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Kuri Shardweaver

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Everything posted by Kuri Shardweaver

  1. I told you there was work to be done. Hello, everyone. We're going to have fun. With fantasy... Alright, sorry, now that I've gotten Portal out of my system, let's talk, shall we? I'm a storyteller by nature, and this sad husk of a forum is (at least partially)my primary reason for coming here. Peer pressure would be the other >.>... Fact of the matter is, I have ideas. Most people do, it's a pretty common occurrence, I'm sure. Except when I get an idea, it ricochets around the inside of my skull like a bloody pinball until I either do something with it or forget. And I rarely forget. That would be where you chaps come in! Together, we're going to start doing something (hopefully!) with my pinball-producing brain, and maybe have a good time in the process! Starting with... Seeking The Eternal Conflux Now, picture if you will, a planet. Massive in its scope, this heavenly sphere is known to the majority of its sentient inhabitants as Xanthuru, and equates roughly in scale to our own solar system's Jupiter. With me so far? Great! Let's continue. Some of you, at least, may have heard the term 'Ley Line' before. At least, I hope. But for those who have not, be not afraid, for I shall explain! In the scope of this planet of Xanthuru, the Ley Lines are a network of conduits of pure, usually-invisible mystic energy that blanket the entire globe. Where these conduits cross, Nodes exist, of scaling power dependent on the number of Lines that compose it. And of course, as with any source of power, these Nodes are highly coveted by the intelligent races of Xanthuru, and it is not uncommon for the center of a kingdom to be established over one, and even less uncommon for a war or two to be waged over a newly-discovered Node. Which brings us to The Eternal Conflux. What is it, you might ask? Why is it so important? The Eternal Conflux(EC for short) is believed by many to be the single point in the entire world where every Ley Line converges. A site of power so incredible that, if found, an individual could make their wildest dreams a reality. Pretty tempting, huh? So let's break this down: What is Seeking The Eternal Conflux, exactly?- StEC as I envision it is a forum RP of epic scale open to anyone who wishes to join in and can write on a more complex scale than "See Spot Run". It is a High Fantasy setting full of magic, adventure, and exploration! Tell me more about this Xanthuru place!- Gladly! As mentioned above, Xanthuru is a massive planet heavily influenced by the mystic energy flowing through it. It is full of fantastical beasts, ancient ruins, and mind-boggling kingdoms populated by diverse sentient races. On a more technical level, Xanthuru has a 13 month year, in which each month is named after a creature of the Divine Signs, from the Month of The Ram (1st) to The Month of the Serpent (13th). This year is broken down into 5 Seasons. Whoah, what? 5? How does that work?- Simple, my friends! The 13th Month is a season in and of itself, often referred to as the Season of Darkness, the Gray Month or Drab Season depending on which culture you're talking to. It is during this time that nothing grows or can be made to grow, and no creature has ever been recorded being born. Ley power drastically reduces to near nothing, and even the mightiest of kingdoms are left powerless during this time. Can I continue? Yes Thank you. As a whole, only a rough quarter of the planet has been charted, making it no small wonder why the EC remains undiscovered. It is in this quarter that at least the early stages of the RP will take place. So what kind of character(s) can I make, and how does one USE Ley Line power, exactly?- Excellent questions, dear reader! As far as Characters go, I will be posting a template if enough interest is shown, but the fact of the matter is, it's going to be a pretty loose template. Because of the nature of Xanthuru, you are more or less free to pitch an idea at me, and so long as it is both fairly balanced and fits well into the setting, it will more than likely be approved. The more detail you provide, the easier it is to flesh out a sliver of the world because of it, and therefore a sliver less I have to worry about fleshing out myself. Ley Energy is channeled from a Line or Node and shaped by the channeler's will into the desired effect. This generally takes a few years of training to accomplish even if one has the knack for it, and is not something to attempt without some form of Focus, particularly at Nodes. Some examples of using Ley energy include (but are not limited to): summoning elemental warriors, healing wounds, powering Ley-dependent devices, and of course the classic hurling of fireballs, lightning bolts, etc. And now, I'll open the floor to comments, concerns, and any questions I might have failed to cover.
  2. Hello. I'm Kuri. There. We've been introduced. Now if you'll excuse me, there is work to be done..
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