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Posts posted by Koloss17

  1. @Honorless, I always recognize you as the shard busybody. You are always online and I swear you are on every post. I don’t know how you do it! No wonder you have so much reputation in nine months! And many thanks for the mention. I didn’t know if I made much of a difference here on the shard. 

    I also really like this thread, mainly because people don’t get enough compliments. I mean, guys get none. compliments Are going to stick with us that way. Even the smallest counts. It’s also good to recognize people’s accomplishments, especially in an online setting. 

  2. tread carefully; there contains spoilers for both the whole of the stormlight archive and mistborn ahead.


    I thought of this a while ago, mainly thinking that their names are fairly similar. But there is a lot more than I thought.

    they are both slaves that are natural leaders that survived what was believed impossible.

    they both have scars that are integral to their identity 

    they both create a group of people that share The same Magical capabilities They have

    They both have close allies of another race that are perceived by others as untrustworthy 

    they are both one of the few people that have done extensive traversing of the cognitive realm

    some of these apply to one more than the other and I don’t think it has much significance within world, but I like to draw the connections. I’m sure I missed something as well, so feel free to add on.


  3. My brother thought that that was likely the case. I feel that it would be a bit strange, because it would make sense for honor, but not odium. Odium’s shard number is ten, like some other shard’s number

    mistborn spoilers


    Preservation’s is 16

    Warbreaker spoilers


    Endowment’s is 5

    I think that each shard has their own number, so a splinter of odium making the tenth unmade would make sense for honor, but not odium. Also a splinter of odium that bonds with one of honor’s radiants doesn’t make too much sense.

    but we have seen an unmade side with a radiant before, so it might make sense.

    i think it fits some patterns but breaks others.

  4. I kinda like the idea of having stuff like destiny 2 where you have big missions and then an open world with side missions.

    The side missions could give items, possibly stuff like a shardplate or honorblade or something, but most likely those would come in the main missions. The side missions would mainly give decisions that would decide your radiant order.

    the missions would be like the plot and the big stuff like swearing your radiant ideals. 

  5. Let’s talk about precognitive dreams. Deja reve. That weird thing where you dream about a few “frames” of life or a few lines of dialogue, then immediately forget it. Then that “scene” happens in real life a week or so later.

    it’s weird.

    and I’m fairly sure that there is no scientific evidence or reason of its existence. 

    but I’ve had them. Multiple times.

    This sounds like some weird kinda healing crystals or conspiracy theory type of stuff, but it’s not. 

    I’m wondering how many others experience this or have an answer to it, cuz I don’t.

  6. 5 hours ago, earthexile said:

    It looks really cool, but I'm talking myself out of buying it because it really seems too complex for my typical gaming group. If there's a solitaire way to play it though...

    It is fairly simple to play once the info is taken in, and it comes in competitive, co-op, and solo. Now it can take up to 2 hours if you play a full four person group with slower players, but it’s very enjoyable.

  7. I believe this is not a thread yet and this is in the right place

    what is everyone’s thoughts on the stormlight archive call to adventure? I know its a bit early since it was very recently made and received by people that preordered. 

    I thought it was a great game by itself as well as having nice references to the book. I was very glad that the game box looked like a book, as well as being the rough thickness of a Brandon Sanderson book. I liked the art done for sure. It really gave the looks of Roshar and it’s magics.  I also liked the small detail of having different broams and marks in each of the playing mats. It did have some big spoilers for the books, unlike the name of the wind edition, which was slightly problematic for those of my family who didn’t read WoR or OB yet. 

  8. I was wondering if there is any continuity or plot holes within the cosmere. I’m fairly sure there isnt any major ones, but maybe there’s some minor ones. I know there’s quite a few metal using hiccups within the mistborn series, but I’m fairly sure they’re not major. I don’t know about the rest of the canonical cosmere though. Its so big that there’s bound to be a few, but Brandon also has things so darned planned out that I also wouldn’t be suprised if there is none.

  9. 2 hours ago, Staenbridge said:

    I'd totally go around introducing random idiosyncrasies to planets; stuff like taking some breeding pairs of Ryshadium to Scadrial, installing a few of Kalad's Phantoms in a random Rosharan palace as "Herald statues" with a complex series of Commands to make them attack everything around them in some one-in-a-billion situation. 

    Oh yeah, also race Hoid in playing Pokemon with the magic systems. I've already got a gameplan sorted. 

    The Metallic Arts are by far the easiest, as for about a thousand years we know where some lerasium beads are, and then for quite a while after that we have the Bands of Mourning sitting around (terribly sorry there Wax). Probably your next easiest will be BioChroma, because you can buy breaths in the Cognitive Realm. After that, you're a full Mistborn, full Feruchemist, and a well-endowed (heh) Awakener, so you now are difficult to kill™. This gives you the freedom to go and try to pick up the more labour-intensive magic systems, such as convincing a spren to like you or nabbing one of the Shin's national treasures. 

    Oh, and most importantly I'd invent instant noodles on Scadrial, and plant some myth about how it's bad luck to serve them to anyone who looks like Hoid. 

    Oh my lawd. You are a legend. You seem like you were born to answer this question. Wow. I commend thee.

  10. If you had a tardis within the cosmere (tardis being a time and space machine that automatically translates other languages into one you can understand), what would be your bucket list?

    I think mine would be to find out what the heck Hoid is up to, hang out with nightblood, and talk with elend about books.

  11. I have the same problem. I am driven nuts by the secrets of feruchemical nicrosil. 90 percent of the time I am told “we really don’t know” but from what I have gathered, it does this;

     It stores your personal spiderweb basically. Every person within the cosmere has a spiritual spiderweb , which is what allows you to tap into a shard’s power to use your ability. Nicrosil is essentially giving a bit of that ability to whomever taps it, allowing them to use the metal that the medallion is melded with. You are basically giving a bit of your magical* capabilities to others. I assume you need to have an unkeyed nicrosilmind to make it work, but that’s the basic gist of it. (Like what the pal above me just mentioned)

    I was lead off trail by the  coppermind and the allomancy chart, where one said it stored investiture and the other said it stored your ability to use your abilities. 

    Now there are some unexpected things, like what the heck exisors are, but hopefully this will be explained in wax and Wayne 4, which is hopefully coming out in a year or two. 

    Now nicrosilminds could be useful for other places within the cosmere, such as

    Warbreaker stuff (spoilers)


    Storing breaths, which cling to your spiderweb happily, but would be overall useless for this purpose, because you can give breath to any object through sad spells. This would only be useful for compounders.

    Sel stuff (spoilersish)


    Elantrans (maybe) 

    White sand (spoilersish)


    The strength of your sand mastery (maybe)


    Hopes this helps you on your quest to find answers to the cosmere’s mysteries!

  12. I love the idea of a world where science and magic intertwine, and finding out how to make technology based on the magic is so cool! I just feel like exploiting the hypothetical in every possible way is awesome and should be done. That is what I love about adding new rules to a world: having it mix with the understood. I am personally happy with both techno and non techno fantasy worlds.

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