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  1. Firstly, how do you know that? Secondly, what does that have to do with Steelrunner vs Radiant?
  2. Still, that would take time, and likely more time than using up one or more. Again, it's not like a Radiant of any order would put up much of a fight to a rusting Steelrunner. Even if it worked, and I still have my doubts, the only way I see this working well is if you lose those gems forever. Either you let it zoom off, or you stop it every few feet, because that thing isn't turning.
  3. If there's enough of them, with enough distance between them, their crew could and most likely would see anything coming, especially if the watchman was a Tineye or Windwhisperer. And they wouldn't be limited by space at all if they were on the actual airship, not what was essentially a lifeboat. I have my doubts whether that would work. The smaller gem would want to move three feet, but it would most likely be held back by the physical bond. And where would there be enough space for this to be optimal? There's still the fundamental problem of the power. None of this matters if it can only move so far before having to stop in its tracks for the ground team to rewind the fabrials* used to power it, leaving it completely open to any number of different attacks. *They'd most likely be using the same type of setup as the personal lift fabrial Kaladin used.
  4. Flying underneath one would let a whole bunch of others fire on them. If they tried going inside or standing on the deck, a Steelrunner would take them out easily. And I'm sure it would take a lot of Stormlight to Lash something that big downwards. Real-life planes had structures and engines that could be improved and optimized. Rosharan flying machines run on fabrials, which only have one improvement that I can see: use raysium to make the flying machine side of the fabrials move farther with less distance on the mechanical side, and those would most likely take longer to build than to destroy.
  5. Scadrians have things like rifles, cannons (I'm assuming), and ettmetal bombs; those airships are well defended. This ties into a Radiant's inherent limitation: they can take hits nobody else would survive, but only as long as they have Stormlight, which Windrunners and Skybreakers also need to fly. If they went after a fleet of airships, they would take out at most one, possibly two if they get really lucky.
  6. First: what does CQC mean? Second: has anyone brought up Scadrial's air supremacy? Roshar is just starting to develop flying machines like the Fourth Bridge, but the Southern Scadrians have been building and improving airships for who knows how long.
  7. Well, I need to eat dinner now. One more question, though: Is this all of Scadrial, or just Elendel Basin and surrounding areas?
  8. Since when? I thought we were talking about single Mistborn vs. single Radiant.
  9. Confusion I highly doubt the Honorspren left in Lasting Integrity would be particularly willing to trade with humans.
  10. See the post right above your own Pushed-on coins are known for going right through people's skulls, and Steelpushing has been seen stopping horses at a full gallop in their tracks. I think Steelpushing could do the trick. Rhythm of War, Chapter 16: Months, not eternity. Practically flawless, not perfect. And Voidlight lasts longer than Stormlight. Addressing your other point, a united Roshar could likely get tens of these, maybe around a hundred. Not enough for every Radiant to have their own personal stash. And if they deemed a Mistborn a threat worthy of using these near-perfect gemstones, would they really only send one Radiant?
  11. I assume this would be the same with chromium. To be honest, I... forgot some capabilities of bendalloy. (Notably, repositioning yourself to avoid incoming projectiles.) Steelpushes might be more limited, but they're arguably more powerful. (The only Surge that I think matches Steelpushing in ranged offensive capability is Transformation as Jasnah used it in Way of Kings, and that's almost certainly much harder to learn than "flare steel, push coin.")
  12. I wasn't saying "Break the Plate to leech the Stormlight," though I'm not complaining if that happens. I was suggesting leeching stormlight either through or from the Plate, depending on how chromium interact with live Plate. Even a weakened tree will require enough force to match that required to put cracks in Plate. I'm not trying to break it in five or six hits, I'm trying to make it expend Stormlight repairing itself, even if the damage is I highly doubt that that was a perfect gem. It was very good, and it leaked Light at a very, very slow pace, but it still leaked. And obtainable to Gavilar is far from the same thing as widely obtainable.
  13. Throw up a bendalloy bubble right in front of them, but not on top of them. Toss a few coins at their feet. Turn on chromium/nicrosil, pewter, and steel. Start sprinting at them. Drop the bubble right before you hit the border. Touch them and hit them with a dagger (or something similar) simultaneously. Push yourself upwards as hard and fast as possible. To the Radiant, this shouldn't even take a second. The only way to get Bladed is if you practically run into it. Still, birch trees (the trees in that scene) are some of the strongest in the real world, so I doubt that they were resisting like twigs. Still, every moment a Mistborn delays has a tangible cost in Stormlight. And perfect gems are the exception, not the rule; I have a hard time seeing any Radiant carrying around dozens of the things. Adding to that, the King's Drop and Honor's Drop were the only ones seen in human posesion, and neither one is particularly accessible. (And if the King's Drop is any indicator, they aren't exactly convenient to carry around.)
  14. Still, a Mistborn can use chromium and nicrosil. I know about the limitation of them taking 2-3 seconds (for chromium, at least. I'm not sure about nicrosil), but the Mistborn doesn't need to drain it all at once. We've seen duelling Mistborn Push each other so hard they broke trees. It doesn't need to be hard enough to shatter the Plate in three hits or anything like that; it just needs to be enough to damage it, chipping away at the Radiant's Stormlight. And what happens if the Mistborn does nothing? Like I said, any Radiant's Stormlight will eventually run out. Even if they return the Stormlight to the gemstone, it's still leaking out, albeit at a slower pace. A clever Mistborn will delay as long as possible in this scenario to try to bleed the Stoneward dry of Stormlight, so the Stoneward will have to be the one to break the stalemate and attack.
  15. That Stormlight runs out quicker if you're holding more, and too many gemstones just gets inconvenient. A Mistborn can Push hard enough to crack plate while not being launched back if they brace themselves against a wall or Push another coin into a wall, or they could fling themselves back on purpose to avoid an attack. There must be some kind of limit to how far a Stoneward can extend their power, so the Mistborn can just Push on the coin while it's there to move just outside the range, or position themselves right above the Stoneward, stop Pushing, and use their body weight to let gravity drive a ridiculous amount of force behind a knife point. If the Stoneward tries to stab up, drop a coin at their feet to stop falling.
  16. I'm siding with the Mistborn for a number of reasons: Bendalloy. While the Radiant simply can't make any real plans, the Mistborn can pause time whenever they want and carefully formulate a plan. Pewter, though this one is more psychological. While I fully agree that the Radiant would be just as strong, if not stronger, they'd be used to a huge advantage over an opponent. Pewter would level the playing field at least somewhat, and the Radiant would have to adapt. Mistborn on the other hand, fight other Mistborn and Misting kill squads on a semi-regular basis. They know how to fight someone who matches their strength and agility. Nicrosil. People have said that chromium would take a few seconds to wipe a Radiant's Stormlight reserves, but what about the opposite route? A massive burst of Stormlight followed by none at all will shock the Radiant much more than their Stormlight quickly being drained. Electrum. I have seen this mentioned, I haven't seen it really discussed the way iron or pewter have. Being able to see what plans end in failure before completing them is a huge asset. (Clarification: I know that electrum only works a few seconds into the future. What I mean by this is being able to cancel an attack knowing that carrying through would have killed you.) Steel. Pushing coins into the Radant's plate might not crack it, but it will chip away at their Stormlight. In addition, it allows for a range of mobility only outclassed by Windrunners and Skybreakers- and even then, the Radiant has to engage eventually. And concerning the Stoneward scenario mentioned earlier, the Mistborn could put their anchor on the ground the Stoneward is standing on. A Mistborn's fuel will last much longer than a Radiant's. Metals burn much slower than Stormlight leaves, and can be turned on and off at will. Comparing sixteen gemstones to sixteen metal vials, the Radiant would have to use a gemstone... maybe every minute or two. The Mistborn would only have to use a metal vial several minutes after the last one. Then there's the problem of Stormlight leaking faster when the Radiant is holding more, and being consumed whenever the Radiant experiences any bodily damage, no matter how minor, or whenever the plate cracks at all. Metal vials will last longer than Stormlight, unless the Mistborn acts like an idiot and wastes all the combat-useful metals in each one on duralumin the first chance they get. The Mistborn just has to outlast the Radiant, because the Radiant will run out of Stormlight and that will rob them of a major advantage. Planning. As mentioned above, bendalloy allows the Mistborn time to carefully formulate plans mid-battle.The only plans a Radiant can use are those they brought in from before the battle started, which can quickly fall apart. Ranged attacks. The only ranged attacks a Radiant can use require a somewhat significant use of Stormlight. A Mistborn's ability to Steelpush coins is comparatively much cheaper. And I'm not even considering atium, because that usually lasts a minute or two, which is more than enough time with all the advantages I just mentioned. Even with near-invincible armor and an instant death sword, how do you fight someone who can clearly see both the immediate future and how that future affects them? Even without atium, a Radiant can't outplan someone who can lay out specific plans whenever they want, outlast someone whose fuel lasts longer, or outthink someone who can literally see the how your strike affects them before you make it. I know about that one WoB that said that Vin could sometimes defeat 3rd ideal Kaladin, but she was missing several metals that would have given her a big advantage, and Kaladin is far from an average Windrunner.
  17. I'm pretty sure that what was happening was that the Anti-voidlight was destroying the Voidlight in the Fused's gemhearts. (And the Anti-voidlight daggers were the first known way to permanently kill a Fused. Nightblood, for example, is fully capable of permanent killing of Fused. Spoilered for size.)
  18. If it's going to be anything like WandaVision, wait until it's done. Don't torture yourself with cliffhangers. No. No, I don't think it will. It's probably that one super strong guy seen earlier in the episode!
  19. There was one of these for WandaVision, so I guess now there's one for Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
  20. I was just wondering, what would happen if a Leecher (or Mistborn) burned chromium and touched a Fused? Draining all or even some of the Voidlight in a Fused's gemheart has been shown to be lethal, and draining Investiture is exactly what chromium does. If a Leecher or Mistborn got onto Roshar, I think that this would mean that Fused can now die permanently with a mere touch. Even if that's not the case, the worst-case scenario is that the Fused runs out of usable Voidlight and has to go recharge, which still is a decent result.
  21. Like I said, this was a list of guaranteed victories, not necessarily likely victories. Like I also said, the list only took into account the compounding effects themselves, not the individual powers. I don't think that's how that works. It does increase your mass, but I'm pretty sure that Wax said that it didn't add any stopping power.
  22. Wait, What happened to Dunno? @Channelknight Fadran
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