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I Am A Fish

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Posts posted by I Am A Fish

  1. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

    "She can't run. Stop being so impatient. I need to break Janice first."

    Kane growled in her ear. "Get the captive, and get out. Now."


    Lol while trying to type Kane, I ended up typing Kanye

    Quinn stepped out onto the deck, a rifle visible in her hands.

    "Drop the kid! Now."


  2. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

    "Very well. I'll bring the young one... or perhaps I'll kill her. That might just do the trick to knock Janice out of my head." Trace stands up. "I hope you don't mind if I borrow some equipment? Your shower stalls might be helpful as well. Janice hasn't changed in three years."

    Kane sighed.

    "Emphasis on the word alive, and preferably not completely maimed, though that's not a requirement. Feel free to get equipment from the armory, and do whatever else you want to do."

    He paused, then threw her an armband.

    "Also, wear this, it will help us keep tabs on your location, and help you contact us."


    That's not all it'll do...



  3. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

    "He's still alive, then?" Trace asked, amused. "Your employees, traitor or otherwise, are always surprisingly resilient."

    Lloyd's alive? LLOYD'S ALIVE??? Janice would've laughed aloud if she had control of... well, anything.

    "I'll bring him to you, along with... the duster? The ice girl? Perhaps that prisoner of yours?"

    Kane shrugged.

    "All equally worthless. Just bring who you please."

  4. 4 hours ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

    "Perhaps it would be welcome to hear that I believe your traitor is already dead?"

    @I Am A Fish

    Kane gave her an amused look.

    "My men on the ground say otherwise."

    He looked up, staring off into the distance. 

    "You know what? Bring the traitor alive, I want to kill him myself."

  5. 7 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

    "Go ahead."

    Kane smiled.

    "Simple, bring me the traitor's dead body, and one other."

    He thought a moment, then turned back towards Janice.

    "Bring the other alive."

    Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:



    Well yes...


  6. 3 hours ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

    A few hours later, the yevon in Janice's sat in a small room, frowning at its choice in attire. An old pair of trousers, and a tank top from a dumpster? They'd have to fix that.

    "Kuno will see you soon. Understand that he's a very busy ma--person."

    "I don't mind waiting."

    The assistant nodded. "Thank you." He walked out.

    All ways quiet for a few moments.


    The yevon jumped, then shook its head. The girl was running out of strength; it took her hours to even say those three words, though she did say them with a lot of vigour. She was strong; at least in willpower. The yevon wasn't so sure about physical strength. It poked its own pale, flimsy arm, laced with the power of the Queen to control Janice's Aspect of pain. Poor Janice hadn't known what they were called, naming them her Traces.

    She keeps fighting. You must destroy her.

    I will. Eventually. It will be easier once we have begun my work; watching herself kill will be the finishing blow to her soul, and I can become Complete.

    @I Am A Fish



    My character is named Kane...

    Like sugar kane....

    Or my grandpa needs a kane...

    Kuno is a UK special forces dog...


    Yes, I am aware that I spelled kane wrong, I know it should be spelled Xhane...



  7. 2 hours ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:



    Luckily the Talon already had contingency plans in place, and there are no Talon members left on the island.

    So.. :D

    *Happy fish noises*


    @00kla, would this be a good time to send in Quinn?


  8. Less of a meme, more of a joke:

    Shallan's son: Mommy, why is my sister named swords?

    Shallan: Because your dad loves swords.

    Shallan's son: Thanks mommy!

    Shallan: No problem Kaladin Stormblessed...

    The same thing applies to Wax:

    Waxillium's daughter: Daddy, why is my brother named lists?

    Wax: Because your mother loves lists

    Wax's daughter: Thanks daddy!

    Wax: No problem Marasi. :P 


  9. Quote

    I will have my revenge...

    It's not that I'm salty,

    I just live in saltwater :P 

    Xenia walked through the halls of a dying island.

    It had been discussed what would be done if Talongarde went down, thankfully protocols had already been set in place. The evacuation was proceeding quickly and efficiently, and the Talon would survive. 

    The Talon needed to survive.

    Walking into the launch bay, Xenia could see machinery and personnel already being loaded into transports, those knocked out in the blast had been retrieved, and were already on their way to the rendezvous, while others were still being loaded into escape craft.

    Xenia calmly walked over to her designated craft and sat down, making sure to leave room for the other evacuees.

    A few minutes later, the then full transport, took off skyward, leaving Talongarde behind.

    Leaving Talongarde to sink into the frothy sea beneath it, lost amidst the waves. 


    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

    A massive explosion erupted through Talongarde. Everyone within fifty feet of it were killed instantly—and anyone twice that were knocked senseless.

    The engines started failing, and the power cut out. Everyone’s bindings were depowered, and the locks on the doors undid themselves.

    A calm voice came through a number of speakers, supposedly on backup power. “All Talon members, please evacuate immediately. Talongarde is expected to be completely obliterated in fifteen minutes.”



    You Have Forfeited Your Life Privileges | Know Your Meme

    And by you, I mean Janice...


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