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Everything posted by Ba-Ado-Fisherman

  1. Yeah I forgot about Hoid, he's probably up there, though he apparently can't hurt anyone.
  2. I'm pretty sure Dalinar is the most powerful non-Shard in the Cosmere. Ishar requires his Honorblade to even have Surgebinding abilites. Dalinar can summon a perpendicularity at will. He can send people visions. He is bonded to the remnants of Honor. He literally Ascended at one point, and was able to make Odium cower in fear and flee. I would argue that Dalinar is more powerful than even the Lord Ruler.
  3. I didn't miss it lol. I was talking to the other guy when stating my opinion, and you inserted yourself into the discussion, chastising me for apparently not reading your reply. Bottom line: We disagree. I'm done now.
  4. I think the WoB has been posted in this thread multiple times, so I'll let you figure it out.
  5. As of the events of RoW, that is not the case. Killing spren requires anti-Investiture, not broken Oaths. Don't fault me for making that distinction, as it's a pretty important one.
  6. What are you even talking about lmao? All you did was paste a WoB that supported my argument...
  7. It might seem like death to them, but Maya is clearly still alive. The only way a Spren can die, that we know of, is anti-Investiture.
  8. The distinction between a deadeyes and a dead Spren is important enough to point out. Wasn't even talking to you.
  9. I'll concede to that. However, this WoB was before Nightblood consumed Rayse, and I think it's safe to assume that Rayse himself was more invested than Stormfather. So, I guess it depends on whether or not Nightblood has a limit to how much Investiture it can accumulate over time.
  10. 1. Spren don't die when Radiants break their Oaths, they become deadyes. 2. Ba-Ado-Mishram's imprisonment is what caused this to happen. So yes, at this current time, Dalinar would severely hurt Stormfather if he broke his Oath. However, Ba-Ado-Mishram will certainly be released in Stormlight 5, which would prevent Stormfather from becoming a deadeyes from broken oaths. 3. Once again, Hemalurgy could be used to maintain a Nahel bond, regardless of Oaths upheld or Sprens' will.
  11. I feel like you're not listening lol. Brandon literally said that Hemalurgy could be used to force a Nahel bond if "something else" was included.
  12. I would argue that Nightblood is more invested than the Stormfather.
  13. I could definitely see Odium using Hemalurgy on Dalinar.
  14. Ok, but you don't know that... Brandon said that the Spren has free will "in most cases". If it were impossible to maintain a Bond through sheer force, then why would he say that? And what use would Dalinar be to Odium without his abilities? At that point, he'd just be another man.
  15. Yeah, right away I thought it was weird, considering the Stormfather said he would have no Shards, but I'm guessing that only applies to a Shardbalde. (Nevertheless, I do think we'll see Dalinar summon Stormfather as a blade during the contest of champions, but I digress)
  16. An interesting passage from Oathbringer, Chapter 109. From Venli's POV, while in a Vision with Dalinar. “Above, the man in the blue uniform leaped into the chasm. He fell beside the hole’s perimeter, and stretched one hand toward Venli. His other ground against the rock wall, hand scraping the stone. Something flashed around his arm. Lines of light, a framework that covered his body. His fingers didn’t bleed as they scraped the stone.” This seems eerily similar to the way living Shardplate is described by Kaladin in RoW. Chapter 110: “Lines of light exploded around him as the spren transformed—being pulled into this realm and choosing to Connect to him.” Notice, "lines of light" are described in both instances. This could be a stretch, but I think Dalinar might already have the ability to form living Shardplate.
  17. I'm gonna have to just disagree on that.
  18. "In most cases".... Why would Ishar even attempt to steal Dalinar's Bond with the Stormfather if the Stormfather could just sever the Bond immediately? I thinks it's obvious that Spren can be forced into a Bond in some way shape or form.
  19. I highly doubt that Rayse or Taravangian would care about Dalinar if they couldn't exploit his incredible abilities as a Surgebinder.
  20. Have you read the chapter from the sequel to Sixth of the Dusk?
  21. I wholeheartedly believe that is where we will end up. Seems like too perfect of a direction for the Cosmere to go.
  22. It's crazy how much we don't know after millions of words on Roshar.
  23. Yeah, that part of theory is pretty weak. Regardless, I don't see any scenario where Odium isn't released from Roshar by the end of book 5.
  24. I think most people will agree that the Night of Sorrows is not a synonym for the Everstorm or the True Desolation. Here's my new take on what the Night of Sorrows could be. In Stormlight 5, Dalinar loses the contest of champions. How exactly? Not important. However, after losing the contest, Dalinar is now sworn to serve Odium. Taravangian is a smart dude, and he's almost certainly going to find a way off of Roshar. Well actually, if Dalinar serves Odium, Odium can simply make Dalinar release him, so that's that. SO. Odium now owns Dalinar, and Odium decides he wants to go somewhere else in the Cosmere and do some exploring. He firgures why not take my new Bondsmith servant with me? Dalinar leaves Roshar too, and along with Dalinar, the Stormfather. So what happens if the Stormfather is no longer on Roshar? I think that results in the loss of Stormlight. Maybe highstorms still happen, but they no longer replenish Stormlight. This is the Night of Sorrows. Roshar now loses its primary resource for Investiture, and is forced into finding it someway else. Not only would this have catastrophic consequences for Roshar, but it could lead very nicely into the Kelsier/Ghostbloods plot. Kelsier wants to figure out how to transfer Investiture across worlds, and Roshar would all of sudden be VERY interested in that too. Era 2 of Stormlight could become a much more Cosmere-wide series, with multiple characters from multiple worlds interacting with each other on a regular basis. Finding and saving Dalinar could be of utmost importance, among tons of other stuff Brandon has in store for us.
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