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Morningtide last won the day on July 10 2023

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About Morningtide

  • Birthday 08/07/2007

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    Reading is not 'doing nothing'
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    Anywhere books are found
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    Brandon Sanderson
    Leigh Bardugo
    Gerald Lund
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    The Magnus Archives (PLEASE LISTEN TO)
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    Writing books that will probably never see the light of day
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  1. If I ever needed proof that the American school system is crap I just found it. I stayed home from school because headaches do not pair well with large groups of high school students. So I'm sitting at home with relatively loud music and no other humans. It is currently 9:30 and I am completely done with my schoolwork for the day except for about an hour of math. So I'll be done but 11:00 at the latest I think.

    Why is school this way? It's ridiculous

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      I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying

    2. SymphonianBookworm


      Is it that school makes you more unproductive because of the people in it?

      Well, it's true. At least some times.

    3. Morningtide


      I'm not sure what I'm saying :lol: Honestly I'm just annoyed. I finished all of my school work in 3 hours and it usually takes me a whole school day so that says something *shrug* I got a bit rant-y lol

      Also I'm sure it's the people. people are nice but make doing things very unproductive :P

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