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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. 8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:


    i assumed the pms were cycle by cycle, for some reason, and have assumed that since the start of the game ._.

    oh also abt the nulls thing, here’s a v game i played on MU where i did the same nulls thing: 


    quite proud of this game i hammered the final wolf :D

    edit: just iso me if you want to read through the game, the first couple of pages are almost solely cremposts

  2. 1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

    FWIW, we cannot afford a divided train next cycle as it will be lylo if we ML

    uh, i’ve been thinking abt this cos something’s been nagging me abt it

    we’re at 2 v 5, assume we ml and get an nk

    we’re at 2 v 3 lylo buttt

    2 v 3 correctly exe get an nk and violation

    1 v 1

    so like, barring knife shenanigans and items, i think we are at lylo?


    2 v 3 ml nk

    2 v 1

    yeah ok

  3. 9 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Just to ask: any reason you have so many nulls at this point?

    um, i often have nulls? like the way i do null+/- is the same as the way some people do ‘slight vil/slight elim’, i think. i just phrase it differently.

    xino having the tent doesn’t super change my read on them, just solidifies the null+. 

    edit: jnv sry if my statements do read like sarcasm! if you’d like to talk abt life, my cat is adorable and he’s sleeping on me rn. earlier he got super freaked out because the faucet in the bathroom was left on a little bit and he couldn’t figure out where the sound was coming from, but he’s back to being a sleep sweet little kitty now,

  4. 2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    This is just odd to me. The fact Bookwyrm can be paired with more people should be bad - we want to, over time, update and narrow down our PoE, not blow it up repeatedly and expand it.

    oh wait u right

    ig my thought process was that more possible pairings=more likelihood of being elim but that doesn’t actually make much sense now that i think abt it

    also yeah the bookwyrm xino vote feels very very strange and elimmy, tone is way off and idk what to think abt it

    xino did you protect both yourself and kas?


    @The Bookwyrm if you aren’t elim, what do you think the elim team is? do you have any town reads (v reads) other than kas? 

  5. 17 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    I've convinced myself more of E!JNV than E!Bookwyrm, who is still my number two suspect. But the possible WGG explained by Kas makes me want to go after JNV before Books.

      Reveal hidden contents



    honestly i’m fine w both of them, but in a e!jnv world i would have seen a teammate voting on silho (maybe xino? e!xino world is weird) or an inactive teammate, which leads me to bookwyrm. I’m feeling e!bookwyrm over e!jnv rn cos bookwyrm can be paired w more people.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    ..Huh. Why do Bookwyrm, Turtle, and xino always like voting together, Elim team confirmed :eyes:

    wait didn’t xino say something abt ‘it must be a 2 player elim team or else if i wasn’t protected we’d be dead’? :eyes:

    also running reads list from my notes again:


    The Wandering Wizard - null+ maybe this is just fun pm bias? pms were great tho :D. 

    Kasimir - v duh

    The Bookwyrm - null- lurking didn’t seem very good but i’d like to see them post more before we kill them (like jnv)

    Ashbringer - null ugh need to reread posts tone was good but at this point i need more to sustain a read

    JNV - null- as i already mentioned im seeing them teamed w bookwyrm, and the avoidance of the activity filter doesn’t seem great. i need to reread their posts before i vote them tho

    xinoehp512 - null+ unless we have another tenter? that would put it more at null unless they want to claim protecting kas and themselves

    team stuff will come later, if u want me to explain any of these in more detail just ask

  7. 5 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

    …. my brain.

    I thought I would die, but apparently not. Good thing I guess.

    I’m… very busy today, unfortunately. But we get one more exe before theoretical exelo, so I doubt this is any WBG or WGG.

    Claim time might be nice. @Turtle, did you RB anyone? @xinoehp512, willing to confirm if you’re our Happy Camper? @JNV @The Bookwyrm, thoughts reads things?

    no, didn’t rb anyone

    16 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Take this at face value: two Villagers with Fenweed. One Villager with a Tent. One Villager with a one-shot Knife.

    What do the Elims need to handle one recurring protect and two charged roleblocks and a one-shot kill?

    i don’t know a ton abt game balancing but i’d say maybe a knife and a vanilla or two prs?

    that being said that assumes all of the elims are in wiz/bookwyrm/jnv which i don’t really see?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    And you were so distraught when we were running to pile on TUN! 

    eh youre not wrong, there’s just this suspense that I hate

    are we seriously at lylo? I have a single thing of fenweed sap

    edit: ohhhh the viewing thing must be weird, then.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

    Dead Doc Party 2? :eyes:

    nah it would be dead doc party 3: party 2 was kas overflow :P

    tbh i also dont like ties, but I’m with you that voting jnv doesnt feel great rn cos they haven’t been on for so long and so i dont really wanna move from silho, if that makes sense. I might join you on bookwyrm depending on how they post later- I dont super want to vote out a new player.

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