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Boomerang Guy

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Everything posted by Boomerang Guy

  1. Dane it! (yes, i know i said dane it was not an accident) I was trying so hard. I guess I just have to go back to Chortling hysterically while eating waffles and a tub of ice cream all by my self. I dido this proposition. And i do not know if i am using the word proposition correctly.
  2. "At what do you think I am trying to beat you at?" McWafy asked innocently.
  3. Were the raisins soposed to be a bad thing? That sounds scrumptious!
  4. I Chortled along with Frustration, sorry i can see now how that could be confusing. "That was the only time i did change those things." McWafy said defensivly. Also i hope changing both was't too confusing. Sorry if it was.
  5. McWafy apologizes and promises to restrain himself to not Chortle as much.
  6. Yeeeeeees! I wanted to do the whole reference but i couldn't remember that last part.
  7. Diddo, Very much the Diddoing. Um.......... I cant remember any specific one, but what i do remember is feeling the spirit CONSTANTLY during the whole thing. I really liked conference, it was definitely unforgettable.
  8. I am experiencing eternal frustration that Frustration keeps saying i am frustrated.
  9. McWafy cools down his anger and frustration (THERE! I said it.) from destroying the universe, then sits down And promptly starts to ignore @Booknerd wile reading A Sanderson book.
  10. "Oh yea!" McWafy said in an angry voice (not a frustrated one) "Why don't you watch my fist grow into your FACE!"
  11. Yes, oh great Experienced one. I thank thee giving me said experience. *chortle* *AHEM* My Divine powers of Waffles & Chortles allow me to lift a simple Panda!
  12. That... *sob* was beautiful *sob* Also i just had crepes for lunch! And it was Delicious! FOOD IZ DA BEST! Along with that waffle loving dog too, he is also da best.
  13. McWafy gives @Feruchemal Panda a penguin (for penguins are the best) holding a chortling waffle as thanks. For behold, what is life without zee chortles. It is like life without Waffles or life without zee oxygen. OK. Chortle! Have i mentioned that I am very EXPERIENCED when it comes to Chortling! Yea! *chortles* happier person! *chortles
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