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Everything posted by ToaCalune

  1. Well, I would say that we have a new guild on our hands, but I think something similar has already been done.
  2. Not as good as a pancake. Especially if it is imaginary. I think that would be a more fair trade.
  3. Ok. That is interesting to me. Whenever I talked about manliness in the past, there was never really a distinction between manliness and being a man. Neat take on that. Hushed
  4. I will be a Levencaller. "I will allow baked goods to raise for the proper amount of time"
  5. Interesting. My definition of manliness is someone who will protect women and children, be strong and lead, provide for his family, and have strength of character. Honestly, I think of my father. He is always great to my mother, and genuinely cares for her, and always seeks our family's well being. Sneaky
  6. Ah, the truths a spiceweaver. What is the spren for that?
  7. Then you have come to the right place! Welcome to the Knights Bakery.
  8. Life Before Death Cake Before Weakness Journey Before Pies
  9. I will bake cake for those who cannot bake cake themselves.
  10. Welcome to the cult community of Sanderfans! Enjoy your stay.
  11. So this question has probably already been answered, but I can't find anything on it. So I'll ask anyway. (Sorry if this is redundant. It has just been driving me NUTS!) Ok, so this has been confusing me since Bands of Mourning. So, you have to have the proper feruchemical power to access an un-keyed metalmind, right? So why does there seem to be this inconsistency with nicrosil? Everyone seems to have the ability to use an un-keyed nicrosilminds regardless of whether or not you are already a nicrosil ferring, so what is going on?
  12. Ok, but I can't let you win. #SorryNotSorry
  13. Really? I play the violin myself. Now all we need is a Bass and we can have a nice little string quartet!
  14. Ok that works. I will send you my bank information now.
  15. Aw sweet! I love strange notices telling me I won a million dollars! I trust this money will come from Nigeria via Western Union? It had better be from a prince who happens to be a long lost cousin...
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