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Everything posted by midnight13

  1. Midnight's eyes shot open. She sat up slowly, taking in a small crowd of strangers standing before her. She had never been here before. What had happened? She instinctively reached for her knife at her belt, but she felt nothing but the cool day's breeze against her fingers. Her knife was gone. She glanced at the crowd of people again, standing on shaky legs. They were talking a few feet away, soft enough that she couldn't hear the words. Midnight lifted her chin and walked towards them. "My name is Midnight," she said, interrupting one of the strangers. "May I join you?"
  2. ...I see. Does that mean that we do things to get to the other side?
  3. Lorena's relationship with Y is kinda shaky - they have a food shortage, and she's controlling them since she has the supply, but they're rebelling. She's trying to get them to officially become part of Z. I'm trying to figure out why, though. Maybe they have a valuable resource she wants or something.
  4. Asimov’s written so many books about robots, and this one is not different, I guess, though I haven’t read any of his other works. The Caves of Steel is about this detective who’s trying to solve this murder, but he was assigned a partner who is a robot. He doesn’t...think very highly of robots, as most don’t in this world, since they take people’s jobs and all that.
  5. Huh. Well, they looked like cavemen. My 4-year-old brother thought they were pigs. Bokoblins...so their weapons are named after them.
  6. *sigh* Ah, well. I guess I’ll just try to kill a few more of those cavemen-like people instead. Thanks for the advice, though.
  7. So that’s what they’re called. Hmm. I’m at the part where I’m trying to get the dude to give me paraglider. Ugh. I used up all my arrows trying to kill one of those things!
  8. I got Breath of the Wild a while back, and I have died at least a hundred times. I am not exaggerating! How the storms do you beat the laser-eye robot thing?!
  9. Welcome to the shard, stick! Who’s your favorite character?
  10. I’m an atheist, but I still cover my safehand.
  11. Oooo, me too! I just really missed Jorgen and Kimmalyn in Starsight. Oh, and FM!
  12. Welcome to the shard! I also really loved Skyward. What did you like better, Skyward or Starsight? Who’s your favorite character?
  13. Welcome to the shard! Who’s your favorite character?
  14. This is from a long time ago but- me too! I like them both separately, but there just seems something a bit forced about them together. That’s just me though...
  15. That’s an amazing haiku! Poetry is one of the long list of things I do not have a knack for. And to everyone: *hugs*
  16. Welcome to the shard! I’m sorry you had a hard time; I think all of us did, but I hope Sanderson’s books helped! It certainly did for me. Words of Radiance is probably my favorite Sanderson book. Who’s your favorite character so far?
  17. Somehow, being Pahn Kahl is not as interesting as being an Awakened object.

  18. Yay! I’ve always wanted an otter as a pet. Thanks!
  19. Ohhh. That makes sense now. Ah. Interesting. Oops.
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