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Status Updates posted by Isabelle6060

  1. Happy Independence Day everybody! 

    1. Slowswift


      Happy Independence Day to you too!

  2. EVERYBODY NEEDS TO WATCH THIS if you haven’t already. 


  3. December 18th, 2021

    My family celebrates the gift part of Christmas a week early, so that on Christmas we can focus on giving and serving others. Today as a family, we exchanged presents. My dad, sister, and I pooled our resources in together to buy our pet bird, Joey a playstand/gym to make it easier to spend more time with the family. So there we were, together as a family, having fun. Joey loved it. He loved the playstand and followed me around on the ground while shredding wrapping paper. All of a sudden he started frantically tweeting. Concerned, I run toward him, and find him on his back, neck in an awkward angle, and struggling. I scoop him up and try to help him, but he soon became limp in my hand. Joey had a stroke and died.

    He was such a wonderful bird and friend. His favorite song was my favorite song, and we loved to have karaoke/dance parties. We all knew he was old, but never actually expected him to die. He's been a part of our family for 8 years, and I guess I started thinking he was immortal. We placed him in his coconut house (it was his favorite thing) and placed it in a box along with some shredded wrapping paper (Joey's favorite activity). We will bury him tomorrow if the excavator will start. I hope that one day we will be together again in heaven.

    May he rest in peace

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      I'm so sorry. What a horrible thing to happen.

    2. AonEne
  4. Eek! Sorry, I missed a couple days.

    December 7th

    Come up with a character that represents yourself if you lived in the Cosmere.

  5. December 3rd. #stormlighttheworld

    It is time for you to take the step and join the Knight's Radiant. Speak the words of the first oath or prepare to do so.

    "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."

  6. December 2nd

    Today for #stormlighttheworld, all you have to do is take the test to see what Knights Radiant order you are. If you've already taken the test, look on the Coppermind to refresh in your mind what your order is all about.

  7. It's December 1st!!!

    So I had an idea...I am going to do something called #stormlighttheworld. Basically it is the same thing as #lighttheworld (an event calendar counting down to Christmas with a task to do for each day), but Brandon Sanderson. The inspiration came from one of my friends finishing the Way of Kings. I have referred the book to several of my friends and they are "reading" it very very slowly, so I am ecstatic that my friend finished it in only two weeks. 

    I know it is kind of late today, but whatever. Today your task is to start/continue a reread/first time read of a book written by Brandon Sanderson.

    Thank you and goodnight!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation


      Yeah, I'm reading CYTONIC!!!

    3. Isabelle6060


      Yay, I still need to purchase the book…

    4. Condensation


      Heh heh... Vapor got it preordered so I get to read that. :)

  8. So…I may or may not disappear from the shard for a few weeks. I’m going to be very busy with real life stuff, but who knows? I might have time to RP. It depends.

    Just so you know. 

  9. Guess what?

    guess what!

    guesss what!!!!

    the teaser trailer for Spiderman 3 was finally released.

    Eekkk!!! I’m so excited!! 

    That is all. 

    1. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      I don’t know whether or not to hate Dr. Strange and Peter for being so storming stupid or be secretly grateful because DOC OCK, GREEN GOBLIN, and ELECTRO

    2. JesterLavorre


      Yesss! I can’t wait!

  10. Just thought I'd let people know that I won't be on the shard due to camp for the next 5 days. My rp characters will just be chilling or something until then.

    1. Tesh


      Bye! Have fun!

  11. I've had a new Syrian hamster for almost a month now, and she finally likes me. She'll go onto my hand now (for food of course). 

    1. Tesh


      Yay! That's awesome!

      You know how I'm obsessed with birds? My sister is obsessed with hamsters. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll ask her. :)

    2. Isabelle6060


      Cool, will do.

      I almost feel like making an "obsessed with a certain animal." club/thread

    3. Tesh


      Hehe... I would join in on that.

  12. Just working on changing a city law.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Isabelle6060


      Yeah, people can have parrots.

      The city council's primary concern is that unwanted domestic rabbits would be released into the wild/city (which is pretty much a death sentence unless a person finds and rescues them), and the rabbit population would get out of hand. They are also concerned about them eating people's gardens.

      Just out of curiosity, do you know how long birds typically live for? What do people generally do that is bad for parrots?

      Also, I think people should actually research about a pet before they decide to buy one. Few people actually know how to (and are willing to) properly care for a pet rabbit, too.

    3. Tesh


      Yes, they really need to look into it more before they get an animal.

      So... Birds have varying lifespans. Finches can live up to ten years, budgies (more commonly just called parakeets, but that term is incorrect) can live up to fifteen years, and then as the parrot gets bigger, they live for longer. (Finches aren't parrots, but budgies are.) Macaws can live up to 100 years. Even birds like cockatiels can live for thirty.

      There are a lot of mistakes that people make when it comes to bird care, especially with parrots. These problems are even more prevalent which small birds, which are pretty cheap. Birds like budgies, parrotlets, lovebirds, cockatiels, and conures are very frequently bought and then neglected for their entire lives. I have a budgie, and so this issue is super important to me.

      Spoilered for length.



      Many times birds are kept in cages that are too small. The minimum size for a budgies is a cage with a base of 18" by 18", but I personally think that's too small, and that a flight cage is the only size that is actually suitable, especially if you don't let the bird out too often. Another mistake that people make is not letting the bird out or not interacting with it properly. Budgies need a minimum of two hours out of their cage every day, but if there is only one bird, they need even more, as budgies are super social. Kaladin (my budgie) is out of his cage practically whenever I'm home. And when interacting with them, you can't just force them to do things. You have to go at the bird's speed when it comes to teaching them to trust you and doing tricks. Another super common mistake is diet. Many bird just eat seeds for their entire lives. Seeds are super fatty, and so can very quickly lead to fatty liver disease, which can kill a bird. Birds need a balanced diet of good pellets (Kaladin is on TOPs), seeds, and fresh veggies. The last thing I'll mention is toys. Parrots need tons and tons of toys. Things that they can shred and climb on and forage for treats in. Without these, their beak can grow super long, they can get bored, and it can cause other issues like that. Boredom can also lead to feather plucking, which isn't good.

      Parrots are very complex, and I have put more research into parrot ownership than was probably necessary, but after my first two budgies died, I got super nervous and so did a lot of frantic research. It's hard to find reliable places to get info on small parrot care, since a lot of the time people ignore issues like diet and cage size. But if you're looking for some good resources, I'd suggest the YouTube channel FlockTalk. She has a parrotlet and a green cheeked conure, and is very knowledgeable about birds, and provides a lot of good information. You can also check out Avian Avenue, a forum for parrot owners. There are some very experienced people on there as well.

      Let me know if you have any questions!



    4. Isabelle6060


      Thanks for the info! My family has a lovebird, Joey. Admittedly, I voted to keep him without knowing anything about birds about 6 years ago. Learning about how many drastic mistakes rabbit owners make plus your previous post has made me think that it is about time I learned how to properly take care of Joey.

      Also, do you have any tips for helping dogs not eat birds? Roxy, my mom's poodle, has tried multiple times to eat Joey, so we always have to closely supervise Joey when we do let him out (which I will admit is not often). I could just lock the dogs up for a couple of hours though. 

      What ratio of pellets, seeds, and veggies is a good balanced diet? Honestly, I didn't even know birds could eat vegetables before your post.

      I'll have to look into FlockTalk soon. Thanks again!

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