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Maddie The Survivor

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Maddie The Survivor last won the day on May 11 2021

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About Maddie The Survivor

  • Birthday July 13

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  • Member Title
    Sometimes i’m here, sometimes i’m not. most of the time i’m not
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  • Location
    Scadrial, Chillin with the Inquisitors
  • Interests
    The Mistborn trilogy, Wax and Wayne, The Stormlight Archive, the Ascendance series, The Hunger Games, Marvel, reading ofc, competitive swim, skateboarding, and Minecraft.

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  1. Uhm. So you guys. I watched Brandon’s new video. Ag first I thought he was going to say he was dying or something and I got really scared. 
    I was wrong, you guys. I don’t even care if I have to spend $160. 
    I screamed so loud. I nearly passed out of excitement.

    I have some theories! DONT READ ON IF YOU HAVENT WATCHED THE VIDEO: also be wary of various cosmere spoilers


    1. I think one of the cosmere books will be about Hoid considering he’s not from one specific bok.

    2. Brandon was planning on writing a sequel to Warbreaker eventually…

    3. I think it might be a Mistborn book about Thaidakar but I don’t know because I believe era 3 is going to have him in it

    Let me know your thoughts!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I am so excited myself.


      Number three being thaidakar :P


    3. Doomstick


      I don’t think the books are going to be about any major characters. My predictions are as follows:

      1: Obrodai? (No idea really)

      2: sci-fi noncosmere we have never heard anything about before

      3: Khriss

      4: the Silence Divine (this I really want)

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      yeah hopefully it is the silence divine.

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