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    I've been bamboozled by Ea-nāṣir!
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  1. Something just happened. 

    When I woke up, my mom told me that my school was being delayed two hours because of a threat of some kind that the police were investigating. And just now, she informed me that school was being closed for the entire day for the same reason. 

    This is very weird and a little bit scary, partly because I don't know what this threat is. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 2EmLee2


      I heard some stuff at school today that the threat was a kid who threatened to do a shooting or something similar, and that in the past he'd done some pretty bad stuff I'd rather not repeat. But all this might just be speculation, because some kids who were sitting next to me in one of my classes were gossiping about it.

    3. Doomstick



      my school just has near weekly false fire alarms

    4. 2EmLee2


      This is a news report I found that explains the official story:


      A suspect has been arrested by [Redacted] authorities after allegedly posting a social media threat against a student at [Redacted] High School in [Redacted].

      The suspect, 18-year-old [Redacted], was reportedly involved in an altercation with another student prior to the incident. [Redacted] had made similar threats to this student that were then passed around on social media, as others interpreted the threats as [Redacted] planning to "shoot up the school."

      While police found no evidence to support the claim that [Redacted] was planning to shoot up the school, they did have evidence of [Redacted]'s threats to kill a 16-year-old classmate.

      Classes were canceled at [Redacted] on Friday after the threat was reported to [Redacted] police and school administrators.

      According to a [Redacted] Police Department Facebook post, deputies received information regarding an online social media threat toward [Redacted] early Friday morning. [Redacted]'s Resource Deputy was advised and he alerted school staff. 

      The school sent a text message to [Redacted] parents early Friday morning, saying the school would start two hours late due to a potential threat. However, [Redacted] administrators decided to cancel all Friday classes at the school for the safety of students and staff as they worked with deputies to identify the person who posted the threat on social media, according to the post.

      [Redacted] has been booked into the [Redacted] Jail for felony harassment and threats to kill charges.

      So yeah. Crazy stuff.

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