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Posts posted by KandraAllomancer

  1. My first thought was an Honorblade, quickly replaced by a far creepier idea: Rayse appears to the Singers as an ancient singer with gold and white marbled skin, holding a golden sceptre. Is it possible that he started borrowing tricks from Bavadin? Because her clothes and blade match Odium's colors more than Bondsmiths', in my opinion:


  2. 1 hour ago, Rainier said:

    It would be symbolizing Cultivation, not Odium. This is my main problem with this theory. The Surgebinding chart shows the interaction between Honor and Cultivation. We've got an entire Voidbinding chat largely unexplained. If the Unmade are going to pair off with humans (or singers), I think it will be because of something in that chart, not something shoehorned into the already crowded Surgebinding chart.

    The chart does symbolize that, but the Orders that seem to of most pure Honor and Cultivation (Windrunners and Edgedancers, respectively) are not at the center of it. Bondsmits and Truthwatchers being the opposites in that regard would simply add another layer of symbolism

    1 hour ago, Rainier said:

    Plus, we already know this isn't the case. We have exactly one Truthwatcher to go off of, but he's bonded a spren very much like the other Radiant spren, but with a twist. The twist might be that this particular spren is sacrificing some surgebinding for some voidbinding (it remains to be seen), but the twist isn't Unmade in disguise the whole time.

    Yes, but Glys is a corrupted spren, not a 'full' Voidbinding spren (which should grant two Voidish Surges, as suggested by the Voidbinding chart). Based on the discussion and some new evidence I agree that the Unmade are not Voidbiding-Truthwatcher spren, but I think such sapient Voidspren would exist

    3 hours ago, Azarias said:

    Although, one must ask if voidspren even bond with people/ parshmen in the same way that highspren do. The oaths and bonds seem much more of honor than they do of odium, and it seems strange that odium would use them. Moreover, this topic is founded on the principle that truthwatchers are the bondsmith equivalent for voidbinding, and yet within surgebinding, it is the bondsmith who first created/ discovered the Nahel bond. 

    Assuming that truthwatchers are the voidbinding equivalent of bondsmiths, are they responsible for the creation of voidbinding? And would voidbinding use something other than oaths and bonds- something more akin perhaps to the truthwatchers surges, or things associated with odium.

    Yeah, these are excellent questions. It all comes down, I believe, to how the Voidbinding Initiation looks like. The best things I could come up with so far are: the corrupted Progression mentioned in the first post (possibly gemstones growing in Voidbinder's body?) and the idea that Voidbinding might be like fabrials (requiring a gemstone for bonding, like with Yelig-nar). I think the gemstones will be the key, but it's all rather speculative at this point

  3. 1 minute ago, Azarias said:

    Do we even know that voidspren are a thing? We know that there are corrupted spren, and the unmade, but I believe that a separate class of voidspren is yet to be introduced- correct me if I'm wrong.

    Besides the Unmade and the corrupted spren (e.g. Glys) we have at the very least:

    • lesser Voidspren who grant the Forms of Power
    • sapient Voidspren, like Ulim

    The latter might be connected to Voidbinding

  4. This is essentially a continuation of my previous thread:

    tl;dr version of it: I believe that Near East mythology (Ugaritic Baal Cycle, specifically) predicts that Rayse and the Fused will be killed with Sja-anat's help by the end of Arc 1. Arc 2 will be about Odium reforming itself

    OK, we can start :)

    We know that the names of the Unmade come from Near East (mostly Canaanite) mythology (plus some Lovecraft). Imagine my surprise when I found out that the same applies to selected Heralds and the Sibling:

    • Ishar – Ishara, originally a Canaanite love goddess, then turned into Hittite goddess of oaths, who punishes the oathbreakers. Quite a fitting connection, I would say
    • Shalash – Shamash, Mesopotamian god of Sun and light. Once again quite a good match
    • Jezrien – supreme god (depending on the culture: El, Anu, Amurru, Yahweh). His later name, Ahu, is (given the nature of the letter 'h') pretty much identical to Anu. I believe that the fact that his names typically start with Je-/Ya- is a link to Jehovah/Yahweh (plus he's also worshipped as the only god in Emul)

    The names of the other Heralds don't have mythological origin, as far as I can say, which makes sense in a way, as in the ancient Near East only royalty (Jezrien, Ash) and maybe high priests (Ishar) would use names associated with divinity. They all, however, share the suffix “'Elin” which seems to come from El, associated with Jezrien

    • The Sibling – Ashur, who represents a deified form of the city of Assur – clearly the same concept as the Sibling and Urithiru

    Fun fact: staring from Ashur, we can find a nice chain of (probably Easter egg) connections scattered around the Stormlight books. Ashur appears in the name of one of the last Assyrian kins – Ashurbanipal (literally 'Ashur has given a son-heir') who happens to share some similarities with Dalinar:

    • he was known as the king who could read and write (not a small feat, given the complexity of cuneiform and ancient Summerian and Akkadian)
    • he lost his lands in the West, but gained new in the East
    • his capital, Nineveh, had the largest library of ancient knowledge at the time (similar to Urithiru) and was prophesied in the Bible to be completely destroyed (similar to the fate of Kholinar in Almighty's visions)
    • the prophecy from the previous point was made by the prophet Jonah, who was, according to Bible, swallowed by a giant fish at one point – something weirdly similar to what happens to Hoid and a greatshell, as described by Lift :)

    Given all that, I can see two interesting theories/implications:

    The Unmade are Odium's Heralds/Honorblades:

    I have assumed for a long time that the Unmade would be the Bondsmith godspren (or maybe Truthwatcher godspren) for Voidbinding, but in the light of the new evidence I believe they are the equivalent of the Heralds instead. It makes sense: they are superpowered beings using their Shard's power on a hostile Shard's territory, trying not to get captured. They are also not exactly efficient – Yelig-nar uses his hosts up rather quickly, as the Honorblades use Stormlight

    The new, evil Oathpact

    As I wrote above, I believe that Arc 2 will include reforming Odium. We know that:

    • there is no Unmade corresponding to the Order of Bondsmiths
    • Ishar is a crazy, egomaniac Bondsmith who possibly wants the death of all mankind
    • Arc 2 will be about figuring out the Oathpact

    Based on that, a possible mechanism of Odium's return is a new, evil Oathpact on Roshar - one between Ishar and the Unmade. It could be enough for Ishar to Ascend and bring Voidbinding (10-based, Voidspren bond based magic system) to Roshar – essentially a twisted version of what Dalinar tries to achieve with Honor and the KR in Arc 1

  5. 20 minutes ago, Karger said:

    This still raises the question of why Honor thought they might be of use against Odium.

    Technically speaking, Honor only mentioned that the humanity's chance of surviving without Dawnshards are slim... which could mean that they are vital for protecting the population against large-scale destruction, for example (not that I believe it, but the possibility is technically on the table). We also have the (rather probable, I think) possibility that (RoW Syl's Interlude spoilers)


    Dawnshards are what made the pre-Nahel Bond Bondsmiths on Ashyn. Their power created the Oathpact, which did hurt Odium, strategically speaking. They might have other, similar applications and Dalinar+Dawnshard seems like a good shot at reforming Honor


  6. 56 minutes ago, Karger said:

    Perhaps the dawnshards were used for making surge fabrials?  We know Aimia had one and they were the place to go for soulcasting information.  We also know they "bind any creature" and that surge fabrials involve one or more bound spren.

    I definitely agree. Additionally, in her interlude, Kaza mentions that forty feet tall stone spikes surrounding Akinah seem to have been created by multiple Soulcasters working together. I believe that binding/linking fabrials together might be the mechanism of Danwshards' magnifying ability

  7. My bet would be on a natural (though extremely rare) mutation that became fixed in the population when a small group of people from Ashyn settled Thaylenah. And the fun part is that it can actually kind of happen in real life:


    Or maybe the ancestors of the Thaylen people did something to piss off the Nightwacher :)

  8. @Bzhydack After giving it some thought I think you might be right on this. Yesterday I came across some new interesting evidence when reading on the Near East mythology (I'll post a new theory within a few days) and I believe it implicates rather strongly (amongst other things) that the Unmade are Odium's equivalent of Heralds/Honorblades rather than Bondsmith or Trutwacther spren. If so, they are unlikely to be permanently bonded.

    As for the other part of this theory (that the Trutwatchers will be the special Voidbinding Order, rather than Bondsmith), I think it still stands - the Unmade simply need to replaced with some sapient (probably rare) Voidspren

  9. On 16.07.2020 at 0:57 PM, BrightLordSwageas said:

    I'm going to take a stab and say adhesion.

    I agree, that works well on symbolical level and explains why we see so many Adhesion-related forms of power (definitely Envoyform, likely Stormform)

    20 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

    A. All we know about Him is that Yelig-nar aleways manifest in host in active way. He did nothing on Thaylen Fields unless Amaram didnt bond with him.

    We have historical evidence about Yelig-nat acting on his own (or at least any host isn't mentioned), like breaking into Nohadon's chancery and killing all the scribes or burning book

    20 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

    B. I was talking not about strengh of manifestation or influence into Physical Realm, I was talking more about... friendlines? Unmade are clearly hostile to all living things, so they had to be FORCED to bond, by strong mind. And when mind will be not strong enough to sustain bond, Unmade will break free and consume bonded individual. They are Splinters of Hate, after all. Stormfather is stronger, but hes much more recpect for Oaths, and isnt hostile. Like Storm isnt hostile.

    That's debatable, I think. Sja-anat, for example, doesn't seem hostile and, per Dalinar's word, Nergaoul isn't intelligent enough to be malevolent. Consuming bonded individuals has always been attributed to Yelig-nar specifically

    20 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

    C.Why waste perfectly good servant? Odium dont think in this categories. One Fused said, to Venli: You cannot be weak serving Him. Odium dont care about his servants. If someone isnt strong enough, will be replaced. Like Aesudan.

    Odium doesn't care, but he's economical. With Aesudan, he got chaos and riots in Kholinar which eventually helped him capture the city. With Amaram though? He didn't need him to win the battle, at this point Odium was still sure that Dalinar would be his champion. And if he simply wanted to feed Yelig-nar, any soldier would do

  10. 3 hours ago, Karger said:

    Don't we have confirmation that there are nine orders of voidbinding with bondsmiths left out?

    Odium's magic is a hodge-podge of corrupted stuff he accumulated over the years, but the overall list looks like this:

    • nine orders of the Fused, with one Surge missing - we've seen Gravitation, Illumination, Abrasion and, as @Lightspine pointed out, likely Progression
    • nine Unmade, kind of corresponding to different KR Orders, save for Bondsmiths
    • ten levels of Voidbinding, as described by Ars Arcanum and Voidbinding chart. The Unmade are also somehow connected to it

    I think that the Unmade might be the spren for one of the Voidbinding levels/"orders" - Truthwatchers, specifically, rather than Bodsmiths like in several other theories (e.g. possible Sja-anat Bondsmith is discussed here, here and here).

    This is rather speculative, but I think the story behind this was something like this:

    • Voidbinding was created on Ashyn, hence the 10 levels (Roshar could be an option, but the Fused don't know much about Voidbinding)
    • The Unmade were also some corrupted spren from Ashyn, except Odium didn't get the Bondsmith one, which became the Sibling on Roshar
    • The Fused have nine orders because at this point Odium was forcibly bound to Braize


  11. 1 hour ago, Q10fanatic said:

    I thought that the Fuzed generally map to the KR orders. How do you line the Unmade up with them?

    We have a confirmation for the Unmade:



    Also, does each of the Unmade have a corresponding order of the Knights Radiant?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Eh... Kind of.


    Ok. So there are nine Unmade right, so which one is left out?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Bondsmith. But it's not as one to one, there's some fuzziness in there.

    Oathbringer San Francisco signing (Nov. 15, 2017)

    As for the Fused, each of the nine orders get one Surge, so they would probably match two KR Orders


  12. On 12.01.2018 at 4:49 PM, Varion said:

    I'm assuming that you think he'll bond the Nightwatcher. There is some connection with Cultivation already, given the fact that her Perpendicularity is in the Horneater Peaks. After meeting the Nightwatcher face to face in OB, it would certainly need to be a brave individual with a strong character to even consider bonding her. Off the top of my head, I can't really think of anyone else who'd be more suited to that than Rock.

    I also like that being a Horneater, Rock represents a closer bond to the Singers, through their shared genetic heritage. 

    The Horneater peculiar physiology probably comes with some spiritweb weirdness and he's also a cook, both of which fit nicely with Nightwatcher's magic.

    Overall, I like the idea very much :)

  13. 1 hour ago, Wandering Investor said:

    I think the surprise was that he could bond void spren to humans, it was just achieved by using Nergaoul. 

    Exactly. It was also only a surprise to the Fused, as the ability of humans to bond the Voidspren is implied by the Voidbinding chart

    On 11.07.2020 at 8:10 PM, dgreene196 said:

    Certainly, someone has continued to learn new uses for Investiture on Roshar.  At least one of the Fused was surprised Odium was able to use Nergaoul to bond Amaram's army en masse (or was it some other spren that joined the soldiers?  I've interpreted it both ways on various readings).  And Jezrien's death/entrapment is another example.  The 3rd example I can think of for team Odium is Glys' corruption/Enlightenment.

    The Everstorm and killing Jezrien are new, but I don't think it's because Odium learnt something novel - he's quite clever, has futuresight and a lot of free time on Braize. If that was about knowledge, he would have figured it out may Desolations ago. I think the weakening of the Oathpact is to be blamed here.

    Corrupting the True Spren by Sja-anat might have some historical precedent - there was something weird with Truthwatchers during the False Desolation.

    On 11.07.2020 at 8:10 PM, dgreene196 said:

    For the forces of good, whatever happened to Dalinar when he leveled up on Thaylen Field - that's clearly new and shocked even Odium.  It's very exciting that we're going to get more revelations very soon.

    This is genuinely new, I agree, but it seems to be because of (A) specific circumstances (Dalinar is the first Bondsmith since Honor's death) and (B) something or someone is talking to Dalinar and guiding him. And more importantly - what Dalinar is extremely powerful (borderline Ascension, per Odium's word) and still he can affect one battlefield only. Connecting to all Singers on the whole continent is, on the other hand, Oathpact-level magic. Personally, I find it difficult to believe that something lower than a Dawnshard or a Shard could facilitate this

  14. 5 hours ago, Claincy said:

    We may have made some assumptions about the nature of dawnshards that we shouldn't have. Of the little information we have about dawnshards most of it is 2nd hand and of dubious veracity. In particular I'm not wholly convinced that dawnshards are actually objects. I'm wondering if they're simply dawnsingers who've bonded with highspren. Or a specific order/group thereof. (If that is the case, Venli would be a proto-dawnshard.)

    We know that a Dawshards was hidden in Aimia for some time and that there's one Dawnshard different from the others - which I think makes it hard for it to be a Dawnsinger. Also, leaving Roshar with a bonded spren is rather hard to pull off.

    I agree however, that the Singers' ability to link their power to a devastating effect (the Everstorm) seems very similar to what a Dawnshard could do. I wonder if Singers could technically count as the "different" Dawnshard

  15. 13 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

    @KandraAllomancer, so this is theorethicly possible, but we dont see anything to prove that. Unmade always were mention as separete entities. And seing what Yelig-nar was able to do (and he needs host) i dont think it is on Roshar person strong enough to bond, for example, Nergaoul.

    A. I don't think Yelig-nar needs a host per se; he's still quite deadly on his own

    B. We don't know if the danger of bonding an Unmade is correlated in any way with their powers. Let's look at Surgebinding/fabrials, for example: the Stormfather is extremely powerful and dangerous on his own, but bonding him doesn't pose a danger; on the other hand you can be horribly changed and finally die from Soulcasting Savantism

    C. People used to bond Yelig-nar in the past - otherwise there would be no lore about granting all ten Surges. Also, Odium clearly counted on Amaram bonding him. Why waste a perfectly good servant if he didn't? Maybe Amaram not being able to handle his guilt was a factor here - I wonder how Moash would work instead

    9 hours ago, Karger said:

    So you think the Truthwatcher equivalent fused are the big deal in Odium's "society?"  Very plausible.

    Note necessarily. I mean, there are no Truthwatcher Fused - only Illumination Fused (confirmed) and (potentially, assuming they are not the missing "Order") Progression Fused. The former use regular Illumination, not futuresight

  16. 1 minute ago, Bzhydack said:

    It is very interesting theory, but we know that Yelig-Nar was the only Unmade able to bond with mortal. In fact, he need mortal Host. Other Unmade never bond with anyone. They can corrupt, possess and/or control people, but never bond.

    We have a confirmation that the Unmade could be theoretically bonded:



    Can the Unmade be bonded?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Wow, plausible... Yes, or possible, I should say.

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing (March 21, 2014)


  17. Bondsmiths are special, we all know that. To quote the Stormfather:


    No Radiant is capable of more than you. Yours is the power of Connection, of joining men and worlds, minds and souls. Your Surges are the greatest of all, though they will be impotent if you seek to wield them for mere battle.

    They get the most unique spren, which, apart from granting Tension and Adhesion, have some unique abilities or phenomena associated with them. Based on that, I always assumed that the Unmade would be the spren for the Voidbinding equivalent of the Bondsmith Order.
    What if that is not the case? I'd like to present some arguments why I believe the “privileged” Order of Voidbinding could be the Truthwatchers:

    • Truthwatchers are opposite to Bondsmiths on the Surgebinding chart, symbolizing Odium and Honor as opposing forces
    • Odium doesn't really care about uniting anyone. Spiritual Adhesion is a special, cherished power in Surgebinding. Amongst the Voidbringers, the Envoyform is granted by a lesser Voidspren and relatively low on the hierarchy
    • Odium's signature moves are futuresight (Voidish Illumination) and corrupting Investiture/spren/people (spiritweb modification = Progression). These are also the most Spiritually oriented Voidish powers we know, just as Bondsmiths get the most Spiritually oriented Surges amongst the KR (WoB)
    • Voidbinder's futuresight interferes with Odium's own and it would make sense for it to be available only to his very selected servants
    • Odium's Champion, likely the most powerful Voidbinder possible, is described as surrounded by multiple shadows, a possible nod to (Mistborn spoilers)

      Atium users and their futuresight


    • Futuresight, unlike other Voidish powers, is granted (directly or indirectly) by at least two Unmade: Sja-anat and Moelach. I would also add Ba-Ado-Mishram as a likely candidate for granting the Nightform somehow (we know from Pashendi Songs that the Unmade might provide them). Why? The Nightforms existed for the last time during the False Desolation and they apparently predicted the Everstorm (“A new storm will come, someday to break” line from Song of Secrets). That's seeing hundreds (thousands?) years into the future – a feat I can only ascribe to the influence of an extremely powerful Unmade

    • Sja-anat seems to be the Unmade whose additional powers correspond to the Truthwatcher Order and she was the most feared amongst them. We've seen her corrupt two kinds of sentient spren: Truthwatcher and Oathgate spren. Of these, only the former get a new, distinctive Surge variant, which I think might be caused by their direct Connection to Sja-anat herself (she definitely has a Connection to her lesser spren “children” as she can communicate with people through them)
    • Voidbinding is very mysterious, but (based on chart similarity with Surgebinding) I would assume that it requires a permanent bond with sapient Voidspren. We also know that Voidbinding typically originates with the Unmade and is somehow similar to the Old Magic.  How could all of this fit together? Unmade being Truthwatcher spren offers a solution, I think: once you bond an Unmade permanently, your spiritweb and body gets seriously and visibly corrupted (think of Amaram and Aesudan) and you get a Spritual Progression ability to corrupt others in a similar way, allowing them to bond Voidspren permanently
  18. 18 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

    We know for sure that Bondsmith dont have maching Unmade.

    Yes, but we know from Syl's Interlude (RoW spoilers) that


    Bondsmiths existed on Ashyn long before Nahel Bond was discovered and it seems that their powers came from the Dawnshards

    That, I believe, could be the explanation behind BAM's sudden overpowered Bondsmith abilities.

    As for the classification - I think that, in a way, several different Unmade/Order matches could be correct, as Odium might have given a corrupted spren of one type a power associated with another Order or even give a power of one Order to several Unmade. We don't really know, I was focusing on an attempt to discover the original corrupted spren here.

    I would still argue that Sja-anat corresponds to Truthwatchers though :) Her power is about spiritweb modification (Progression) and she calls it Enlightening (which invokes Illumination)

  19. 19 minutes ago, Innovation said:

    I agree with all of these. However, Ba-Ado-Mishram was said to have “Connected with the Parsh people.” Connection is a Bondsmith ability, and Ba-Ado-Mishram “provided the enemy with voidlight.” Dalinar can provide stormlight to his radiants. As for cousinspren, this could actually be a voidspren of some kind, considering the BAM seems to be associated with voidlight and forms of power. 

    Yeah, he abilities are surprisingly similar to Dalinar's even though there is supposed to be no Bondsmith Unmade. Given recent information from Syl's Interlude, I think there's another explanation for this (discussed here, RoW spoilers). This is actually the reason why I decided to look past the Unmade abilities and concentrate on their behavior :)

  20. To put it shortly: this is yet another attempt at matching the Unmade with corresponding KR Orders based on the cousin spren of these Orders (an idea very similar to the one originally presented in this thread). I based my analysis on two assumptions, which I believe lead to some interesting results:

    • The powers that the Unmade grant when bonding with humans/Singers might match the original KR Order, but it's not 100% reliable, as Odium might have tweaked these powers for his own purpose
    • We should rather look at the characteristics of cousin spren (how they behave, what are they attracted to, how they look and sound) and search for similar patterns amongst the Unmade

    Here is what I was able to find. Please note that the list will become more and more speculative as we go, and (because we know only a few cousin spren) I tried to search for similarities between lesser spren as well:

    Re-Shephir – Lightweavers, obviously. Shallan states that explicitly and there are clear similarities between how Re-Shehir and the creationspren act

    Yelig-Nar – Windrunners, once again quite obvious. The windspren are rather mischievous and often play pranks on people (e.g. sticking shoes to stone) and they can mimic people's voices. Once you look past things like growing crystals from the host's body and granting all ten Surges, you can see that Yelig-Nar is essentially an extremely malicious and powerful version of a windspren – for example, he broke into Nohadon's chancery and killed all the scribes (probably burning books as well) and he is apparently “accompanied by the wails of those he consumed” (vocal mimicry)

    As for the Edgedancers, it seems that their cousin spren are the lifespren. Is there an Unmade that would match them? The only candidate I can think of is Chemoarish. She is actually often conflated with the Nightwatcher (a connection with Cultivation and cultivationspren) and is called Dustmother – and the lifespren look like motes of glowing green dust or swarms of tiny, translucent insects. This is very speculative, obviously, but I think that (instead of typical Dustbringer associations) Chemoarish might represent something like a swarm of locusts. Devouring plants (which attract the lifespren) and causing famine (not all lands have access to Soulcasters, after all) seems like a fitting ability for an Edgedancer Unmade (and the biblical plague connotations fit the overall mythology of Roshar as well)

    We know only one more type if cousin spren (glorypspren) and it's useless because it is the one for Bondsmiths. However, the official Herald portraits show them with the cousin spren and we now have a portrait for Taln. He is surrounded by yellow-orange spren, which are unfortunately pictured as rather formless. Could these be flamespren or painspren? The latter would really work well thematically for Taln and Stonewards in general. If that is the case, the best fitting Unmade would probably be Nergaoul

    I'm really waiting for the three remaining Herald portraits from RoW, but in the meantime I can think of some lesser spren that could potentially be cousin spren and match some of the Unmade:

    Moelach, for example, seems to work in a way that reminds me of the deathspren. Both are attracted to death, obviously, and the voices of the deathspren are “whispers, scratchy sounds like paper being torn” which shows some similarity to the quote from Jezrien: “Moelach is close. I can hear his wheezing, his scratching, his scraping at time like a rat breaking through walls.”. If deathspren are indeed cousin spren, my best guess for the Order would be the Dustbringers. It would provide a nice contrast to the Edgedancers and their lifespren, plus deathspren work well linguistically with the whole Dustbringer/Ashspren terminology (“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”). Not to mention that the Dustbringers might be, on average, the deadliest Order of the KR

    I've seen theories on the forum suggesting that the rainspren might be the cousin spren for Skybreakers (based on the contrast with Windrunners). They are associated with the Weeping and w know from Puuli's interlude that the fishermen work especially hard during that time. That might be scraping the bottom of the barrel, but if the line “Let me no longer hurt! Let me no longer weep! Dai-gonarthis! The Black Fisher holds my sorrow and consumes it!” offers some hidden clue, that might be it

    The Inkspren value logic greatly, and I would assume that the cousin spren of Elsecallers might be related to that (logicspren maybe?). Ba-Ado-Mishram was “said to have been keen of mind, a highprincess among the enemy forces, their commander during some of the Desolations” and I believe she would fit here quite well

    Sja-anat seems to have so many clues linking her to Truthwatchers that I would be surprised if she matched any other Order, which leaves us with Ashertmarn corresponding to the Order of Willshapers

  21. 18 minutes ago, Watchcry said:

    Against teleportation: Kalak didn't use it in the Way of Kings prologue. If he could teleport,  he would have been among the first at the rendezvous point to abandon his honorblade. Instead he was the very last. 

    I think Kalak might've simply been out of Stormlight, particularly given how inefficient Honorblades are in that regard

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