greater distance to avoid being seen. Briefly Areon’s eyes flicked over him, but he didn’t even recognize Laeho. Laeho realized that he’d never worn anything other than his tailored clothing, because he’d never been one to sneak out onto the streets like Areon. He still didn’t understand the appeal of being completely and totally forgettable. Eyes passed over him like he was nobody, and even in a street of people who saw him as an equal, he was completely alone. He felt removed from it all. He’d never be one of them. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t walk these streets with his head held high. He knew who he was. 

    Still he was becoming less nervous, and more outright scared as he followed Areon into the poorer parts of the city. He could feel eyes watching him from the alleyways. They didn’t watch him like they would if they knew who he was, but he could sense the beggars and thieves all asking themselves the same question: What could I get from him?

    Laeho shivered. Maybe he should just go tell Areon he was following. He didn’t like feeling alone. He didn’t like a single bit of this. He was starting to question his decision to come at all. He’d always been impulsive, but this had the potential to actually get him hurt.

    Areon knocked on the door of an older building that looked like it’d been abandoned a long time ago, and Laeho stopped walking to watch from far enough away that Areon wouldn’t notice him. What was he doing here? The door opened, and someone let Areon inside. LAeho took another step forward. Was Areon in danger?

    “You’d better have a really good reason for spying on us,” a voice said. Laeho’s blood froze, and he turned and saw a kid who looked a lot younger than him leaning against the building. The boy smiled at Laeho’s look of surprise.

    “‘dey always post a lookout when some’ting important’s going on. You shoulda stayed hidden.” The boy smiled again, then whistled. Two more boys walked out of the alley beside the house Areon was in. They looked much burlier than the lookout, and they both carried long knives. Laeho was frozen with fear. He’d come here to keep an eye on his brother, but who was going to save him?

    “Which gang are ya part of?” The lookout asked.

    “I’m not part of a gang,” Laeho stammered. “I was just waiting for…” Laeho trailed off. “I didn’t mean to bother you,” he said instead. 

    “Do you have a family?” The kid asked.

    “I’m an orphan,” Laeho said nervously. “I have no family, and I’m not worth anything to you.” Maybe they would let him go if they didn’t think he was anyone important. He couldn’t afford to let them take him and demand a ransom. Why had he thought this was a good idea?

    The lookout glanced at the other two boys. “Is’sat good enough for you?” He asked. One of them nodded, the other shrugged. 

    “It’ll do,” said a new voice, and out of the shadows stepped an Obsidian Sentinel. Laeho’s jaw dropped. He’d seen the sentinels roaming the streets before, the king had some sort of deal with them, but he’d never even heard one speak. They just walked along silently, in their black obsidian armor. There were all sorts of legends surrounding them, but Laeho didn’t wait to find out what this one wanted with him. Laeho turned, and ran.

    “Wait!” the sentinel called. Laeho barely heard him. He should have talked to his father about this a long time ago. He just needed to find his way back.

    Laeho glanced back and saw the Obsidian Sentinel was following him, more quickly than Laeho would have expected. He would have assumed that the obsidian armor would slow the sentinel down, but the man seemed as spry as ever. 

    The lookout followed the sentinel—though he was a bit slower. He didn’t look the slightest bit surprised at the appearance of the Obsidian Sentinel. Laeho wondered why they were chasing him. Why did he matter to them, there was no way they knew who he really was! 

    “Stop him,” the Obsidian Sentinel grumbled to the kid beside him. The kid nodded, and raised a hand. Then the world fell silent. No chirping birds or distant voices. It was like a blanket of silence had fallen over the entire city. Then Laeho felt his arms get suddenly weak. They became too heavy for him to hold up, and they fell limp at his side. Laeho tried to call for help, but he couldn’t seem to make any sound. 

    “I swear you’ll thank us later,” the Obsidian Sentinel said as Laeho fell to his knees. “I’m sorry about this.” 











    Chapter Three

    Laeho woke up feeling disoriented. He felt like he’d fallen asleep in the middle of the day, and he was waking up to a dark evening instead of the bright morning. He was lying on a comfortable bed, though he could tell it wasn’t his. 

    Laeho was used to being disoriented, though he wasn’t used to the headache he currently had. He strained his mind to remember what the last thing he’d done was. Was the duel already over? Had he slept through it? Where was Areon? Laeho finally opened his eyes to examine his surroundings. He was greeted by a familiar bedroom. It was his bedroom, and evening sunlight streamed through the window. He could hear carriages driving through the streets below his house, and a servant spoke quietly right outside his door.

    Everything lined up. Except this wasn’t his bed. And everything felt almost too normal. Where was his father, yelling at him for missing the duel? And where was Areon?

    Laeho rolled off the bed, falling into a crouch. He walked carefully over to the window, and peered out. Outside he could see people walking, and he could almost make out their features…

    Laeho cried out, and leapt away from the window. 

    The people walking below didn’t have faces. Otherwise they looked normal, but where their faces were supposed to be there was only a blur. He risked another glance out the window, and was greeted by the same sight. This time he just stared, trying to ensure his mind was comprehending the sight below him properly. One of the people looked up, and waved. Laeho just gaped. 

    Laeho stumbled away from the window, and quickly walked over to his washroom. He threw open the door, and worked up his courage to look into the black mirror. 

    His face was normal. Laeho breathed a sigh of relief, though the feeling was short-lived. What was going on?

    “You’re already up?” said the voice of one of his manservants. 

    “Yeah,” Laeho said, unable to tear his eyes away from his mirror. “Can you look out the window for me?”

    “Of… course, my lord.” The manservant said, sounding confused. “A very nice view, my lord.” The manservant said a moment later.

    “Yes of course, but do you notice anything off about it?”

    Laeho turned to his servant, and froze. His servant was faceless too. His face was nothing more than a blur, and his hair was strange too. It looked like it was constantly changing color, fading between brown and black and blonde.

    “‘Off’ my lord?” the servant asked, as if nothing was wrong. 

    Laeho ran. He opened his door, and spirited away down the hall. This wasn’t real. This was some sort of dream, or hallucination. Where in Penaral is Areon! 

    “I’ve been in here countless times, and never have I seen anything like this,” a voice said slowly. Laeho slowed, looking around. 

    “Hello?” he said nervously. “Who said that?” 

    “I’m sure you’re feeling very confused, as you should. But it takes most people a little longer to notice the inconsistencies in the illusion. I’m impressed. Then again, the inconsistencies in yours are a little more prominent than usual.”

    Laeho started running again, but the voice just laughed. 

    “I have some questions for you, ‘my lord.’ Running seems counterintuitive for the time being, though I’m happy to wait for you to realize that on your own if you’d rather.”

    Laeho paused uneasily. “Show yourself,” he commanded. “If you know who I am then you’ll know what’ll happen if you don’t start explaining yourself right now!”

    “But I don’t know who you are,” the voice responded, “and that’s what makes you interesting. But I suppose it’s only fair that you get to see reality. Welcome to Chanevera.”

    The name seemed almost resonant. Laeho could have sworn it sent vibrations through the room. It felt ancient, and full of secrets. Then the walls began to crumble. The tapestries on the walls burned away, and the windows darkened. The carpet disappeared, replaced with a floor that was black and reflective. Through the windows Laeho could see new buildings appearing, replacing the familiar ones. Every street and every building matched the one that Laeho currently stood within. It was a city. And it was made entirely of obsidian.

    Thanks for being awesome.

    Today's W count: 2348

    Total W Count: 13,128

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I Love it. It is so good!

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ooohh!! Yay!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Got some good writing done today, but it was in the form of revision not in the form of words, so I don't have the 2150 word count to post like I was hoping to most days. Still, I was super busy so I'm very proud of the things I got done. My book has some fundamental flaws, and the more time I spend evening those out now, the less I'll have to worry about them later.

    I wish I had more time to think about writing, because devoting real time to just thinking about your stories genuinely helps them improve. Just as long as you're doing the writing also.

    Also, I checked, and I am officially ahead of Brandon Sanderson. NaNoWriMo is a success thus far. I really hope I'm eliminated from the international essay competition that I'm in, because then I'll actually have time to write. I hate being busy. 

    No Ws today

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Being busy is a pain, I feel that far too much (I’m in the middle of tech week for a show right now, so I’ve been spending 3-6 hours rehearsing daily and, uh, school still happens). 

      Woah, you’re beating Brando Sando!!

  16. Took a break from writing today in favor of my mental health, if I get too exhausted in the coming days my writing will just get worse, so I'm forcing myself to recognize that a few much more efficient hours of work tomorrow will go farther than anything I could do tonight.

    Still feel like the month is going great, I built in a break day or two knowing this might happen. 

    My advice to all of you: If I can take a day once in a while, you can too. Get some sleep.

    No Ws today

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Mental health is important! I hope it was a good break.

    2. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      It was thanks! I agree, getting overwhelmed is way too easy nowadays, so sometimes you've got to give yourself a second to take a breath.

  17. Whew, day 5 was rough. 

    Tomorrow maybe I'll give you guys some more cool stuff, (Like samples of my first chapter) but for now I need sleep. I suggest you all also get sleep.

    Still looking for tragic love songs (although I'll note I got some great suggestions last time, I listened to every song and added a good few of them to my playlist) and I recommend you scroll down to where I posted my prologue and read that if you haven't.

    Also, can someone tell me if I'm ahead of Brandon Sanderson?

    That's all, love you guys.

    Today's W Count: 2,053

    Total W Count: 10,780

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I have exactly no idea if you’re ahead of Brandon Sanderson.

      Hmm… *scrolls through playlist* Adele has some sad love songs…Pretty Funny from Dogfight is good, so is Who I’d Be, from Shrek (trust me on that one), oh and In Case You Don’t Live Forever, by Ben Platt. 

      Hehe I have lots of musical theatre-y songs.

  18. Okay, it's technically past midnight, but I got my writing done so it's fine.

    NaNoWriMo day 4 was so fun. I got to write a whole fight scene, which I sometimes hate, but this one was fun. 

    I need your guys' help though. I'm on a quest to find as many tragic love songs as possible for my new playlist full of tragic love songs (because those make me so happy for some reason) so if ANY of you have recommendations for tragic love songs I swear I'll listen to them. The more tragic, the better! 

    I also love tragic romances as a book genre, those make me happy too. A part of me wishes Yumi and the Nightmare Painter had been one of those, but I understand that it was a brilliant decision (see my Yumi essay to see why) but even though I don't have time to read I would also love if you guys let me know what books have tragic romances. I can't be the only one who likes those, even if I am an outlier. :D 

    That's really all I have to say today, thanks for reading my updates! It really makes me feel special every time I see comments or likes, so I really appreciate you guys. Good luck with your writing or any other pursuit you happen to be pursuing!

    Today's W Count: 2267

    Total W Count: 8727

  19. Yay, another day done. Today's word count was the highest yet, and I was also relatively quick today with only two ish hours instead of three. 

    The trouble with writing fast is that you get worried that everything you're writing is nonsense. I'm sure you writers can relate. I have to write something, so I kind of just put anything. At least once I finish this I'll have something I can edit, so there's always that. I do happen to have the greatest editor, and also an insanely good cover artist. (Why do I have a cover artist? Well, let's just say it's complicated.)

    I finished earlier today, so let's talk about the prologue that I posted a couple days ago (which you should read below if you haven't. Not because it's good, but because it's just fun to see the styles of other authors.)

    That prologue is modeled after the first chapter of one of the first mysteries I ever read, the book that made me fall in love with the mystery genre. It's a book called "The Westing Game" which I highly recommend for any age. Something about the first chapter of that book sparks intrigue in a way that many mysteries don't right off the bat. Like my prologue, it introduces a cast of relevant characters, and provides relevant information to the mystery, before you even know what the mystery is.

    It's worth noting, that I hate writing beginnings. They're definitely my weakness as a writer, but I think I can handle endings a lot better. I love writing endings. And so you just read what is probably the worst part of my book. 

    The book (which I will just call "SoC" for legal purposes, and because I like pretending my book is important enough to keep secret) is a genre of fantasy that I personally haven't seen before. It's a murder mystery in a fantasy world. I'm kind of tired of the classic questing that characters do so often in fantasies, and so I wanted to go a completely different direction with this story. You'll have to tell me how well I did, setting up the vibe that I wanted my book to have, and I always welcome advice from you good writers who take the time to read my status updates, because obviously I'm still terrible at starting a book well. I speculate the first few chapters of the book are even worse than what you just read, but it's possible I'll post a few of those here too at some point, let me know if you'd be interested.

    Anyway, as always, I love you all, enjoy the remainder of your day.

    Today's W Count: 2174

    Total W Count: 6460

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Okay, so my thoughts. The tone I got from it wasn’t so much mystery as it was…well, the beginning of a quest; it felt like an inciting incident. But I also very rarely read mystery (not because I don’t like it, I just reach for fantasy), so I could be completely wrong there.

      did, however, catch the character introduction sort of feel, and I really liked that.


    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood



      I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!

      I can't wait to get more of your book!

    3. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Thanks for the thoughts @Edema Rue! I totally agree with you, I need more mystery vibes earlier, and also assassinations in prologues are overdone. There's some fun misdirections going on which is why I haven't cut all of that, but I still don't love it. 

      And @Thaidakar the Ghostblood thanks for being excited about my writing! You're the best! I'm glad to meet another Westing game fan.

  20. Late night update: just finished my almost three hours of writing to hit the word count. This little goal of mine is going to take a lot out of me. Luckily, I have you guys to hold me accountable (and give me reputation I totally don't deserve for just telling you my status) so I'll do my best to make this work. It is definitely exhausting though. Today went well, I'm having a fun time making things very creepy in my story. It's weird how much more progress you make when you have to cover multiple chapters at once, you can't really get writers block because you have to write something, and starting a chapter is much easier when you're already in the writing groove then it is if it's the first thing you write for the day.

    I won't talk about the prologue I posted yesterday tonight (because I'm tired, and I doubt anyone cares as much as I do about my comments :D) so if you haven't read that you should do so so that you can listen to me talk about what gave me the idea for this story sometime in the future. Also I always love hearing about people's thoughts and first impressions, especially when you have something as silly as a prologue.

    Now I'm going to bed, hopefully the late start school tomorrow will make things easier for me. I hope you all have wonderful nights, and if any of my (many) followers is also doing NaNoWriMo I want to hear about it! I love writers!

    Today's W Count: 2155

    Total W Count: 4286

  21. I'm officially done with my first day of NaNoWriMo. I feel great. It's been a while since I've written for this long, or with this much motivation. I'll put my word count below. Then again, the first day is easy, we won't know how I'm really doing until like day 15.

    To celebrate, I'm going to give you guys a small taste of my writing. I'm not going to post the stuff I just wrote (because it's in the middle of a book, that's also the second book in a series) but I do want to give you guys a part of the first book in the series. I'll give you guys the entire prologue and I'll probably talk about it tomorrow or in a couple days. For now just read it if you're interested, and see if any of you can guess my biggest inspiration for this chapter, because if you can guess what book I modeled it after you have great taste in books. I'll tell you now though, it's probably not the type of book--- or even the genre--- that you'd expect.

    I do want to hear your random thoughts if you take the time to read the prologue below, and in the future we'll talk about what vibes I was trying to establish. 

    I hope your NaNoWriMo is going as well as mine. 


    Chanevera faced west, and when the sun set, the buildings of Chanevera sparkled. 

    There was nothing more beautiful than the glint of the crimson light off the obsidian that made up the city. And yet despite the picturesque beauty of the unfolding scene, Shale stood completely alone. She was the only one in the entire city brave enough to face the darkening sky.

    Every evening, just before the red sunset faded to black, the entire city fell into silence. It felt abandoned, with nobody to watch the light melt away. Nobody except Shale. 

    She blinked as the wind blew into her squinting eyes. It tossed her blonde hair as she stared into the fading sky. She knew that because of the empty streets, nobody would ever see her tears. She felt alone, but more than that, she felt scared. All she could think of was the final promise from her best friend. 

    “I can save you.”

    In her hand she carried two notes. One was for her brother, Yoran. The other for her friend. Both were signed with her name, but Shale had no idea what either note said. It wasn’t her hand that had written them. She hoped they were goodbye letters, but she suspected something more. A final gambit that could save her world. But it wouldn’t save Shale. It couldn’t save her, no matter what her friend said.

    Before the light was gone, Shale Zoura was going to be killed. And she was the only one who knew it.


    *  *  *


    Dear Yoran,

    I’ve figured it out. Everything is finally falling into place. 

    I know their secret. 

    There’s an ancient evil deep beneath the surface of this city, and I found it. I found them. Another cult, one much more ancient than the others. They call themselves ‘The Isochronism.’ Most people think they’re just a myth, but they’re real, and their plans for this city are more terrifying than you could ever imagine.

    Tonight I am going to find them. I’m going to finally uncover the secrets that have been hidden for thousands and thousands of years. What could be more valuable than a secret? Something that nobody knows, except me. 

    I just need time. Give me time, and this will all make sense. No matter what happens, remember that I’m here for you. And even if I don’t make it back, I’m here with you. You’re the greatest brother I could ever ask for. 


    From: Shale Zoura


    Yoran wrinkled the note, grabbed an obsidian helmet from his bedside table, and slid it over his head. There was a satisfying click as the helmet snapped into place. The inside of the helmet was as black as midnight, and it made the darkness even darker. The slits in the edge of the helmet restricted his vision enough that he couldn’t see immediately to his left or right, just straight ahead. But even though it obscured his vision, it also hid his face from anyone who might see him. They wouldn’t see the fear in his eyes, or the worry scrawled on his face. Instead, they’d see a knight, a sentinel. A foe that couldn’t be destroyed, who could destroy anything with the mere wave of a hand. He wasn’t weak, and he never had been. He would find his sister, no matter what. She’d only been missing for two days, and that meant he could still save her.

    He reached into the pouch concealed on his belt and pulled out a single sphere. He threw it violently against his wall, and when it broke, the air split in half. White fire tore through space and time, opening a pathway to a citadel outside of reality, a crossroads that could take him anywhere.

    When he finally stepped out into the night, walking the streets of the peninsula, he was getting impatient. He should have done this a long time ago. There was only one place Shale could be, and that was with her outsider friend, a boy who didn’t even know that magic was real. Shale trusted him. Maybe she’d sent him a note too. Or maybe she was even with him. 

    Yoran wasn’t sure how he’d find the boy yet. For now, all he had was a name. Areon. 


    *  *  *


    Areon pulled his ragged shawl tighter around his shoulders, staring off into the darkness. He walked with purpose, happy to be alone. During the day, he spent time with his brother, but during the night, he found freedom in the darkness. Nobody here knew who he really was. They didn’t see him as a prince, but as another survivor. The thieves and beggars that walked the streets respected him. They’d still betray him if he ever trusted any of them, but they didn’t hate him. Not like they hated the nobles. 

    Areon was feeling especially angry tonight. He’d tried talking to his father about the disappearances again, but just like last time, his father had said that the disappearances weren’t his problem. Areon was scared. He was scared of whoever was making the people of his city go missing, and he was scared of the masked man who he’d spotted watching him. 

    Tonight, Areon was going to act. He was only a step under a prince; His father controlled most of the peninsula’s armada, making his family one of the most important ones on the peninsula. He had the power to do something about the people whom nobody cared about. He had to care, because he was the only one who ever would. It was up to him to save them. Beggars and orphans had been vanishing for weeks—or perhaps much longer—and Areon wanted to know why. It was always people without family or friends, people who didn’t matter to important families. 

    Areon froze. Someone was watching him. The entire night suddenly seemed deathly quiet. No seagulls screeching or wind blowing. He didn’t move. He didn’t want to look behind him and see that unnatural obsidian mask, with its single red eye, that had lurked just out of his vision for so long. 

    A white flash of lightning split the air, followed immediately by a crack of thunder. Areon jumped backward, and out of the shadows stepped an Obsidian Sentinel. It wasn’t the masked man. It was just one of the mysterious sentinels that roamed the city under the direction of the king.

    “Areon,” the man yelled. 

    Areon looked up at the sentinel’s helmet, squinting. 

    “What do you want?” he asked. 

    “I want to know where my sister is,” the man said. “My name is Yoran Zoura. And if you don’t answer my questions, I will not hesitate to destroy you.”

    Yoran raised a hand, and it began to glow with white light. Areon’s eyes widened. It was impossible. It was magic. That was supposed to be a myth, a story reserved for the long nights of fishing. This couldn’t be real. 


    *  *  *


    The masked man stood over Shale’s broken body, a clean knife in his hand. He stood deep beneath the city of Chanevera. These tunnels weren’t like the rest of the city. They were catacombs, ancient and abandoned long ago. They didn’t look like what catacombs should look like, though. That just made them all the more terrifying for those who didn’t know the truth about them. 

    He took a step forward, his boots sinking into the carpet that covered the entire catacombs. The carpet muffled all sound, making the catacombs completely silent. Then the masked man knelt and plunged his knife into Shale’s body. It all began tonight. The beginning of the end. Chanevera would fall. It had to. There was nobody who could stop it now. The only person who could have ever stopped them was Shale.

    He yanked his knife out of her body and didn’t even bother to wipe off the blood. 

    Nobody knew who he was, and he just had to ensure it stayed that way. 

    Today's W Count: 2131

    Total W Count: 2131

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I’m intrigued…

  22. As I am writing this, it is (slightly after) Midnight on November 1st 2023. Which means it is time for my official NaNoWrMO to begin. As many of you probably will, I'm going to be posting status updates every now and then (likely every day, so sorry) about my daily word count, and current progress. 50,000 words is my current goal, although if I hit 65,000 I would finish my current novel (NoC) which would be a huge accomplishment. So let me know if any of you are going to be doing anything similar, I would love to try for a discussion every few days about stuff. I don't like Reddit (for obvious reasons) so that's why I'm doing this here instead of on the r/sanderson subreddit. I would love it if y'all would let me know if I beat our guy Brandon Sanderson!

    Oh yeah, and I just hit my 200th post, so yay. It's kinda weird because I don't post here much considering (there are people with well over 2000 posts who've only been here half a year) but I try to make every post something that's relatively important, not just doing random things. But still, I love being on here, and I hope one day to be recognized and known on the shard despite my low post and rep count.

    Now I know it's not my AMA, but I'm going to give all my loyal followers and status update readers some free wisdom to begin the month.


    Steal a man's wallet, he'll be poor for a week.

    Teach a man to be a writer, he'll be poor for the rest of his life.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yay!! All your writing is so good. 

      ...that is, unfortunately, true.

    3. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Aw, thanks guys. I love that someone cares about my writing. 😊


    4. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
  23. I created a topic to put my random writing things in if any of you are interested, similar to the many "short scenes" posts out there. You don't really need context, and I don't provide any, but I'm just experimenting with a character voice via a letter, which used to be a fairly common way to write stores but is a lot rarer now. 

    When I have writer's block, I've found it helps to just write something. I can always write something. Whatever happens to be on my mind, and something I can write easily without editing. It's probably not super good, but it's here for anyone who happens to wonder what my unedited writing is like. :) 


  24. I've officially spent 200 hours writing this year, as of just barely, and I've written approximately 168,000 words. By the end of the year I'm hoping to have finished two books this year, one 100,000 words (already complete) and the second about 120,000. So yeah. I feel like celebrating.

    Now who wants to stay up with me for another hour until I get SP4?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      I'm a role-player, I live by thinking people cry on my writing.

    3. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ



      *blinks again*

    4. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      hahahahahaha I love you guys

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