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Boomerang Guy

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Status Updates posted by Boomerang Guy

  1. ohmygoshguys. Twenty one Pilots released Clancy a day or two ago and I am FREAKING OUT😭

    1. BlueWildRye



  2. Heyooooo. Never been much of an anime fan but i just recently finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. And i am Officially obsessed with it and want all the manga. 😅😂

    1. Slowswift


      I can just tell that when I finally get around to that one, it's gonna be a doozy.

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      So many people have recommended that to me.

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      Its sooooo good! You should try it! The English dub is pretty good!

  3. After AGES of waiting my storming Stormlight figurines, they have FINALLY arrived. So cool!!! Except Nightblood is all bent and weird. So I’m leaving him in his packaging and gonna try to get a better one. 



    My favorite figure is probably Adolin. The shardplate and blade is SO iconic for the series.

    1. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      I really wanted the statue of Kal and Szeth tho. 🤩

  4. guys. Twenty One Pilots is dropping a brand new single for their next album on thursday. The 29. I'm gonna cry im so excited. 

    1. Wittles


      Lol, a bit late of a response but FREAKING YES ITS AMAZING. And now we've got Next Semester too!

    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      I am just glad that I'm not the only fan on the Shard. 😁

  5. eat more chikin......

    chikin chikin chikin chikin

    I just got a new job guyyyys. You'll never guess where........👀

  6. Lost Metal storming killed me. I closed the book and just wept. 

    Any way i think I am all caught up in the Cosmere. Still havent read the new skyward stuff tho. Im gettin there.😝

  7. I know its taking me a long time but I finally finished the secret projects. Except for fugal i'm still reading that.

    Sunlit was my favorite. Probably because of all the nerdy Cosmere science stuff being discussed throughout the whole thing. Anyway, I'm not dead guys. I am still here. haha. Sometimes i am at least. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Yeah. Aang is going to be more focused on being the avatar and not on having fun at all. Sokka won’t have his character arc on respecting women.

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      Noooo why they doing that to my boi sokka....😭

    4. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      I actually just watched the trailer. It looks promising! Im optimistic! 

  8. I love you all. Hope ya guys are having a good christmas so far. :)

    1. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      chortles at this accidental post. lol

  9. Almost done with finals.......then i can finally read the Cosmere in peace. All I want is to finish The Lost metal and read the other secret projects. 😭 I have been having a bad time these last few months. 🙃

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      I wish you well boomerang guy! And strength and speed to finish them so that you can read!

  10. Oh and if somebody tagged me anywhere while i was gone, then whoopsiedaisy.

    Let me know!

  11. The grand origin behind Chortlism and the reason why I can't stop doing it. chortles






    If you know who this is and why he is relevant then thank the Heralds I am so fricken proud. If you don't then shame on you and go buy a Nintendo DS. 😜

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      I personally discovered him in Browser's inside story. 


    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I discovered him in Super stsr saga and then loved that he was in inside story *chortle much gladly*

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I discovered him...

      in this SU

  12. Oh my gosh I am so happy about the new emojis. There were so little options before. 😆

  13. Thanks for everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I am not always on here so thank you! 🥰😁

  14. Hey guys! I just saw the legendary band Foreigner in concert! Yes its practically a tribute band at this point cuz the only original member of the band that's still there wasn't even playing. Probably because hes too storming old. But I don't have much concert experience and this concert was amazing. If your a Foreigner fan, whats your favorite few songs?





    1. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Ha, I literally saw someone at work just barely with that exact shirt. 

      I love Foreigner but I don't listen to them enough. Any song suggestions?

    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy


      Juke Box Hero

      I want to know what love is

      Cold as Ice 

      Break it up

      Double vision

      Hot Blooded

      Waiting for a girl like you

      Feels like the first time


      Head Games

      Blue Morning blue day

      Dirty White Boy

      Say You Will

      Long long way from home

      Here are some good ones.:P

  15. Guys. My childhood dog was put down. And I'm breaking inside.....

    1. Experience



      my doggo was put down a couple months ago too

      honestly the best thing you can do to help the hurt is getting a new dog

      not too quickly, but soon enough

    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      i know i want another one. just when im ready

  16. guysguysguys. My brain is melting. say something, anything, before I melt away.

  17. Chortle?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Experience


      Need you even ask?

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      School is sucking a lot of my time guys. So I'm glad y'all are still chortling!

    4. Experience


      *chortles the loudest*

  18. Hello everyone! A lot has been happening for me lately. I graduated high school, got a girlfriend, and my college semester is about to start! My life is changing and its so weird. 

    On a more important note, I read Tress of The Emerald sea. And my dear friends greatness needs no words. I know the Lost Metal Dragonsteel was awhile ago but I'm just now starting the book. :ph34r: With my ADHD and things I got out of the habit of reading. But I'm doing it again and so far only a few chapters into the Lost Metal I can already tell its going to be the most Cosmerey book so far like everyone has been saying. Also need to get around to reading The Frugal Wizard and The Nightmare Painter. I am SO EXCITED for this one cuz its COSMERE. *maniacal giggles*

    Anyway sorry I'm totally inconsistent on the shard. I'm always flattered when I do come on and see that someone is chortling on my page or something.;) despite all the friends I've made on the shard I still feel anxious about it. And now that I have my own personal Chromebook for school I'll be able to definitely never get distracted and waste time on the shard and use 100% of my time studying. lol

    Also I am not checking all these. I just don't have the energy. And I doubt I ever will. lol


  19. Guys! I’m going to the Mistborn Dragonsteel. And I’m cosplaying as Wax!

  20. I just finished rereading Mistborn: The Final Empire!

    Greatness needs no words guys. 

    Da book is MAGNIFICENT! 

  21. DARN IT!!!! HES ALREADY STORMING GONE!!! AAAAAAAAGHG! I am just now reading that he left on a mission. heh heh. whoops. 

    Happy Birthday anyway man!!! YOU DA BOMB!!!

  22. *sob* I am no longer the Kings Wit! *sob*


  23. I’m a bit busy right now so I can’t look through my notifs at the moment. But I thought I’d  update y’all. I crashed my beloved car. Just replaced it. Still sad about it though. Also I read the first Percy Jackson for the first time. Cuz my friends wouldn’t SHUT UP about it. lol. Although they think the same thing about me and the Cosmere so I guess I can’t complain. lol

    oh! And I’m rereading the Mistborn saga so it’s fresh for the Lost Metal!

    I also got some of those cool figurines. I’m also officially an “adult”. Whatever THAT means I haven’t the slightest idea. ;)

    People think I’ve read the Cosmere several times considering how much I know and talk about it. But I’ve really only read everything once. So. Instead of reading other books like a normal healthy open minded reader. I’m rereading the books I already love and am obsessed with. 

    so ya. I thing that pretty much covers it. 

    1. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      You are legally and adult and haven't read all of percy jackson yet???

      You will not truly be one until you do.

      Also i'm sorry about your car :( and glad to see you!!

    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      Percy Jackson was good. It was! 

      But nothing compares to reading the Cosmere.

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