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Status Replies posted by Szeth_Pancakes

  1. I have hit two hundred reputation. In celebration here are my Luke warm takes.

    1. The best Batman Arkham game is Asylum
    2.  Boxed Craft Mac N Cheese is good and taste best once it has been in the fridge overnight then microwaved 
    3. Andrew Garfield is the best spider man
    4. Shallans and Adolin are both great characters in every stormlight books (didn’t know that there were people who disagreed with that until joining the shard)
    5. The second era of Mistborn is overall better but the first era has a better ending (and I love both dearly)
    6. The first Jurassic Park movie is the best and better then any of the Jurassic world movies
    7. Solo is a great star wars movie
    8. Batman should never have a relationship with Batgirl, it’s weird and needs to stop being written into comics.
    9. Chandler is the best character in friends
    10. Steve should have died at the end of this season of stranger things 

    If you disagree, please comment. I would generally love to have a discussion on any of these points 

    1. Szeth_Pancakes



      The second era of Mistborn is overall better but the first era has a better ending (and I love both dearly)

      Comparing the two is like… comparing a fancy French restaurant to an amazing little hole-in-the-wall dumpling place. Both are really good in very different ways, but you can’t really say one is *better* than the other.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. I'm thinking of making Agents of FARCEP (Thanks, @Experience, for the working title) my NaNoWriMo attempt this year.

    But I need to outline a plot, and I'm terrible at outlining plot.

    Any tips? I know @Channelknight Fadran has already written a whole story, and there are a lot of other great writers here. Any advice you can give is welcome.

    (Granted, the general worldbuilding is still half-baked, but it's a pretty soft system so it shouldn't be too hard for me to add stuff on as I go.)

    1. Szeth_Pancakes


      I completely winged it for NaNo last year and finished, so???

      Maybe just do a broad outline (like ten major plot points) of the A plot and then do side plots as you go. It's a lot more fun if you get to be creative about it, even though that does get hard towards the end. And I've heard lots of advice that says basically "if you don't like your outline you can go a different direction if you want."

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Man, I'm really not that good at breathing in, am I?

    1. Szeth_Pancakes


      (It’s a reference to the song Avant Gardener by Courtney Barnett btw)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Friends I'm bored.

    But not in a fun "yeah let's find something to do!" kind of way.

    More like a "my soul has been eviscerated and my few simple comforts are failing me" kind of way.

  5. I wonder if there was ever a Dawnsinger who held a Dawnshard and liked karaoke?

  6. Trivia: if you listen to early Intentionally Blank episodes, you can find the ideas behind all four secret projects.

    1. Szeth_Pancakes



      falling burrito world is real now

      life is complete

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. I wonder if there was ever a Dawnsinger who held a Dawnshard and liked karaoke?

  8. And that's it for the Secret Projects for me!



    Quite a pretty book, I'm excited to read it!

    1. Szeth_Pancakes



      can’t wait til mine arrives :3

      On the contents of the book: excitement is the correct emotion.

  9. Now counting 3 days since a day when I haven't had to force down a panic attack. There haven't even been good reasons. My life is just killing me right now, and there's nothing I can do about it. I've been trying to do stuff I enjoy to distract myself, but that's a temporary solution that makes things worse in the long run.

    I feel like I'm breaking, which is ridiculous because everyone around me is being understanding and lenient. Here's a lyric from a song that I think conveys some of how I'm feeling pretty nicely.


    Well, well,

    Look who's inside again.

    Went out to look for

    A reason to hide again.


  10. To the theatre:

    I see you standing on that stage. I see you smile, see you laugh. I watch your hands shake, hear your voice crack, and I commend you. I feel the silence every time you pause, feel it deep in my soul. I feed on the act you present to the world, and as you speak I fall in love. 

    Not with you, of course. To love a mortal is to condemn yourself to unending heartbreak. But with your art. With your performances. With the chains that rattle every time you move. With the smile that drops off your face and the tension in the air as no one dares to breathe for fear of what you will say next.

    I fall in love with your swords, with your knives, with your bizarre eyeliner and your swirling skirts, with your corsets and your trousers, with your posture and your voice. I fall in love with the control you have over the room; all eyes on you, every breath taken at your leisure. I fall in love with the way my heart pounds at every word you speak, with the chills I cannot stop. 

    I fell in love with the idea of loving you. I fell in love with the idea of giving you my all. But an idea can only get me so far. And so I wonder…do I love you? Or do I only want to love you? 

    I believe it is the former. 

    I want to believe it is the former.


    I wonder.

    If I really loved you, 

    Why does watching you always make me want to cry?

    Why does all my contact with you leave me feeling lacking?

    But no, no, it won’t be this way forever.

    One day, I’ll find you. Really find you. One day, I won’t live my life in halves.

    And so I’ll find you, o lover.

    Wait for me.


  11. So apparently the Speaker of the House was voted out of their position?

    So apparently you can do that??

  12. I have returned from Youth Standards Night...

    I have only one regret.

    I regret that I didn't bring my paperback copy of Mistborn and pull it out at the exact page when Elend is reading a book while Vin is talking to him while a girl was talking to me... well, I mean, I would've put myself in that situation if I had a book on me.

    *sigh* missed opportunities...

    And, no, I'm not rude (well, only in this instance, but that's beside the point!). I would've apologized and said that it was so I could say that I'd done it.

    Oooone last thing that I've been forgetting to mention.

    I finished Warbreaker. I loved Lightsong all the way through.

    I just want a sequel in the style of Captain America and the Winter Soldier though.

  13. I have returned from Youth Standards Night...

    I have only one regret.

    I regret that I didn't bring my paperback copy of Mistborn and pull it out at the exact page when Elend is reading a book while Vin is talking to him while a girl was talking to me... well, I mean, I would've put myself in that situation if I had a book on me.

    *sigh* missed opportunities...

    And, no, I'm not rude (well, only in this instance, but that's beside the point!). I would've apologized and said that it was so I could say that I'd done it.

    Oooone last thing that I've been forgetting to mention.

    I finished Warbreaker. I loved Lightsong all the way through.

    I just want a sequel in the style of Captain America and the Winter Soldier though.

  14. Daniel Greene over here like "We need better special editions in the space!"

    Meanwhile, Brandon Sanderson with the leather bounds and the amazing editions of the secret projects.

    1. Szeth_Pancakes


      Yumi is probably the nicest book I've ever owned tbh

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. “Beethoven would just… kick people, y’know?” 

    - My orchestra conductor

    1. Szeth_Pancakes





      He wanted to get us to play our sforzandos stronger & that’s what he had us visualize

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. *sheepishly tiptoes in*
    haha hey guys… I know I said I wasn’t really gonna be on here, but… I haven’t started an art instagram or anything and I still wanna share my inktober, so, uh…. Hi haha I’m here for October

    i posted my first one in the lovely Edema Rue’s inktober for all thread, maybe I’ll make my own, we’ll see…

    I have totally been lurking on the art thread since I left, I love y’all’s art so much :D

  17. saddest death in fiction


    1. Szeth_Pancakes




      Or Rue I guess

      Cinna’s the one that made me cry

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hmmm.



  19. Hmmm.



  20. Missed my 2000th post. Whoops :) 

    Here have some leaves





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