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About Negative_Null

  • Birthday September 23

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Episode VI: Return of the Weird Guy/Girl
  • Location
    Earth Realm, Creationist Prime Shard, coordinates 0-0-0-(-396)

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  1. Hey everyone, glad to see that the Shard was able to keep going without me, and hopefully our little roleplay corner didn't hurt too badly. Sorry I left at the worst time for some of the rps. I'm so happy that they're still going, especially Siren's Call. 

    So by way of explanation, the last few months have been kinda crazy. I got a girlfriend, got through finals, broke up with said girlfriend so she could go on her church mission, and came back home to a bunch of little siblings who were very excited to see me. I feel as though all I did between February and April was sit and study and I haven't had a moment since then to sit down. My life is settling down now, though, so hopefully I can get back some level of activity on the Shard.

    There was another little wrinkle during my time off, because of course you can never only have one life event at a time. So... yeah, I'm in the process of coming out as non-binary. More specifically, I'm choosing to identify as bigender, but that's all up in the air as I explore that area of my life. Yay. I plan to update my pronouns and stuff on the site but don't worry too much about it, I'm still figuring it out myself so I won't get after you if you use the wrong pronouns or whatever. Feel free to ask me anything about this (or storms, any of the other stuff)

    I just figured you'd like to know what's been going on the Negativerse while I've been off here. I'm glad to be back and while I know I'll need a heck of a TLDR on some things, I'm excited to get back to some roleplaying, discussion, and crazy theorizing.

    Journey before Destination

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