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Everything posted by RossMurdock

  1. Sorry to disappoint but I am just starting The Way of Kings. I really did start with YA Andre Norton and progressed up to Foundation,etc. I really like LOR, the Foundation series and admit to reading Wheel every 12-18 months. I'll get back to you about Kings, am really looking forward to exploring Sanderson's worlds.
  2. The Bowl of the Winds took female power from the chanellers and drew male power from the environment. This was "unnatural" and affected power around the farm. The spell was so powerful that it lingered for days around the farm. There could also be some influence from the weave that was only partially unwoven and exploded.
  3. Cuendillar may not protect against True Power. It did shatter the male collar. We don't know the reason the seals failed. They were weakened when the dark lord became stronger and had greater influence in the world.
  4. Hello, I am probably older than your parents but I have been reading Sci-fi since I was ten. A friend suggested the Sanderson fan site. Norton, Asimov, and Heinlein were my first introduction and I have trying to expand my experience since grade school. Hope I can add to the discussions.
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