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2EmLee2 last won the day on January 7 2022

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About 2EmLee2

  • Birthday December 31

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    It’s been a while
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    Reading, writing, drawing, DnD, ballet, sewing, French toast

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  1. Hi!

    Wow, it's been like 3 months since the last time I was on here... I have 320 notifications... A lot has happened... 

    This is going to take a while.


    Here's a list of all the things I've been doing (and if you want more details you can read what I put in the spoiler boxes)

    I went to a fun church thing and met another Sanderfan!


    Pretty self-explanatory: It was a youth thing, and we did a service project and there was an older speaker who mentioned Brandon Sanderson and I about died of excitement. After his talk, Enter and I went up to him and basically said, "Hi! We're also fans of Sanderson!" (Unrelated note, I wore my M-bot pin there and Enter and I were put into a group with one of my school classmates and someone from my ballet class who I didn't know was a member of the church)

    I got a phone!


    There was a sale at Costco so my parents bought my siblings and I each an iPhone SE 3rd gen. These are our first smartphones ever so that's pretty exciting! I get distracted on YouTube very easily and I think I've been reading less because of it, though it's been getting better recently.

    I got Invisalign!


    My teeth are crooked, specifically the two teeth on either side of my font top two teeth. It's pretty annoying to take it out/put it back in every time I want to eat something, but it's manageable. And it's certainly better than braces! (Because my orthodontist is a family friend, we got a discounted price, so that was nice)

    I did a Ballet performance!


    My dance studio's big performance was "The Golden Book"- the plot is fairly simple. There are these dancers who get sucked into this magical book and transports them to the book of their dreams- each 'book' with several dances in that genre. My classes' dance was in the Mythology book- we were Egyptian Goddesses. During the last 30 seconds or so of the dance, I was in the very front with everyone else behind me. I thought it would be scarier than it was. I learned that I actually like preforming onstage, so I think I want to do some theater when I go into high school. My parents brought my siblings and by friend to see my performance and we went out to eat afterwards. 

    My parents bought a house!


    At our house (which we were renting) there were some plumbing problems that our landlord blamed on us when it wasn't our fault. Our lease expired about a month or two after the sewage problems, so my parents started looking online for houses on sale. The first one they looked at was perfect for our family (And only 5 minutes away!), so they put in an offer. It was accepted the evening they put the offer in.

    I went to a theme park!


    My school took all of the 8th grade on a field trip to Silverwood Theme Park! It's only about an hour away so we were able to get there a bit after it opened. My friends and I took our science and math teachers on a Teacher Torture Palooza Extravaganza Hour where we rode a bunch of roller coasters with our teachers! I rode Aftershock (the most intense ride in the park) with my science teacher and I heard her say the S word! :blink: I got a funny parrot- I mean, chromatic chicken- hat and a purple stuffed bear at the gift shop.

    (By the way, my family and I are planning on going to Silverwood again sometime during the last part of the summer, so if any of you also live in that area and want to meet up...)

    I finished Middle school!


    On the last day of school, I wore a new light purple dress for the first time and now it's my favorite dress. Each class was only about 20 minutes long so we could say goodbye to our teachers and classmates. It was really fun but also bittersweet. I'm going to miss some of my teachers- I had some really good ones this year.

    We thought my dad might have cancer!


    One day, my dad started experiencing some pain in his lower back. He thought it was just a sore muscle, but it kept getting worse and worse. Then we thought it was a kidney stone, but even after it would have passed, the pain kept coming back. After 3 trips to the ER in two days and 3 CT scans, the doctors noticed a mass on one of his kidneys. A scope and a biopsy later, we know it isn't cancerous like we suspected. We still don't know exactly what it is, but at least it's not cancer!

    We moved!


    We got the keys to the house my parents bought on my mom's birthday (the last Tuesday of the school year), and we started moving the Monday after school got out. It was actually Enter's birthday, but he went to a church Young Men camp the week we moved so he didn't have to do anything. My grandparents and my dad's sister and her family came to help us move and I spent most of the time messing around with my cousins. We got more stuff done with our family than we ever could have done on our own. (Yay procrastination!)

    I visited family for the 4th of July!


    My siblings and I went to visit family for the 4th without our parents because my dad was to have a thing for his kidney on the 5th. 

    Some of the stuff I did while with family:

    - @Spensathecat made me try on jeans and a crop top and I almost cried because of how much I hated it. 

    - Watched a parade and got candy that got ruined from leaky otter pops.

    - Hung out at my cousin's relatives' giant backyard with a tree house, pickleball court, ginormous ball swing, and some swing sets and slides.

    - Met another Sanderson fan who has a son who is also a fan!

    - I went to the mall with Spensathecat and her sister! That was my first time going to the mall without an adult!

    - I went to the gym with one of my cousins 'cuz why not?

    - I played a card game with the adults and made my uncle swear twice :P

    I bought 3 tiaras!


    I never really gave up my childhood dream of being a princess. Now all I need is a ball gown!

    We got a cat!


    He's an all-black cat and his name is Nacho (After Nacho Libre from the movie of the same name). He's about 6 months old and he likes to play-attack you and he's freaking adorable. We were going to name him Alcatraz, but my dad convinced us otherwise. Also, he goes crazy for wet cat food so much so that it's hilarious.

    I went to a church Girl's Camp!


    Things I did at camp:

    - Swam in the river (Well, not 'swam' because I can't swim, but I used a life jacket to float around)

    - My tent group won an award for Best Acting for a skit we did on Skit Night

    - Played Uno and another card game that I forgot the name of

    - Did the polar dip 3 times

    - Made some crafts

    - Learned a line dance

    - Did a scavenger hunt

    - Watched a movie

    - Did a hike

    - Did some archery

    - Rickrolled some people

    - Sang lots of songs

    - Stayed up too late talking with new friends

    I went to my first church Stake dance!


    There's a Youth dance put on by the church every month for people 14 and up. My dad made Enter go with me, but he didn't really dance (Except when a girl asked him to dance a slow dance >:)) I only did one slow dance when a boy a year younger than me asked me to dance with him. Overall, it was really fun!

    There was a family reunion on my mom's side!


    A bunch of family on my mom's side that I haven't seen in six years came to town! I hung out with the group of 5 cousins my age the whole time and we did a lot of line dances together. There was a pioneer day thing that we all went to, and we did line dances there. There was another stake dance we went to, and we did line dances there. We did line dances on a hike. We did line dances at 3 in the morning when we pulled an all-nighter. So. Many. Line dances!!!

    We also played Mash several times and had some hilarious outcomes.

    My dad's parents made a surprise visit to us, who live 8 hours away!


    They arrived at noon and left the next morning. We hung out with them went out to eat, and played a card game (which I tied for first place with Enter)

    I went bowling!


    My friend took me, our other friend, my little sister, and her little brother bowling. We played 2 games, and I won the first game and overall. I got 2nd place on the 2nd game. I never knew I was so good at bowling- I've only ever played once or twice before.

    Misc stuff:


    I made an out-of-context list for my family that I'll probably dump onto Sharder One-liners one of these days.

    I have a goal to finish re-reading the entire Mistborn trilogy and the Wax and Wayne series before The Lost Metal comes out. I'm already several chapters ahead of my daily reading requirement that I set for myself.

    On the livestream yesterday, I put in the live chat that I made several hundred 7th graders read Skyward (It's technically true!) and one of the mod people said I was doing a good work :D 

    I saw Thor: Love and Thunder in the theater and I loved it. It was hilariously incredible, though some of my cousins would disagree.

    Yep, a lot has happened. Now excuse me while I go read through the 300+ notifications you all left me with- and don't be surprised if it takes a few days! ;P 

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Congratulations on everything, EmLee! I hope the notifications don't bury you : D

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