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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I think that is probably the case, but I don’t think the properties could also be manipulated. The only reason wyndle’s blade isn’t sharp is that he has dulled it, but even then I think the properties still were the same.
  2. No, they are made for different purposes, even though they are the same metal. One is for slicing and stuff, while the other is for protecting. The shardblade also has the unique property of killing both the phisical and cognitive part of you. Shardblades don’t have the capabilities to crack or give you extra speed and power, because they are different functionally, even if they are made of the same thing.
  3. Smart! That solves the problem, then! Harmonium theories for the win!!!
  4. I’m no economist, but I am interested in the amount of money I can get from loose cloth in my tum. So I want to know, how much would belly button lint make you? I do need to know the context in which the quote was said. It said something like “and don’t get me started on the economics of belly button lint” I forgot what he was talking about at first, but there is implications that the belly button lint is worth more than that thing. Do you think we could find the worth of belly button lint?
  5. Koloss17

    Cadmium uses

    I gotta say I’m losing it from the how small you can make a bible.
  6. Yes, lightweaving would be stolen. We don’t know the bind points or what spikes would be used to steal it, but we know it can be stolen.
  7. I believe it was discussed in a WoB, but I can’t find it. I believe the answer was a nope.
  8. So why doesn’t untie me work, but untie does? this is what I am wonderin: why do some verbal commands work but others don’t.
  9. Hemalurgy is a bit more complicated than the other two. It involves physically ripping a piece of someone’s spiritual spiderweb from them. this would probably need a phisical thing ripping it. But it could try to rip others, causing a lot of pain and possingly offsetting their spiritual spiderweb, kind of like Szeth’s, I believe. the primer cube device I think only when it does and doesn’t activate, the effect is from the ettmetal. but it could help the explosion part. i don’t believe it stores the ability, I think it just poofs, which would give a atium Ferring immortality and a way to make someone else get aged or un aged out of existence. I think how the inserting part of hemalurgy works is that it rips a bit more of your spiderweb, filling it with the spiked spiderweb. Ettmetal’s effect might make it so that others and your spiritual spiderweb will get a bit detached, which might be a problem. maybe Sazed had made a way to safely do this, making everyone happy, but who knows.
  10. i think that he doesn’t go from bad to good, because he just did what the holy stonebearer says he does he then has an existential crisis and actually makes a choice in his life on his own, so he served Dalinar.
  11. That seems hard to pull off, but it could work if you got past some hurdles a primer spike would still contain ettmetal, meaning it could still explode. Would the Hemalurgic taking effect last long? I wouldn’t think it would, meaning you would need to spike yourself fast, but that might unleash extra hemalurgy to other people around you. but I do think you would need to physically rip someone’s spiderweb with a spike, so it might not work after all.
  12. Is there a secret or key to a command workin, even if it is visualized to do the same thing? Or is there no known rhyme or reason to such a thing?
  13. I was wondering: what are the rules in which commands work? There are simple commands and not so simple commands. How would you know if a command you give would work? I thought at first that the reason some things don’t work is because they are abstract ideas, but “protect me” is one of the simplest out there. maybe it has to do with how clear the message is? Protect me is very clear; if someone attacks me, stop them from harming me. But then again, what counts as harming?
  14. What about sentient awakened objects? Is there a secret to making those? Or is it one of the many mysteries of warbreaker?
  15. Would blood actually make it explode though? Doesn’t it only explode in contact with water?
  16. So how about returned? They are basically CS stapled with a divine breath. Kelsier made the BoM, so he was able to use allomancy somehow.
  17. Thank you so very much, I will fix this.
  18. No, it steals one from each magic system that person is harnessing. if they are a twinborn, you take both abilities if you are a L-mistborn Lightweaver, you take an allomantic ability and one surge
  19. So I just thought of something! For atium, you steal one ability hemalurgically, and with lerasium, you steal all of the abilities! This is like the allomancy/ Feruchemy thing! You can only have one or all but what makes this better is that there is one way for you to have two abilities: if you are a twinborn. so what if harmonium hemalurgically steals one of each ability from a magic system! one from Feruchemy, one for allomancy, one for surgebinding, and so on! i feel like this has some merit and I’m losing my spheres/marbles!
  20. Do windwhisperers get to the point where a loud noise would make them unconscious, or does the Feruchemy also come with helping them deal with that? also do they have to dampen or increase all of their senses or just one?
  21. Do lifeless need a passcode? if a misting is revived as a lifeless, will they still have their powers? if a misting comes back as a returned, will they still have powers? what does storing a divine breath in a Nicrosil mind do? how does buying breath work? can you store individual breath in an object? So like four or 27?
  22. Welcome to the shard @Artoxic_Flame! My personal favorite is probably the scaldrial magic system, but I love the creatures and races and cultures of Roshar for the extreme creativity and complexity of the planet that is so confusing I would need a Coppermind to store it all in. What’s yours?
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