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Morningtide last won the day on July 10 2023

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About Morningtide

  • Birthday 08/07/2007

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    Reading is not 'doing nothing'
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    Anywhere books are found
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    Brandon Sanderson
    Leigh Bardugo
    Gerald Lund
    Maggie Stiefvater
    Neal Schusterman
    The Inheritance Games (PLEASE READ)
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    The Magnus Archives (PLEASE LISTEN TO)
    Piano Guys
    William Joseph
    Imagine Dragons
    The Score
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    Andy Grammer
    All music
    Writing books that will probably never see the light of day
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  1. Ok we had the craziest storm the other day. I live in Idaho, so we don't get much rain. Like we get sprinkles fairly often during spring and the occasional actual inch or two of rain, but never a lot. 

    But on Tuesday. It RAINED. For 45 MINUTES. And there was SO MUCH WIND. My neighborhood got the worst of it and it was crazy. It was super concentrated so some parts of my rather small city didn't even get much rain but we got what looked like a hurricane. 

    The wind wasn't actually as bad as a hurricane but it was blowing the rain so much that you could barely see through it. And it rained harder than I have ever seen in my life!

    Someone in my neighborhood actually had their roof collapse under the weight of the rain! I don't know anyone that didn't get roof leaks or window well leaks and some people's entire basements flooded. A ton of cars got stuck and it was just overall crazy. 

    Never seen anything like it in Idaho.

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