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Everything posted by BloomAgeOne

  1. I really like the Awakening idea! I would probably have expected more of the large Cosmere cross-overs such as people learning magic from other planets to happen in the second half of Stormlight and the future Mistborn Eras, but Adolin using it to awaken Maya sounds pretty cool. Also, as a side, I always felt that Obi-Wan and Satine's relationship wasn't quite as good as Obi-Wan's Legends relationship with Siri Tachi, but that's a bit off topic... I agree with this as well! Particularly given his difficult childhood, Adolin seems like he would make a great father. I would probably prefer for Adolin and Shallan to not have children until the gap between books 5 and 6, because it would limit their involvement in the greater conflict a little bit, with Adolin wanting to spend time with his child/ren. This would be a bit easier, as the primary/focus characters are going to switch up a bit in the second set of 5 Stormlight books.
  2. That's one of my favourite aspects of Mistborn too (besides how awesome Allomancy is). This is something that I find Brandon does well in all of his work. In particular, I second the Stormlight Archive recommendation for after you finish Mistborn.
  3. Welcome to the Shard! What type of art do you normally do?
  4. Welcome to the 17th Shard! Which characters in Mistborn are you the most interested in so far?
  5. It's derived from the game Magic the Gathering, which was one of the ways that I was introduced to Mr Sanderson's books. There was a really powerful competitive deck over 20 years ago that utilised a card called Cadaverous Bloom (there's a description of the deck below if you've ever played MtG and are interested). Although I have never played with or against the deck, it is something that a few of my friends told me about, and it's a bit of a homage to our play group, really. Thanks for asking! https://mtg.gamepedia.com/Prosperous_Bloom
  6. Nice! I've always been a fan of Kaladin and Vin. I also really like Nightblood. My favourite books would have to be The Way of Kings, Mistborn and The Emperor's Soul. I would greatly recommend reading the latter if you haven't read it. Also, I do agree with everyone that your username is great!
  7. I think that it would be kind of cool if Kaladin stops her, because he had his own almost-suicide scene in tWoK. Personally, I would like to see it in the build-up to his 4th Oath.
  8. Hi, and welcome to the shard! I haven't read any of the White Sand graphic novels, but that's more because I plan to read a few other things first. I'll get to them eventually. Anyway, if you're struggling with the graphic novels, Brandon has actually written a prose version called White Sand Prime. Copies are available as part of the newsletters that he sends out a few times each year, which you can sign up for at https://www.brandonsanderson.com/contact/ . I can't make a judgement on how close it is to the graphic novels, but they are were based on this written version. On another note, which of Brandon's books have you enjoyed the most, and can you name a few of your favourite characters?
  9. Wow, that sound's just like my own story! I started off with Skyward, Steelheart and Warbreaker, which I checked out of one of my local libraries after I'd seen Brandon play Magic the Gathering on Game Knights and saw him recommended by Shadiversity. Warbreaker in particular got me interested in reading more, and I bought Mistborn, which I enjoyed even more. Since then, I've consumed the rest of Mistborn Era 1, the Stormlight Archive books, The Emperor's Soul and The Rithmatist. I can't wait for Rhythm of War in November!
  10. That's awesome! I tend to enjoy writing answers that go into a bit of depth, particularly because I don't know many people who read Brandon's books in real life (yet another reason why I joined the 17th Shard). Nice to hear that Kaladin's your favourite too. Thanks for the advice. Practise:
  11. Thank you everyone for replying. It means a lot to me that you're all so happy to reach out to new members like myself. Ha ha. The Emperor's Soul is definitely one of my favourites. What Brandon achieved with a word count much smaller than what he normally works with is awe-inspiring. I really connected with Shai, and was able to read the novella in one sitting - something I haven't done in a long time. I definitely regard it as the best novella that I have ever read. In general, my favourite Brandon Sanderson books tend to be: The first book in a particular world. I really enjoy being introduced to a new fantasy/sci-fi world, particularly the magic system/technology. The most recent book that I've read. This is particularly true with Brandon, because all of his books are so amazing. The last book that I read was Oathbringer, which was what actually prompted me to join the 17th Shard, now that I'm up to date in the Stormlight Archive. So, my three favourites as of now are probably The Emperor's Soul, Mistborn and The Way of Kings. I've already summarised why I love The Emperor's Soul above, but I will run through the other two quickly. Mistborn was the book that really hooked me on Brandon's writing, and ensured my loyalty as a reader. It also served in many ways to ensure my loyalty to the epic fantasy genre in general. I really loved the characters (more on that below) and the magic systems that Brandon really hooked me. At the time, it was my favourite fantasy novel that I had read. However, that all changed when I read The Way of Kings. I've heard that some people found it difficult to get into it, but I was hooked after the prologue. I just couldn't put it down. The scope of the worldbuilding and the number of pov characters just went beyond anything that I had read before. And all of it, from the Michael Whelan cover to the flashbacks to the numerous multi-layered characters made an impact on me that no other fantasy/sci-fi material had made on me bar the Star Wars Legends Universe (which I still consider to be the canonical Star Wars, but that's a bit off-topic). I must say that The Way of Kings is currently my favourite Brandon Sanderson book, and really my favourite fantasy novel as well. Interesting. Without spoilers, I suppose that I am most excited for seeing how a certain two characters that we met towards the end of Oathbringer (although they made cameos throughout tWoK and WoR) interact with the rest of the cast and how their stories progress in general. I'd be happy to discuss this more, but I don't think that here is the right place (because spoilers - I'm not really familiar with this site yet, so best to be safe). I'm also really excited for the new endpaper artworks. It will be the first time that a Stormlight Archive book is releasing since I started reading Brandon's books, so I'll be tuned in as they're revealed. Thanks! I have a lot of favourite Sanderson characters. I think that I'll have to give you a top 3 in no particular order: Nightblood (with an honourable mention for Vasher): This character was something new to me, and I really loved him. His dynamic with Vasher in particular was what really hooked me in Warbreaker. Vin: Seeing Mistborn through the eyes of Vin was a really engaging experience. Her growth and development as a character throughout Era 1 was really amazing to watch. Kaladin: There was just something about Kaladin that struck home with me more than any of the other amazing SA characters (Dalinar in particular came close). I think that it may be because tWoK focuses on him the most (tWoK is currently my favourite Sanderson novel) and he saw the most character development in that novel. He also evokes for me memories of a few of my favourite Star Wars characters, despite the similarities not being immediately obvious. Once again, thank you all for replying!
  12. Hello everyone, I just thought that I'd introduce myself briefly. I'm BloomAgeOne, and I first started reading Mr Sanderson's books last year with Skyward. So far, I have also read Mistborn Era 1, the 3 Stormlight Archive books released so far, Warbreaker, The Emperor's Soul and Steelheart. I must say that I have been consistently amazed and impressed with Brandon's involvement with the fanbase, and how great the fanbase itself is. Needless to say, I am really looking forward to Rhythm of War releasing in November, particularly since it will be the first Stormlight Archive book to release since I started reading Brandon's books. I'm very happy to be here. BloomAgeOne
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